2,604 research outputs found

    A statistical technique for measuring synchronism between cortical regions in the EEG during rhythmic stimulation

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    The coherence function has been widely applied in quantifying the degree of synchronism between electroencephalogram (EEG) signals obtained from different brain regions. However, when applied to investigating synchronization resulting from rhythmic stimulation, misleading results can arise from the high correlation of background EEG activity. The authors, thus propose a modified measure, which emphasizes the synchronized stimulus responses and reduces the influence of the spontaneous EEG activity. Critical values for this estimator are derived and tested in Monte Carlo simulations. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated on data recorded from 12 young normal subjects during rhythmic photic stimulation

    Cosi, Eue: Singing the Orishas Translated Into Voice of Maria Bethania

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    The Afro-Brazilian religions suffer great prejudice in Brazil, although internalized through textbooks the miscegenation of the three races forming the Brazilian ethnic groups, the Indians, the Europeans, and black Africans. This paper aims to highlight the culture of Afro-Brazilian religions, focusing on Candoblé, taking the music as a religious element, using the repertoire of the singer, Maria Bethânia, principal artist in the national scene to value the African and Indigenous arrays, evoking the Orishas, animals and plants, contributing to the demystification and withdrawal from marginality these expressions of religiosity and faith. Keywords: Religious syncretism, Candomblé, Brazilian Popular Musi

    Vegetação nativa e sistemas ecológicos no espaço rural da região de Ouricuri (PE).

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    Este trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados que estão sendo obtidos em uma região de cerca de 4000 km2 situada ao sul da cidade de Ouricuri, onde foram realizados cerca de 447 levantamentos fitoecológicos

    Elderly musculoskeletal disease burden in Karachi, Pakistan: Associations and implications for developing countries

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    Objective: The global rise in the older population has increased the rates of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, conditions that impact mobility and functionality. There is limited data on musculoskeletal disease in older populations residing in developing countries.Methods: A community-based study using multistage cluster random sampling of older individuals was conducted in Karachi. Predefined criteria were used for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Gait assessment was performed.Results: More than half of the participants were females and 53% reported illiteracy. Around 30% had osteoporosis and two-thirds had osteoarthritis. Multivariate analysis showed associations of female sex, Pashtun ethnicity, illiteracy, and hypertension with the combined variable of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.Conclusions: The prevalence of osteoarthritis was higher than in other regional studies. Presence of both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis increased the risk of certain geriatric syndromes. High rates of musculoskeletal morbidity are seen in the elderly in Pakistan. Measures at a health-system level are required for better outcomes in older adults

    The N terminus of the peroxisomal cycling receptor, Pex5p, is required for redirecting the peroxisome-associated peroxin back to the cytosol

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    Most newly synthesized peroxisomal matrix proteins are transported to the organelle by Pex5p, a remarkable multidomain protein involved in an intricate network of transient protein-protein interactions. Presently, our knowledge regarding the structure/function of amino acid residues 118 to the very last residue of mammalian Pex5p is quite vast. Indeed, the cargo-protein receptor domain as well as the binding sites for several peroxins have all been mapped to this region of Pex5p. In contrast, structural/functional data regarding the first 117 amino acid residues of Pex5p are still scarce. Here we show that a truncated Pex5p lacking the first 110 amino acid residues (DeltaN110-Pex5p) displays exactly the peroxisomal import properties of the full-length peroxin implying that this N-terminal domain is involved neither in cargo-protein binding nor in the docking/translocation step of the Pex5p-cargo protein complex at the peroxisomal membrane. However, the ATP-dependent export step of DeltaN110-Pex5p from the peroxisomal membrane is completely blocked, a phenomenon that was also observed for a Pex5p version lacking just the first 17 amino acid residues but not for a truncated protein comprising amino acid residues 1-324 of Pex5p. By exploring the unique properties of DeltaN110-Pex5p, the effect of temperature on the import/export kinetics of Pex5p was characterized. Our data indicate that the export step of Pex5p from the peroxisomal compartment ( in contrast with its insertion into the organelle membrane) is highly dependent on the temperature

    Bosonic excitations of the AdS4 Reissner-Nordstrom black hole

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    We study the long-lived modes of the charge density and energy density correlators in the strongly-coupled, finite density field theory dual to the AdS4 Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. For small momenta q<<\mu, these correlators contain a pole due to sound propagation, as well as a pole due to a long-lived, purely imaginary mode analogous to the \mu=0 hydrodynamic charge diffusion mode. As the temperature is raised in the range T\lesssim\mu, the sound attenuation shows no significant temperature dependence. When T\gtrsim\mu, it quickly approaches the \mu=0 hydrodynamic result where it decreases like 1/T. It does not share any of the temperature-dependent properties of the 'zero sound' of Landau Fermi liquids observed in the strongly-coupled D3/D7 field theory. For such small momenta, the energy density spectral function is dominated by the sound mode at all temperatures, whereas the charge density spectral function undergoes a crossover from being dominated by the sound mode at low temperatures to being dominated by the diffusion mode when T \mu^2/q. This crossover occurs due to the changing residue at each pole. We also compute the momentum dependence of these spectral functions and their corresponding long-lived poles at fixed, low temperatures T<<\mu.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, 6 animation

    Non-equilibrium Condensation Process in a Holographic Superconductor

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    We study the non-equilibrium condensation process in a holographic superconductor. When the temperature T is smaller than a critical temperature T_c, there are two black hole solutions, the Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole and a black hole with a scalar hair. In the boundary theory, they can be regarded as the supercooled normal phase and the superconducting phase, respectively. We consider perturbations on supercooled Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black holes and study their non-linear time evolution to know about physical phenomena associated with rapidly-cooled superconductors. We find that, for T<T_c, the initial perturbations grow exponentially and, eventually, spacetimes approach the hairy black holes. We also clarify how the relaxation process from a far-from-equilibrium state proceeds in the boundary theory by observing the time dependence of the superconducting order parameter. Finally, we study the time evolution of event and apparent horizons and discuss their correspondence with the entropy of the boundary theory. Our result gives a first step toward the holographic understanding of the non-equilibrium process in superconductors.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Deformations of Lifshitz holography

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    The simplest gravity duals for quantum critical theories with z=2 `Lifshitz' scale invariance admit a marginally relevant deformation. Generic black holes in the bulk describe the field theory with a dynamically generated momentum scale Lambda as well as finite temperature T. We describe the thermodynamics of these black holes in the quantum critical regime where T >> Lambda^2. The deformation changes the asymptotics of the spacetime mildly and leads to intricate UV sensitivities of the theory which we control perturbatively in Lambda^2/T.Comment: 1+27 pages, 12 figure

    Análise multiespectral no IDRISI para identificação de cana-de-açúcar no Município de Guaíra-SP.

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