5 research outputs found

    Requirements for Functional Integration in the Design of Train Stations

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    تمثل محطات القطارات جزءاً هاماً من التاريخ الحضري الحديث، إذ ساعدت المحطات الكبيرة على تكوين الصورة العامة للمدينة التي تقع فيها، وتعد محطات القطارات مناطق توزيع هامة وأماكن تبادل حيث ترتبط أنواع مختلفة من وسائل النقل، وهي مناطق إلتقاء للناس ومراكز تجارية وترفيهية وثقافية، وبسبب الأهمال والتدهور الذي تعانيه المحطات المحلية وخصوصا فيما يتعلق بالجوانب الوظيفية من حيث توفير وسائل الراحة والحركة وأماكن الأنتظار المناسبة، وضعف في تحقيق جوانب الأستدامة في تصميم تلك المحطات،  والذي يؤدي الى ضمور فعاليتها. وجاءت أهمية البحث بالعمل على تطوير تلك المحطات وإنعاشها لتسهم في أداء فعاليتها بشكل متكامل ولتلبي حاجات المسافرين المختلفة وتشجيعهم على أستخدام النقل العام ، لذا فقد تم مناقشة العديد من الدراسات التي تناولت الجوانب الوظيفية في تصميم محطات القطارات بصورة ضمنية أو رئيسية، إلا ان هذه الدراسات اتسمت بالتعددية وعدم الشمولية في طرح المعالجات التصميمية وبذلك تحددت مشكلة البحث المتمثلة بـ " الحاجة الى ايجاد تصور نظري شامل لمتطلبات التكامل الوظيفي في تصميم محطات القطارات المحلية" ليبرز هدف البحث في "بلورة تصور نظري شامل لمتطلبات التكامل الوظيفي في تصميم محطات القطارات المحلية".Train stations are an important part of modern urban history. Large stations have helped to form the public image of the city in which they are located. Train stations are important distribution areas and exchanges where different types of transport are connected. It is a meeting place for people, commercial, recreational and cultural centers, due to the neglect and deterioration of local stations, especially with regard to the functional aspects in terms of providing the necessary amenities, movement and waiting, and weak in achieving the aspects of sustainability in the design of these stations, which leads to the atrophy of their effectiveness. The importance of research to work on the development of these stations and revitalization to contribute to the performance of its effectiveness in an integrated manner and to meet the needs of different travelers and encourage them to use public transport, Therefore, many studies have been discussed that dealt with the functional aspects of the design of train stations implicitly or majorly, Therefore, many studies have been discussed that dealt with the functional aspects of the design of train stations implicitly or majorly, but these studies were characterized by plurality and inclusiveness in the introduction of design treatments. Thus, the research problem of "the need to find a comprehensive theoretical concept of functional integration requirements in the design of local train stations" The aim of the research is to "develop a comprehensive theoretical conception of the requirements of functional integration in the design of local train stations.

    Iraqi parliamentary institution: power sharing in Iraqi Parliament

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    Until now the adoption of consensual democracy otherwise known as power sharing by the Iraqis is still debatable .While many believe that consensual democracy is suitable for the Iraq system of government others believe that consensual democracy is a complete failure which has negatively affected the functional roles of the Iraq parliament.This study therefore, examines the historical challenge affecting the Iraqi parliament with particular focus on the power sharing otherwise known as consensual democracy Due to this, a qualitative data was generated from eight respondents comprising of 2 diplomats, 4 parliament members; 2 staff from political science department in University of Baghdad, Iraq. Over, the finding revealed that consensual democracy is not suitable for Iraq as a system of government.The finding also revealed that the consensual democracy negatively affects the legislative and oversight role of Iraqi parliament and it is responsible for the complete failure of the Iraqi democracy.Discussion on the findings is highlighted with the implication and limitation of the study is equally provided. Until now the adoption of consensual democracy otherwise known as power sharing by the Iraqis is still debatable.While many believe that consensual democracy is suitable for the Iraq system of government others believe that consensual democracy is a complete failure which has negatively affected the functional roles of the Iraq parliament.This study therefore, examines the effect of power sharing on the Iraqi parliamentary institution after Saddam’s regime.It undertakes an in-depth study of face-to-face interview to examine how power sharing affects the Iraqi parliamentary institution

    Exploring the key challenges affecting Iraqi parliamentary institution post remove Saddam Hussein’ regime

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    The parliament in any democratic political system is the main institution that plays an important role in the expression of the citizens' wills and resolution of policy conflict.One of its main functions is to enact laws in accordance with the will of the electorate as well as ensure accountability while paying attention to the interests of diverse groups.Unfortunately, Iraq has not witness any of these from the country’s parliament.As a result, this paper explores the key challenging factors affecting the functional role of the Iraqi parliament.The paper identified historical, external and internal challenges among others as the key challenging factors affecting the Iraqi parliamentary functional roles.The paper contributes to the literature by a way of broaden the knowledge in this area of study with a model to examine the key challenging factors of the functional roles of the Iraqi parliament

    The security challenges and Iraqi parliamentary institutions

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    More than ten years after the invasion of Iraq by the U.S force, the country is still in total shambles. One major factor to this situation is the lack of security which is considered as an indispensable factor to the political system of Iraq as well as to the effective functioning of the Iraqi parliament.As a result, this study therefore, examined the security challenges and the effective functioning of the Iraqi parliament particularly after the Saddam’s era.It undertakes an in-depth study of face-to-face interview to examine how the security issues affect the Iraqi parliamentary institution functions.The finding revealed that the parliament was unable to effectively discharge their functions due to the security challenges such as terrorism and sectarian violence

    Ethic imagination in architecture

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    Research examines the concept of ethical imagination as one of the influential concepts in the architectural design process. Who is known as "the Architect's ability to think according to moral frameworks to become an important source and then to be the task of balancing the poetic and the disciplined imagination to produce an ethical architectural text that benefits the individual and society. ", thus be the research problem (implications of morally imaginative concept in architecture ).So the research aims to explain the basics of moral fiction in architecture, and we are on it. Research assumes that the foundations of moral fiction have an impact on the formulation of the architectural product . For the purpose of addressing the research issue and achieving the objectives of research and verification of its hypothesis, a knowledge framework was first built .Then a comprehensive theoretical framework for the imagination of the moral architecture extracted from the architectural propositions to be finalized in three main indicators is. Principles of moral constructional imagination, the foundations of moral and ethical imagination, moral logic of the Moral imagination architecture. Then apply them to elected projects to illustrate their impact on the architectural output and to arrive at conclusions that show the architectural imagination according its basic