16 research outputs found

    Fresh Water Resources in the Natura 2000 Pricop-Huta Certeze and Tisa Superioară Protected Areas

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    The Transcarpatic Basin which includes the Maramureş Basin (and within it the PHCTS area) is the largest intra-Carpathian lowland area, structured on a substrate with different geology, consisting in igneous rocks and crystalline schists, in the high areas and sandstones, conglomerates, marl, clay and sands in the central lower part. These features along with important rainfall amounts (up to 1800 mm in Ukrainian side) create conditions for a surplus in water resources budget, along with extreme hydrological events which are becoming very common. The average discharge values in PCHTS area go up to 40 l/s.km2 in high mountain area, while in the lowland space the values are around to 5 l/s.km2. Although, the surface water resource is plentiful its capitalization is facing serious problems due to pollution of various origins, from the one related to former mining activities, to those linked to the existence of human habitats which provides different residues. As for the underground water resource, the relatively impermeable substrate creates poor conditions for reserves accumulation and gives unfavorable chemical properties for accumulated water. Overall, water balance is in surplus with rainfall values nearly double compared to the drainage ones and aridity index values which barely exceed 0.5

    The transpleurodiaphragmatic laparoscopic approach of liver hydatid cysts of VII TH segment

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    Clinica Chirurgie II, Spitalul Clnic de Urgență, Sibiu, Spitalul Militar de Urgență, Sibiu, Departamentul de Imagistică Medicală, Spitalul Clnic de Urgență, Sibiu, Clinica ATI I, Spitalul Clnic de Urgență, Sibiu, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Localizarile chistelor hepatice, cu precadere a chistelor hidatice hepatice în sectorul posterior, respectiv, segmentul VII, dificil de abordat în chirurgia „conventionaăa” deschisă sau laparoscopică, care frecvent necesită sacrificii parietale semnificative, uneori adevarate „demolări”, poate beneficia de un abord laparoscopic atipic, securizat, cu rezultate bune atât pentru pacient cât și pentru chirurg, cu un impact minimal, ce favorizeaza o vindecare repidă și o reintegrare socioprofesională precoce. Abordul transpleurodiafragmatic utilizand „Dispozitivul pentru aspirația chistului hidatic hepatic sau al chistului de ovar” (OSIM Brevet 120809/30.04.2008, Inventator – Dan Sabau) în asociere cu dispozitivul de fragmentare a continutului chistic, cu performanțe deosebite (OSIM Brevet no. 120810/30.04.2008, INventator - Dan Sabau) este cea mai adecvată metodă de soluționare a problemelor generate de această localizare posterioară, care devine astfel accesibilă pentru chirurgi, chiar și cu o minimă experiență în chirurgia laparoscopică sau toracoscopică. Numarul relatic redus de cazuri (3), nu permite decât formularea unor concluzii preliminare asupra metodei, care rămâne să fie validată de rezultate ulterioare.The localizations of liver cysts, and particularly of hydatid cysts, in the posterior hepatic dome (segment VII), difficult to approach in “conventional” open or laparoscopic surgery, with significant parietal sacrifices and “demolition”, require a secure atypical laparoscopic approach, with positive results for both patient and surgeon, with minimal impact, with social and professional reintegration and faster healing. Transpleurodiaphragmatic laparoscopic approach using the “Device for aspiration of liver hydatid cyst or ovarian cyst” (OSIM 120809/30.04.2008 Patent – Dan Sabau) associated with the remarkable performances of the fragmentation device for hydatid cyst content (OSIM Patent no. 120810/30.04.2008 - Dan Sabau) is the best way to approach these problems, accessible for surgeons with minimum experience in laparoscopic and thoracic surgery. The relatively low number of cases allows only the formulation of preliminary positive conclusions on the method; they are to be validated by subsequent results

    Investigation of Corrosion Protection by Chemically Applied Patina on Artistic Bronzes

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    Increase of pollution in recent years, requires monitoring of the corrosion behavior of artistic bronzes coated with syntetic patina, in urban atmosphere. This present work aims to investigate the corrosion rezistance of various artificial patina currently used in bronze sculpture. Electrochemical and microscopic methods were used to investigate the protective effect of several chemically produced patinas on artistic bronze

    Laparoscopic treatment for perforated duodenal ulcer

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    Clinica de Chirurgie 2, UMF “Victor Babeș” Timișoara, Clinica de Chirurgie, UMF ”Carol Davila”, București, Clinica de Chirurgie 2, UMF ”Grigore T Popa”, Iași, Clinica de Chirurgie 2, Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea ”Ovidius”, Constanța, Clinica de Chirurgie 2, Facultatea de Medicina, Sibiu, Clinica de Chirurgie 1, UMF ”Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj- Napoca, Departamentul de Chirurgie I, Facultatea de Medicină, UMF Craiova, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Acest studiu retrospectiv evaluează rezultatele tratamentului laparoscopic în ulcerul duodenal perforat și este realizat în 7 spitale cu experiență în chirurgia laparoscopica din România. Material și metode: Între anii 2006 și 2013, 297 pacienți (48 femei, 249 bărbați) cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 77 ani au fost supuși intervenției chirurgicale laparoscopice pentru ulcer duodenal perforat, cu utilizarea a 3 (61%), 4 (29%) sau 5 (10%) trocare. Șaizeci și doi (21%) dintre pacienți au prezentat o formă ușoară, 190 (64,1%) au prezentat o formă moderată și 45 (14,9%) o formă severă de peritonită. Procedurile utilizate au fost: sutura simplă – 118 (39,8%) pacienți, sutura cu epiplonoplastie – 176 (59,5%), doar epiplonoplastie – 1 (0,3%) pacient, excizie și sutură – 1 (0,3%) pacient. Rezultate: Durata intervențiilor a fost între 30 și 120 minute, cu o medie de 65 minute. Mortalitatea a fost nulă. Complicații: infecții parietale – 3 (1%), fistule duodenale – 3 (1%), abcese abdominale – 2 (0,6%), hemoragii digestive – 1 (0,3%) și stenoza duodenală – 1 (0,3%). Durata medie de spitalizare – 5,5 zile. În comparație cu tehnica clasica, pacienții au necesitat mai puține analgetice și antibiotice, cu 80% mai puține pansamente și au avut cu 70% mai puține infecții parietale în evoluția postoperatorie. Concluzii: Tratamentul laparoscopic pentru ulcerul duodenal perforat, este recomandat chiar și în cazurile cu peritonită severă, evoluția postoperatorie fiind cu mai puține complicații și cu o recuperare mai rapidă fața de procedura clasică. Aceast abord poate fi considerat “standard de aur” în tratamentul ulcerului duodenal perforat.Introduction: This retrospective study evaluates results of the laparoscopic treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer obtained in 7 centers with experience in laparoscopic surgery from Romania. Material and methods: A total of 297 (48 women and 249 men) patients with perforated duodenal ulcer underwent laparoscopic intervention between 2006 and 2013, with ages 18 to 77 years. Three (61%), 4 (29%) or 5 (10%) trocars were used. In 62 patients (21%) was diagnosed mild form of peritonitis, in 190 (64.1%) – moderate and in 45 (14.9%) – severe peritonitis. Types of repair used in this study: simple suture – 118 (39.8%) patients, suture with omental patch – 176 (59.5%), only sutured omental patch – 1 (0.3%), excision and suture – 1 (0.3%) patient. Results: Operation time was between 30 and 120 min, with average of 65 min. Mortality rate was zero. Complications: parietal infections – 3 (1%), duodenal fistula – 3 (1%), intraabdominal abscesses – 2 (0.6%), digestive bleeding – 1 (0.3%) and duodenal stenosis – 1 (0.3%). Average length of hospital stay – 5.5 days. Patients treated using laparoscopic technique needed less analgesics, antibiotics, 80% less dressing procedures and had 70% less surgical site infections in comparison to traditional operation. Conclusions: Laparoscopic treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer can be recommended even for patients with severe peritonitis. This treatment is associated with fewer complications and more rapid recovery than traditional intervention. Laparoscopic repair can be considered “gold standard” in the treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer

    Distributed Control of Descriptor Networks: A Convex Procedure for Augmented Sparsity

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    For networks of systems, with possibly improper transfer function matrices, we present a design framework which enables H\mathcal{H}_\infty control, while imposing sparsity constraints on the controller's coprime factors. We propose a convex and iterative optimization procedure with guaranteed convergence to obtain distributed controllers. By exploiting the robustness-oriented nature of our proposed approach, we provide the means to obtain sparse representations of our control laws that may not be directly supported by the network's nominal model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Gallbladder strangulation within a recurrent incisional hernia: An unique cause of acute cholecystitis

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    We present a report of a unique surgical entity: acute cholecystitis caused by the gallbladder strangulation within a recurrent right upper quadrant incisional hernia. A previously healthy 39 year-old male patient presented to our Emergency Department with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and a tender mass in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, where an incisional hernia was palpable. He had a history of a gunshot wound to the right upper quadrant and multiple operations to include repairing mesh of the incisional hernia in that area. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated an acutely inflamed gallbladder within the recurrent hernia. Open cholecystectomy and primary hernia repair were performed. Intraoperatively, the gallbladder appeared being strangled within the hernia. The patient recovered uneventfully and no cholelithiasis was observed on gross examination of the gallbladder. Though there have been a few reports of gallbladder strangulation within primary incisional hernia, ours is the first to describe this phenomenon in a recurrent hernia