136 research outputs found


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    Setiap perusahaan memiliki proses bisnisnya masing-masing yang berbeda satu sama lain dalam rangka menjalankan roda bisnisnya sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan. Berbagai cara dilakukan perusahaan untuk merealisasikan hal ini seperti halnya implementasi business architecture yang merupakan salah satu dari empat domain fokus dari enterprise architecture. Perbedaan proses bisnis yang diimplementasikan oleh perusahaan ini menyebabkan munculnya permasalahan baru yaitu tidak sepenuhnya proses bisnis yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan telah sesuai dengan apa yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan perusahaan terkait kesediaan dan kesiapan sumber daya sehingga seringkali hanya terkesan terburu-buru dalam mengimplementasikan tanpa memikirkan faktor apakah sebenarnya proses bisnis yang ada sudah terverifikasi dan tervalidasi, hal ini penting dilakukan untuk memastikan proses bisnis yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan adalah proses bisnis yang terjamin dari segi efisiensi aktivitasnya dan tercapainya tujuan dan hasil dari proses bisnis tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini memberikan suatu solusi berupa proses verifikasi dan validasi proses bisnis dengan studi kasus diambil dari sembilan proses bisnis perusahaan PT Bio Farma Fungsi Pengadaan dengan metode petri net berfokus terhadap business architecture dengan menggunakan tools WoPed dalam melakukan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif setiap indikator properti yang digunakan. Sehingga dengan adanya penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran business process dari kondisi eksisting, targeting, hingga yang sudah terverifikasi dan tervalidasi guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas proses bisnis perusahaan. Proses penghasilan proses bisnis baru ini yang sudah terverifikasi dan tervalidasi melalui skema rancangan BPMN melalui Bizagi, Business Process MegaHopex, dan WoPed melalui Petri Net

    Case report on peri-operative surgical and anaesthetic management of ruptured humongous lung abscess

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    Introduction: Early thoracic empyema is usually treated through video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) decortication. Patient selection is important for decortication if an effective surgical outcome is required. Lung isolation techniques are required to provide anesthesia for these patients to facilitate the surgeon while operating on the affected lung. The ultimate target is to protect the non-diseased contra-lateral lung from contamination.Presentation of case: We are presenting a unique case of 20-year-old female, resident of Karachi, who was brought to the emergency room (ER) with signs of sepsis, hypotension, and multi-organ failure. She was brought to the operating room to undergo video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) for lung abscess decortication when her medical therapy had failed. On table decision of right upper lobe resection was made and ventilation strategy had to be modified accordingly.Discussion: The main anaesthetic aim was to protect the healthy parts of the lung from the abscess. Regular suctioning of secretions during surgery via the double lumen tube (DLT) lumen on the diseased side is recommended. While performing VATS, the lung abscess got ruptured and immediate measures to isolate the lung was taken to assist with surgical resection of the affected lobe. Lobectomy can only be done once the lung was completely isolated and maintaining perfusion and ventilation of the relatively healthy lung help in managing hypoxia.Conclusion: Peri-operative management of ruptured lung abscesses required thorough pre-op evaluation, intraoperative lung isolation and ventilation, and postoperative analgesia with combined team effort both surgical and anaesthetic, are vital fundamentals to consider in guaranteeing the best outcome

    Sehat Sahulat Program Effect on Patients Presenting to Secondary Level Hospital in Mardan

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    OBJECTIVES The aim was to find the difference between government and private hospitals at the Mardan secondary level for sehat sahulat card effect on patients for their selection of hospital, dates, and time issues for elective and emergency cases with department facilities. METHODOLOGY This quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted to see the difference between the government and private hospitals for sehat the sahulat program effect on patients. Patients care is important on both sides but to find out the difference where more work should be done to achieve universal global health under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government for the benefit of their people’s health. RESULTS Total patients 10112 visited District Head Quarter (DHQ) hospital from February 2021 to February 2022 while 5672 were in a private hospital in which the ratio for gynaecology was 19 % (854 pts. DHQ) and 31% (1652) private hospital. Medical admissions were 2224 (50%) for a government hospital and none for private while surgical admissions were 1379 (31%) for government and 2665 (50%) for private hospitals. The significant ratio for chi-sq was P<0.5 CONCLUSION Government hospital flow of patients is more than the private sector in admission ratio for medical cases then surgical while private has more flow for surgical admission than medical with all facilities provided on the desk and timely managed at the time of admission. Seniorm consultant’s ratio of surgeries in private is more than in government hospitals

    Antibiotic resistance microbes in tropical mangrove sediments, East Coast Peninsular, Malaysia

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    The study has been conducted at Tanjung Lumpur, mangrove swamp on January 2009 to isolate and identify the bacterial community in mangrove soil and their resistance against antibiotics. Identified bacteria were Aeromonas hydrophila group 1 and 2, Escherichia coli 1, Chryseomonas luteola, Chromobacterium violaceum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia rubudaea, Klebsiella pnuemoniae and Enterobacter cloacae. The identified bacteria were introduced to fourteen different antibiotics to determine the bacterial susceptibility. All the isolates showed 100% resistant towards β-lactam antibiotics (ampicillin, amoxicillin and penicillin), vancomycin, sulphafurazole, gentamicin, erythromycin, tetracycline, novobiocin, clindamycin and bacitracin indicates the presence of bacterial amidases and β-lactamases in the bacteria which inhibit the action of β- lactam antibiotics. Bacteria isolated from mangrove soil showed 66.7 and 77.8% resistance against chloramphenicol and streptomycin, respectively, suggesting that the lipid composition might play a key role in preventing the entrance or binding of antibiotic to the cell. All the isolates were susceptible to ciprofloxacin since it inhibits the enzyme topoisomerase II that cause the negative super coil in DNA and thus permits transcription or replication. All bacterial isolates showed Multi Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) index higher than 0.2 and proved high-risk sources of contamination of the environment. This study proved the presence of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains in mangrove soil that could be used for further studies

    Distribution and diversity of carols on artificial reefs at Pasir Akar and Teluk Kalong, Redang Island, Malaysia

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    Present study was conducted to determine the propagation and biodiversity of corals on artificial reefs at Teluk Kalong and Pasir Akar, Malaysia to check the feasibility of artificial reef to rehabilitate natural reef ecosystems and to provide artificial habitat for marine organisms. Two types of artificial reef deployed in these areas were Dome Reef and EnviroReef which were developed by the Dorken Company. Based on the results obtained, coral distribution was higher at Pasir Akar compared to Teluk Kalong. The Shannon diversity index (H’) and evenness index (EH’) of coral at Teluk Kalong were 0.6425 and 0.1766, respectively while the Shannon diversity index (H’) and Pielou evenness index (EH’) of coral at Pasir Akar were 1.7410 and 0.3247, respectively. Overall, 2 species were found and identified at Teluk Kalong and 10 species were at Pasir Akar with Seriatopora hystrix as the dominant species at both the stations. Coral distribution was higher on Dome Reef compared to EnviroReef. The diversity index (H’) and Pielou evenness index (EH’) of EnviroReef were 0.5359 and 0.1284 respectively while it was 2.2192 and 0.4274, respectively in Dome Reef. A total of 3 and 9 species were found and identified from the EnviroReef and Dome Reef, respectively with Seriatopora hystrix being the dominant in both the reef structures. We conclude that both artificial reefs structures were suitable as habitat for coral propagation

    A Hybrid Duo-Deep Learning and Best Features Based Framework for Action Recognition

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    Human Action Recognition (HAR) is a current research topic in the field of computer vision that is based on an important application known as video surveillance. Researchers in computer vision have introduced various intelligent methods based on deep learning and machine learning, but they still face many challenges such as similarity in various actions and redundant features. We proposed a framework for accurate human action recognition (HAR) based on deep learning and an improved features optimization algorithm in this paper. From deep learning feature extraction to feature classification, the proposed framework includes several critical steps. Before training fine-tuned deep learning models – MobileNet-V2 and Darknet53 – the original video frames are normalized. For feature extraction, pre-trained deep models are used, which are fused using the canonical correlation approach. Following that, an improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO)-based algorithm is used to select the best features. Following that, the selected features were used to classify actions using various classifiers. The experimental process was performed on six publicly available datasets such as KTH, UT-Interaction, UCF Sports, Hollywood, IXMAS, and UCF YouTube, which attained an accuracy of 98.3%, 98.9%, 99.8%, 99.6%, 98.6%, and 100%, respectively. In comparison with existing techniques, it is observed that the proposed framework achieved improved accuracy

    Bacterial communities in Kuantan estuary of Pahang, Malaysia

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    Physicochemical parameters influence the vertical spatial distribution of microbial communities in any water bodies. Based on this perspective, a study on physicochemical parameters and bacterial community was carried out from five stations on January-June 2009 at the Kuantan estuary of Pahang, Malaysia. The temperature was ranged from 25.01-27.48°C, salinity fluctuation observed 0.03-25.84 ppt, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 6.10 to 10.73 mg L-1, specific conductivity ranged from 0.10 to 42.43 mS cm-1, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ranged from 0.05 to 26.36 g L-1) and pH varied from 5.69 to 8.11 and chlorophyll a ranged 0.01 to 1.14 μg L-1. The nitrite concentration was higher at St. 5 (0.19 mg L-1) followed by St. 4 (0.16 mg L-1) and it was lowest at St. 1 (0.13 mg L-1). Similarly, high phosphorus content (0.17 mg L-1) was found at St. 4 followed by St. 5 (0.16 mg L-1) while, it was lowest at St. 1 (0.08 mg L-1). Out of 19 isolated bacteria most dominant bacteria were Citrobacter freundii followed by Leuconostoc sp. and Staphylococcus xylosus. High bacterial colony (cfu mL-1) was observed at St. 4 (570 cfu mL-1) in water column followed by St. 5 (490 cfu mL-1). In contrary, it was lowest at St. 2 (213 cfu mL-1). Meanwhile, the highest bacterial colony in sediment was observed at St. 4 (390 cfu mL-1) followed by St. 5 (333 cfu mL-1). It was lowest observed at St. 2 (167 cfu mL-1). Nevertheless, a continuous monitoring of water quality is needed in this estuary especially at St. 4 and 5 which could be alarming in the long run due to deposition of nutrients from the outlets of fishing villages and industry sources

    General practitioner\u27s knowledge regarding the diagnosis and drug therapy for acute myocardial infarction

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the general practitioners (GP) knowledge regarding the diagnosis and initial drug therapy for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS: A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in randomly selected GPs of Karachi. Doctors working in community as GPs who were registered medical practitioners having a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery degree were included in the study. Doctors working at tertiary care facilities or having a post graduate degree or post graduate training in a specialty other than family medicine were excluded from the study. RESULTS: A total of 186 GPs participated in our study. GPs who studied research journals were 2.33 times more likely to investigate serum cardiac troponins levels for the diagnosis of AMI compared to those who did not study research journals (P = 0.02). Twenty six percent of the GPs said that they would refer a patient with suspected AMI without treatment, while 76% said that they would consider some treatment prior to referral. Fifty eight percent of the GPs identified ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) of \u3c 12 hours duration as an indication of thrombolysis while 28% identified posterior wall AMI as a thrombolytic indication. CONCLUSION: GPs, although adequately aware of the presenting features of AMI, were lacking in knowledge regarding the means for confirmation of diagnosis, initial drug therapy and were less likely to carry management steps in their practice