12 research outputs found


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    Postrojenja za intenzivan tov građevinski su objekti čija je osnovna namjena povećanje mase tovne jedinice u kratkim vremenskim intervalima. Proces intenzivnog tova odvija se u kontroliranim uvjetima pri čemu se koriste sredstva za hranidbu, voda, energija, vitamini, cjepiva i lijekovi uz stalan veterinarski nadzor, te kemijska sredstva za održavanje propisanih higijenskih uvjeta. Nusproizvodi procesa tova su otpadna voda, gnojovka, ambalažni otpad, uginule životinje, te opasan otpad iz odvajala ulje/voda uz otpad od ambalaže i neiskoriÅ”tenih sredstava. Složenost ovakve vrste proizvodnje kao i utjecaj na okoliÅ” kroz navedene nusproizvode nameću obvezu ishođenja okoliÅ”ne dozvole, Å”to u provedbenom smislu znači da građevine moraju tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ki udovoljavati zakonom propisanim uvjetima dok operater mora udovoljiti novousvojenim okoliÅ”nim zakonima i propisima RH te direktivama EU. Uz prvotno, prije same izgradnje, te provedenog postupka procjene utjecaja na okoliÅ”, operater mora udovoljiti i odredbama Zakona o zaÅ”titi okoliÅ”a (NN 80/13), Uredbi o procjeni utjecaja zahvata na okoliÅ” (NN 61/14), a osobito Uredbi o okoliÅ”noj dozvoli NN (8/14), sve sukladno važećoj prostorno-planskoj dokumentaciji i temeljnim zakonskim propisima iz područja zaÅ”tite prirode. Pritom održivo gospodarenje energijom i prirodnim resursima proizlazi iz primjene najboljih raspoloživih tehnika kojima operater osigurava ispunjenje zakonskih propisa ograničenja emisija u zrak, vodu, tlo i sastavnice okoliÅ”a dok primjenom politike zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a kontinuirano doprinosi održanju poslovanja unutar zakonom propisanih okvira.Intensive fattening farms are production facilities with a primary purpose of increasing fattening units mass in a short interval of time. The process of intensive fattening takes place in a controlled environment in which feed, water, energy, vitamins, vaccines and drugs with a constant veterinary supervision are used along with chemical agents for maintenance of the prescribed hygienic conditions. By-products of the process are waste water, slurry, packaging waste, dead animals, and hazardous waste from oil / water separation unit with waste from packaging and unused chemicals. The complexity of this type of production as well as the environmental impact of the by-products mentioned imposes the obligation to obtain environmental permits. In terms of implementation of this means that the building must comply with the technical and technological conditions prescribed by law while the operator is obliged to comply with the newly adopted environmental laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the EU directives. Prior to construction, the Operator has to undergo an environmental impact assessment process and comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act (OG 80/13), the Decree on the assessment of the environmental impact (OG 61/14), and in particular the Regulation on the environmental permit (OG 8/14), all in accordance with the valid physical planning documents and the fundamental laws on nature protection. This paper analyzes the obligations and recommendations within the legal framework which the Operator should satisfy in order to obtain the environmental permit, the application of existing and planned measures, the use of equipment for the control of plant and emissions into the environment, monitoring of the plant, with reporting on implementation of control measures. In doing so, the sustainable use of energy and natural resources results from the application of best available techniques where the Operator ensures that the legislative limits of emissions to air, water, soil and environmental components are complied, while continuously applying environmental policies contributes to the maintenance of business within the statutory framework


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    Significant mtDNA variation in Southeastern Europe (SEE) reflects the turbulent and complex demographic history of the region, influenced by gene flow from various parts of Eurasia and a long history of intermixing. In this study we present the maternal genetic profile of the Serbian and Montenegrin populations based on the high resolution analysis of 258 mtDNAs, 119 samples from Serbia and 139 samples from Montenegro. Besides the evidence of minor gene flow from distant central/northeastern Asia, the majority of haplogroups place these populations in the broader genetic landscape of Southeastern Europe, close to their neighbors

    Maternal Physical Activity in Pregnancy and Newborns` Anthropometry-The Preface From the CRIBS Study

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    Health benefits of physical activity during pregnancy include reduced risk of excessive gestational weight gain and conditions such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and preterm birth. The ongoing CRoatian Islands Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS) is the first cohort study in the South-Eastern Europe with an aim to assess the prevalence of risk factors (biological, environmental and behavioral) for the Metabolic Syndrome in populations from Dalmatian islands of Hvar and Brač and coastal Split city with its surroundings. At the time of writing, Over 350 pregnant women and 220 of their newborns have been involved in the study. Here we present the preliminary results of testing the association of mothers` self-estimated physical activity during pregnancy with newborns` anthropometric characteristics (birth weight, length and head circumference) using the data from questionnaires and obstetric records of 116 mother ā€“ newborn pairs. The difference in weight-at-birth was detected between newborn girls whose mothers were from Low vs. Intensive physical activity categories, as well as from Moderate vs. Intensive physical activity categories. In addition to that, the significant difference in weight-at-birth and height/length-at-birth was detected between newborn boys whose mothers were from Moderate vs. Intensive physical activity categories (p<0.01). No association between self-estimated level of physical activity and mothersā€™ body mass index was found. For women with normal pregnancies, light occupational activities do not cause problems with the fetal growth rate, but the same was not reported for women who maintained high-intensity activities

    Impact of pre-pregnancy BMI on blood glucose levels in pregnancy and on the anthropometry of newborns ā€“ preliminary insights from the Croatian Islands\u27 Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and fasting blood glucose level in pregnancy on the anthropometry of newborns. The sample consisted of 171 healthy pregnant women and their newborns from the Croatian Islands\u27 Birth Cohort Study. Peripheral blood of pregnant women was taken in the second trimester and fasting glucose values >5.1 mmol/l were considered elevated. Anthropometric variables (body weight, height and waist circumference) were measured according to the International Biological Program. Pre-pregnancy BMI and fasting glucose levels during pregnancy were significantly positively correlated (p<0,01), as were pre-pregnancy BMI and birth weight (p<0,05), length (p<0,01), and head circumference (p<0,05) of the newborns. Hyperglycaemic women gave birth to significantly heavier newborn girls then normal glycaemic women (p<0.05). In conclusion, there was a positive correlation between pre-pregnancy BMI, fasting glucose during pregnancy and the anthropometry of newborns in this study

    Mediterranean Diet in Pregnancy and its Association with Newborns` Body Size in Dalmatia, Croatia ā€“ The Preliminary Results of the Croatian Islands Birth Cohort Study

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    A pregnant womanā€™s nutrition has an impact on her offspringā€™s birth size. Although health benefits of Mediterranean diet are widely confirmed, the poor compliance with its recommendations has been detected in the population of Dalmatia, coastal region of Croatia. Data from 122 motherā€“newborn pairs, participants in the ongoing Croatian Islands` Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS), were analyzed: (1) to test whether pregnant women in the study consume Mediterranean diet that is traditional in this area, and (2) to examine the association of maternal diet in pregnancy with newborns` birth weight, length and head circumference. The preliminary results of the factor analysis of 20 items from Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) resulted in two significant factors, both having positive loading with the components of Mediterranean diet. Factor 1 had highest positive loadings for blue fish, white fish, olive oil and fatty cheese consumption consistent with the Mediterranean diet and Factor 2 had highest loading coefficients for fermented milk products (yogurt), sea food, cereals and legumes. Linear regression analyses resulted in model for weight at birth (R2=0.071, p<0.05) which included as predictors living location (island or mainland) and FFQ Factor 2, which was also, in combination with moderate physical activity, predictive for newborns with z-scored weight at birth values above 15% of the lowest values in the logistic regression model. Pregnant women from the CRIBS study mostly follow Mediterranean diet but its association with weight at birth, although found in this research, has to be confirmed on a bigger sample

    Diversity of Y-chromosomal and mtDNA Markers Included in Mediscope Chip within Two Albanian Subpopulations from Croatia and Kosovo: Preliminary Data

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    The aim of this preliminary study is to analyze genetic specificity of Kosovo Albanians comparing with neighboring populations using new genetic tool - MEDISCOPE gene chip, to investigate the feasibility of this approach. We collected 37 DNA samples (9 Croats, 17 Albanians from Croatia and 11 Albanians from Kosovo) from unrelated males born in Croatia and Kosovo. Additionally, samples were expanded with female individuals and mtDNA analysis included a total of 61 samples (15 Croats, 23 Albanians from Croatia and 23 Albanians from Kosovo). This pilot study suggests that the usage of the MEDISCOPE chip could be recognized as an efficient tool within recognition of the population genetic specificity even within extremely small sample size

    A Generation Shift in Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Its Association with Biological Markers and Health in Dalmatia, Croatia

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    Previous studies have confirmed the beneficial effect of a Mediterranean diet in mitigating health issues related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. However, rapid changes in the traditional way of life and the &ldquo;westernization&rdquo; of the diet in Mediterranean populations, especially in younger generations, has led to progressive abandonment of healthy dietary patterns. In order to investigate the generation shift in dietary patterns and lifestyle habits in the Mediterranean part of Croatia, we compared two cohorts of 610 women (266 pregnant and 344 non-pregnant) from the same region, but from different age groups. The MDSS score was derived from food frequency questionnaires. The results showed that the young, reproductively active generation (pregnant women) in Dalmatia, Croatia, although having a higher education and socioeconomic status, exhibits a more adverse eating behaviour (lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet) and lifestyle (excessive smoking in pregnancy) than the older population from the same region. Lower MDSS scores across aggregated age groups in both cohorts showed significant association with higher blood lipid levels and higher smoking frequency. In conclusion, Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with biological markers (age, lipid profile) and lifestyle (smoking) in our study, with a more adverse trend observed in the younger generation

    Linking infant size and early growth with maternal lifestyle and breastfeeding ā€“ the first year of life in the CRIBS cohort

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    Background Every third child in Croatia is classed as overweight or obese. Infant growth can represent early warning signs for obesity. Aim To detect early risk factors for obesity by investigating infant size and early growth trajectories and their association with maternal lifestyle and breastfeeding. Subjects and methods Ninety-eight motherā€“child pairs from the Croatian Islandsā€™ Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS) cohort were included in the study. Data were collected from questionnaires and medical records. Growth data were converted to Z-scores using World Health Organisation (WHO) standards and used as the primary outcome. Results Z-score trajectories in the first year of life were in line with WHO standards. A direct link between infant size and maternal socioeconomic status (SES) or breastfeeding was not detected. However, child weight gain in the first 6ā€‰months was associated with maternal body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy (pā€‰<ā€‰0.01). A positive association was also established between breastfeeding and maternal SES and mothers that report an unhealthy diet have heavier children (pā€‰<ā€‰0.05, respectively). Conclusion Infant size and early growth in Croatia is in line with WHO standards and risk factors for obesity development were detectable in the first year of life, but not highly pronounced. However, more effective BMI monitoring and promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle of women before and during pregnancy is needed