57 research outputs found

    karst springs of apennines typified by upwelling flux

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    The hydraulic phenomenon of upwelling, affecting several karst springs of Apennines, has been investigated through piezometric data at different depth and chemical-physical data of springs water. Three different springs in Campania region were analyzed (Serino, Grassano and Caposele springs), characterized by three different groundwater schemes, but with the same upwelling phenomena at the springs. Some data (spring discharge and piezometric levels) have been acquired from the municipal waterwork,. Other data (physical-chemical parameters and Radon values (222Rn)) have been collected ad hoc in spring waters, included the spring discharges of Grassano springs. All the data pointed out that karst springs considered are fed by groundwater flux that locally is vertical. This features, common to others springs of Apennines, can be relevant in the realization of the tapping work, in their maintenance and for the definition of the protection area of the springs

    Report on first inflight data of bepicolombo’s mercury orbiter radio-science experiment

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    BepiColombo’s Mercury Orbiter Radio-science Experiment (MORE) was conceived to enable extremely accurate radio tracking measurements of the Mercury Planetary Orbiter to precisely determine the gravity field and rotational state of Mercury, and to test theories of gravitation (e. g. Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity). The design accuracy of the radio tracking data was 0.004 mm/sec (at 1000 s integration time) for range-rate measurements and 20 cm for range (at a few seconds of integration time). These accuracies are attained due to a combination of simultaneous two-way microwave links at X (7.2-8.4 GHz) and Kaband (32-34 GHz) to calibrate the dispersive plasma noise component. In this letter, we present the first analysis of range and range-rate data collected by ESA’s deep space antenna (DSA) during the initial cruise phase of BepiColombo. The novel 24 Mcps pseudo-noise (PN) modulation of the Ka-band carrier, enabled by MORE’s Ka-band Transponder (KaT), built by Thales Alenia Space Italy, provided two-way range measurements to centimeterlevel accuracy, with an integration time of 4.2 s at 0.29 astronomical units. In tracking passes with favorable weather conditions, range-rate measurements attained an average accuracy of 0.01 mm/s at 60 s integration time. Data from 20 to 24 May 2019 were combined in a multi-pass analysis to test the link stability on a longer timescale. The results confirm the noise level observed with the single-pass analysis and provide a preliminary indication that the MORE PN ranging system at 24 Mcps is compatible with the realization of an absolute measurement, where the need to introduce range biases in the orbital fit is much more limited than in the past. We show that in the initial cruise test the BepiColombo radio link provided range measurements of unprecedented accuracy for a planetary mission, and that, in general, all target accuracies for radio-metric measurements were exceeded

    Tectono-stratigraphic and kinematic evolution of the southern Apennines/Calabria–Peloritani Terrane system (Italy)

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    We provide kinematic analysis of southern Apeninnes/CPT tectonic evolution We grouped preorogenic and foredeep successions in nine kinematic complexes We furnish a Late Oligocene to recent western Mediterranean paleogeography evolution We analyzed shortening estimations, rotations and tectonic vergence

    Tectono-stratigraphic and kinematic evolution of the southern Apennines/Calabria-Peloritani Terrane system (Italy)

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    We provide kinematic analysis of southern Apeninnes/CPT tectonic evolution We grouped preorogenic and foredeep successions in nine kinematic complexes We furnish a Late Oligocene to recent western Mediterranean paleogeography evolution We analyzed shortening estimations, rotations and tectonic vergence

    The dismembering of the Adria platforms following the Late Cretaceous-Eocene abortive rift: a review of the tectono-stratigraphic record in the southern Apennines

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    We present a review of the Maastrichtian-Miocene tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the southern Apennines. Starting from the Late Cretaceous, a large part of the Africa-Adria domain, from Lybia to Italy, was affected by an abortive rift event. In the Maastrichtian-Eocene interval, it caused the dismembering of the Apennine and Apulian platforms. The rifting, accompanied by anorogenic magmatism and a severe extension, triggered the drowning of some shallow-water realms with the sedimentation of slope-to-basin deposits. Synchronously, the surrounding pre-existing slope-basin areas were the location of a widespread calciclastic supply. We described the stratigraphic records of this event in several key places of the southern Apennines and compared them to the corresponding rocks in Sicily, central Apennines, and Dinarids. The reconstructed Maastrichtian-Eocene palaeogeographic map shows remnants of the Apennine and Apulian platforms again in shallow-water conditions or forming emerged areas, surrounded by slope-to-deep basin sectors. We propose a depositional model where the exposed Mesozoic carbonates were eroded, producing a calciclastic supply deposited in the drowned carbonate domains and the pre-existing surrounding basins. Along the slope, the calciclastic sediments deposited as aprons at the toe of fault scarps and as isolated debris and channel-fan deposits up to the deep basin. Scaglia-type successions are also present, characterized by a mix of calcareous and clayey sediments. Finally, calciclastic turbidites and isolated calciruditic bodies are intercalated with widespread clayey deposits in the deep basin

    Sedimentology, stratigraphy and tectonics of evolving wedge-top depozone: Ariano Basin, southern Apennines, Italy

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    The late Zanclean wedge-top Ariano Basin, located in the external sector of the southern Apennines, was initially characterized by alluvial and fan-delta environments and successively, southward of Benevento-Buonalbergo fault, by a gradual drowning with coastal and alluvial plains evolving to shelf and marine coastal settings, respectively. Basin evolution continued with a synsedimentary uplift of different sectors resulting in variations in the drainage pattern and basin shape, and ultimately leading to complete basin closure and transition to continental depositional environments. Early Pliocene palaeogeography, previous the Ariano Basin activity, is due to regional subsidence and subsequent differential uplifts resulted from geodynamic processes related to both the downgoing Apulian slab and the allochthonous orogenic wedge. Slab break off and the migration of a tear in the southeastward Apulian slab occurred, producing a strong subsidence in the external sectors of the southern Apennines recorded by the development of the Ariano Basin. Subsequently out-of-sequence synsedimentary thrusting, related to thin-skinned tectonics, occurred in the allochthonous units and unconformably overlying wedge-top basin deposits, producing northeastward migration of the main depocenters in the Ariano Basin. Finally renewed thrusting, related to the inversion of pre-existing normal faults located in the buried Apulian Platform and enhanced by regional uplift, affected the whole tectonic and sedimentary pile, as recorded by deformation of the overlying Pliocene deposits
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