2,674 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Lembaga Unit Ekonomi Desa Simpan Pinjam ( UED SP ) Kayu Beimbai Desa Teluk Bunian Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat )

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    Institutions of economic unit village savings and loans ( EUD SP ) beimbai timber bay village districts bunian pelangeran kabupaten Indragiri downstream are microfinance institutions ( MFIS) which is in the form of the village / village though consensus to manage the funds of rural enterprises ( DUD ) and funds derived of the activities of savings and loan society beimbai wood bunian.ada bay village was doing agency business in the economic unit village savings and loans ( UED SP ) beimbai timber bay village bunian is managing the funds of rural enterprises and lending money to people who do business either indivudually economy or even in groups. as an institutions based community empowerment such as savings and loan institution economy unit village / village savings and loans ( UED SP ) paddle beimbai bay village bunian become a frontline in helping economic enterprise communities for more admanced and independentin achieving welfare, also has the function to economic empowerment of the poor so that they com out for the vicious circle of poverty. Based on the phenomenon and the writers observation regarding the institutions of economic unit village savings and loans ( UED SP ) beimbai wood bunian bay village has a strategic role in assisting the process of economic improvement masyarakat.melalui economic empowerment in order to achieve the goal of making the community development seutuhnya.and achieve the ideals bunian bay village districts downstream pelangeran Indragiri districts in improving the welfare of society.Keywords: Institutions savings and loans helping economi

    The size of the core in assignment markets

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    Assignment markets involve matching with transfers, as in labor markets and housing markets. We consider a two-sided assignment market with agent types and stochastic structure similar to models used in empirical studies, and characterize the size of the core in such markets. Each agent has a randomly drawn productivity with respect to each type of agent on the other side. The value generated from a match between a pair of agents is the sum of the two productivity terms, each of which depends only on the type but not the identity of one of the agents, and a third deterministic term driven by the pair of types. We allow the number of agents to grow, keeping the number of agent types fixed. Let nn be the number of agents and KK be the number of types on the side of the market with more types. We find, under reasonable assumptions, that the relative variation in utility per agent over core outcomes is bounded as O∗(1/n1/K)O^*(1/n^{1/K}), where polylogarithmic factors have been suppressed. Further, we show that this bound is tight in worst case. We also provide a tighter bound under more restrictive assumptions. Our results provide partial justification for the typical assumption of a unique core outcome in empirical studies

    Linkages Between Value Based Performance Measurements and Risk Return Trade Off: Theory and Evidence

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    In this study we attempt to investigate the linkages between value-based performance measurements and risk-return trade off in a way to explain cross sectional asset returns. On the side of value based performance measurements, three groups of variables are used as a sorting factor: traditional measures which consist of accounting based and market based; recently popularized measures such as Economic Value Added and Market Value Added and theoretically sound measures such as foreign investor allocation and firm systematic risk indicators. The goals of the study are (i) to show how value based measurements techniques relate to risk return trade off and (ii) how these measures affect the cross sectional asset returns in manufacturing industry. Empirical results indicate that foreign investor allocation as a sorting factor produces much more meaningful risk return positive linear relation for cross sectional asset returns than traditional and recently popularized measures.Asset pricing; risk; Value Added Measures; emerging markets.

    Hardware commissioning

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    Sector Test - Preparation Hardware Commissioning

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