33 research outputs found
Przerzuty naciekającego raka zrazikowego piersi do odbytnicy
Rak piersi jest najczęstszym nowotworem złośliwym w Wielkiej Brytanii stanowiącym 15% wszystkich przypadków nowotworów złośliwych u obu płci. Jedna na osiem kobiet w Wielkiej Brytanii zachoruje w jakimś okresie swojego życia na raka piersi. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 72-letniej kobiety, u której 13 lat wcześniej rozpoznano raka piersi lewej, a następnie zastosowano leczenie obejmujące szerokie miejscowe wycięcie guza, radioterapię piersi i adiuwantową terapię hormonalną. Badanie materiału biopsyjnego pobranego z tego obszaru wykazało przerzutowego raka zrazikowego piersi. Za leczenie pierwszego wyboru w celu kontrolowania progresji choroby uważa się chemioterapię lub paliatywną terapię hormonalną
Zespół Rubinsteina-Taybiego związany z nowotworem piersi — opis przypadku
A number of cases of Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome associated with different neoplastic lesions have been reported since this syndrome was first named in 1963. This paper reports a case of Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome associated with breast cancer. Our aim is to share this finding and to emphasize how this case discussion allowed us to improve the management pathway in the future.Od 1963 roku odnotowano szereg przypadków zespołu Rubinsteina-Taybiego związanych z różnymi zmianami nowotworowymi. W poniższej pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku zespołu Rubinsteina-Taybiego związanego z nowotworem piersi. Celem pracy jest prezentacja wyników badań oraz ulepszenie zasad postępowania w podobnych przypadkach
Histopathological Types of Operable Early Breast Cancer in the Elderly: Is there a Special Pattern? – a Retrospective, Multicentre Study
Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of histopathological types of breast cancer in women aged 70 years or more with operable early breast cancer, and its implication on the potential prognosis. Methodology & Material: A retrospective cohort study included 170 patients hospitalised for breast cancer treatment in departments of surgery of two teaching hospitals (Basildon University Hospital, Basildon, United Kingdom, and Greater Poland Oncology Centre, Poznan, Poland).
Material and methods: All 170 patients underwent surgical management for breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) was the most common histopathological type in the study group (74%). The mucinous carcinoma was seen in 1.7% of cases, invasive lobular carcinoma in only 1% of patients, while the ductal carcinoma in situ was present in 6.5% of subjects. Lympho-vascular invasion was detected in 23% of cases.
Conclusion: Less aggressive histological pattern was predominantly detected in the elderly patients with breast cancers
Merkel cell carcinoma: literature review
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) was given a such name after the German histopathologist Friedrich Merkel, who first in 1875, described the Merkel cells, as small round or oval basophilic cells located at the end of nerve axons and within the basal layer of the epidermis. The current agreement about the function of Merkel cells they are associated with the nerve terminals acting as mechanoreceptors. MCC is a clinically aggressive uncommon, cutaneous neuroendocrine neoplastic tumour with a high mortality rate. Clinically may be presented as a painless, rapidly growing, dome-shaped red or purplish nodule. Usually in a sun-exposed area of the head and neck or upper limbs. Tremendous effort has been done in the last few years for a better understanding of the pathogenesis behind the MCC and the discovery of the Merkel cell polyomavirus suggests another clue to its pathogenesis. The expression of both epithelial and neuroendocrine immunohistochemical markers in the malignant cells, gives the tumour a unique feature that helps differentiate this neoplasm from other entities
Merkel cell carcinoma: literature review
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) was given a such name after the German histopathologist Friedrich Merkel, who first in 1875, described the Merkel cells, as small round or oval basophilic cells located at the end of nerve axons and within the basal layer of the epidermis. The current agreement about the function of Merkel cells they are associated with the nerve terminals acting as mechanoreceptors. MCC is a clinically aggressive uncommon, cutaneous neuroendocrine neoplastic tumour with a high mortality rate. Clinically may be presented as a painless, rapidly growing, dome-shaped red or purplish nodule. Usually in a sun-exposed area of the head and neck or upper limbs. Tremendous effort has been done in the last few years for a better understanding of the pathogenesis behind the MCC and the discovery of the Merkel cell polyomavirus suggests another clue to its pathogenesis. The expression of both epithelial and neuroendocrine immunohistochemical markers in the malignant cells, gives the tumour a unique feature that helps differentiate this neoplasm from other entities.
Ki-67 proliferative index correlation to the immunohistochemistry profile in early female breast cancer: a review of 515 cases
Introduction: Many biological markers are used as prognostic and predictive indicators in invasive breastcancers management. Among them, tumour size, grade, patho-morphological subtype, hormone receptorsstatus and HER2 receptor expression in addition to Ki-67 proliferative index. Also, they play a key role inadjuvant treatment decision making. Our aim was to evaluate the association between Ki-67 proliferativeindex and breast cancer immunological subtype.Material and methods: A total of 515 early invasive patients were enrolled, tumour biological characteristicsas histopathological subtype, immune-histo-chemistry (ER,PR,HER2) status and Ki-67 proliferation indexvalues have been collected. The Ki-67 index level of 20%, was used as the cut-off point to differentiatebetween low and high Ki-67 expression levels. Statistical analysis has been performed using the Chisquare test online tool.Results: In this cohort, about 42%, 33%, 7%, and 18% of the cases were grouped as luminal A-like, luminalB-like, HER2 enriched subtype, and triple-negative, respectively. All luminal A-like patients had Ki-67 levelless than 20%. About 3% of the cohort, are luminal B-like tumours with Ki-67 level less than 20%, where30.3% of the patients were luminal B-like tumours with Ki-67 level ≥ 20%. In HER2 enriched subtype, Ki-67 of < 20% level seen in 1.9% of cases, and Ki-67 levels ≥ 20% was observed in 5.2% of the cases. Inthe triple-negative group, Ki-67 was 20% or higher in 16% of cases, and only 1.7% of patients had Ki-67level less than 20%.Conclusion: Luminal A-like tumours were the most frequently encountered subtype, they have low Ki-67levels and are known to be of a low histological grade tumour, and usually associated with a good prognosis.Also, data indicates that high Ki-67 levels are seen more often in Luminal B-Like breast cancers aswell as in triple-negative breast cancers and HER2 enriched tumours
Benign paravertebral cyst of Hattori: A case report and review of literature
Hideo Hattori reported the first case of a mediastinal cyst with features characteristic of a Mullerian cyst in 2005. He presented a case of an 18-year-old woman who presented with an abnormal shadow on chest X-ray film during medical examination and who had no other anatomic abnormalities or clinical problems. We present a case of benign cyst within the mediastinum in the left paravertebral space at the level of the aortic arch in a 56-year-old woman. This patient was being investigated for unexplained shortness of breath and dry cough. As at the time writing this report, to our knowledge, this is the first case report of Hattori cyst in the United Kingdom (UK) following literature search
Malakoplakia in a colonic tubular adenoma: a unique case presentation
Malakoplakia is an unusual characteristic inflammatory condition, it is distinctive feature is the presence of histiocytic cells with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, often known as “von Hansemann’s histiocytes”, along with the pathognomonic siderocalcific Michaelis-Gutmann bodies (MGBs). We present a case of malakoplakia within a colonic adenoma seen against a background of Enterococcus infection. To our knowledge, this is a unique presentation which has not previous been described
A squamous cell carcinoma arising from scrotal epidermal cyst. A case report and review of 94 cases from the world literature
Epidermal cysts are a common benign skin abnormality, comprising 85–90% of all excised skin cysts. The term epidermal inclusion cyst refers specifically when the cyst resulted from the implantation of epidermal elements in the dermis. Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are common skin lesions; however, a malignant transformation of an epidermal cyst is very rare with incidence of 0.011–0.045%. Few cases of malignant transformation of an epidermal cyst have been reported in the literature so far. This paper presents a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising from a scrotal epidermal cyst
The Rare Diagnosis of Synchronous Breast and Colonic Cancers: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Any two or more primary malignant tumors, in which each tumor is not an extension, recurrence, or metastasis of the other lesion, are defined or described as multiple primary malignant neoplasms (MPMN). These tumors are increasingly diagnosed despite their rare occurrence rate. The term synchronous tumors is applied if two different tumors originating in the same patient are detected at the same time or within six months; if the second tumor is detected beyond six months, it is called metachronous. Aetiological factors that may predispose patients to MPMNs have been grouped into three broad categories: familial cancer syndromes and other genetic susceptibility factors, common exposures (e.g. tobacco), and carcinogenic effects of cancer treatment. The likelihood of missing asymptomatic synchronous tumors at the time of diagnosis is due to a lack of definitively set guidelines for synchronous tumors. Studying every individual case may aid us in understanding disease biology, developing diagnostic guidelines, and establishing patient-specific management strategies. We present a case report of synchronous breast and colonic cancer in a female patient