6 research outputs found
21(st) Century architecture: Search for the concept
WOS: 000378694800001The contemporary architecture has been focusing on the creation of concept before giving attention to the context. It is seen that architects are making their designs related with the created conceptual background before thinking on functional necessities. Today is the era of seeking to interrogate relationship among reality, symbols, and society as Baudrillard referred on his simulation theorem. Most of the converging objects of the life from 1980's till today, can be seen asthe piece of "a great scenery" of the modern life, created by the authorities. During the period in between 1990's and the 2016, it is seen that the capital market has been formulated under the effects of neo-liberalist economies. The rise of the multiculturalism is started and thus, alternative media is born. These years are the years of having many spectacular buildings of star-architects on the praxis field. Thus having a direct link to this formulation in the architectural field, it can be said that, the importance of the projects are not formulated according to the basic guidelines and architectural principles, however it is focused on concept research on architectural projects, which would be the best-sellers on the market. Bjarke Ingels and his Copenhagen-based firm BIG is disproportionate number of the profession's rising star from the north side of the world contemporary architecture. Thus, the paper will have the critical overview to the architectural fiction on the 21st century, while it will focus on the important projects of BIG from all over the world.1980’lerden beri güncel mimarlığın bağlamdan ziyade önce kavrama yönlendiği bilinen bir gerçektir. Mimarların fonksiyonel ihtiyaçlardanziyade, tasarımlarını yaparken kavramsal bir arka plan kurgusuna yöneldiği görülmektedir. Günümüz, Baudrillar’ın simülasyon teoreminderefere ettiği üzere gerçeklik, semboller ve toplum ilişkisi arakesitinin sorgulanmasına yönelik bir çağdır. Bu bağlamda, 1980’lerden bu yana,günümüzün yaşantısı ile ilişkili pek çok şey, otoriteler tarafından yaratılan büyükmodern hayat senaryosunun birer parçası gibi gözükmektedir.1990’lardan 2016’ya kapitalist pazarın neo-liberalist ekonomilerin etkileri altında şekillendiği görülmektedir. Çok kültürlü bir döneme girilmişve böylelikle de alternatif medya doğmuştur. bu yıllar aynı zamanda bir çok etkileyici yapının da yıldız mimarlar tarafından praxise katıldığı yıllardır. Böylelikle, bu formülasyona direkt bağlantılı bir linkle projelerin öneminin temel tasarım ilkeleri ve mimari prensipler doğrultusundansa,kavram merkezli olarak oluşturulduğu, ve önemin çok satan projeler oluşturmak olduğu görülmektedir. Bijarke Ingles ve Kopenhag orijinli ofisiBIG mesleğin yükselen kuzeyli yıldızı olarak güncel mimarlık alanına girmiştir. bu bağlamda, makale BIG’in önemli projelerine odaklanarak 21.yüzyılda mimarlık kurgusunun bir kritiğini yapmayı amaç edinmektedir
Research Of The Concept Of Rowhouses And The Place And The Importancy Of Akaretler Rowhouses In Ottoman Architecture
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1999Bu çalışmada, Avrupa'da Endüstri Devrimi sonucunda mümkün oldukça çok işçinin barınabileceği, kısa zamanda üretilebilen çok üniteye sahip olabilme ihtiyacına bir cevap olan "sıraev" kavramının incelemesi yapılmıştır. Osmanlı Mimarisi'ne sıraev modelinin girişi araştırılmıştır. Asıl Osmanlı Mimarisi 'nde ilk ve tek saray destekli sıraev grubu olan Akaretler Sıraev Grubu'nun incelenmesi amaç edinilmiştir. Gerek bu yapı grubunun analitik incelemeleri yapılmış, gerekse de diğer eş dönemli İstanbul sıraev grupları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada, saray destekli olarak inşa edilen Akaretler Sıraev Grubu Maçka Aziziye Cami'ne vakfiye yapısı olarak yaptırılmış, ancak sözü geçen caminin inşasının tamamlanamadığı görülmüştür. (Yapı grubunun adının "akar", yani gelir getiren yapı anlamı içerdiği bilinmektedir.) Sonuç olarak Akaretler Sıraev Grubu'nun, İstanbul'un bilinen ilk anıtsal ve tek saray destekli sıraev grubu olduğu söylenebilir.In this study, the concept of "rowhouses", which was an answer of having the maximum number of labour's dwellings within the minimum time after the Industrial Revolution in Europe, is discussed. The appearing of rowhouses in Ottoman Architecture is examined. However, the aim is to discuss the place and the importancy of the Akaretler Group of Rowhouses in Ottoman Architecture. Therefore, the Akaretler Group of Rowhouses is analitically examined and it is also compared with the other group of rowhouses built in the late 19th century and early 20th century in Istanbul. The Akaretler Group of Rowhouses was built as the "vakfiye building" of the Mackha Aziziye Mosque, as it can be understood by the word "akar" (the building which is built for providivg financial income) in its name. However, the construction of the Mackha Aziziye Mosque was not finished. As a conclusion, it can be said that " the Akaretler Group of Rowhouses" is the first known rowhouses and the only example to the a group of rowhouses, which was built the financial support and aproval of the Ottoman Court.Yüksek LisansM.Sc
Happy city: City discussions
City, to where the citizen belongs to as being the citizen, thus having an identity with the city, to live in the city, with or without the rights of the citizenship. Well, on which point will the citizen be right- while living inside the city/ while trying to live on the city-? If being happy/ living happy is the will of each and every of us, who is going to create this happiness to us? we? or the others? who else? the country? the government? or the authorities? or the capitalism that we live for? or it’s new face , the neo-liberalist economies? Well, where is the citizen undercover on the city? till where is the citizen right inside the city? Every city user has a dream, an illusion, an imagination not only related with the city, but also about living on that city; and if the citizen has a utopia, then whose dystopia would it be. In other words whose utopia can be who else’s dystopia? Or whose utopia is a dream as having a mythical origin in the city where he lives? Searching, discussing, rejecting the “happy city “ are just some words of the lullabies of our childhood days? Or can those concepts be the basic points of our daily life? Each and every citizen has a dream in the city, being happy on the city by living the dreams or rejecting the city after seeing a nightmare. Being a refugee in a city, converge of a place in the city, being a part of myth of feeling himself as a citizen and soon rejecting the city life, and the dreams of being the other, living outside of the city, so on so forth. Which feeling must be the right to choose, to have to live a better life? Thus, the paper will be about the Happy City Workshop, which was held on Trabzon in 2014, during the architectural workshop series of Karadeniz Technical Universty and the short movie of the workshop that was shot in there by 15 students. The paper also will not only have all of those discussion about the relationship among the city, the capitalism, the neo-liberal economies and the architecture, but also it will discuss the utopias and dystopias related with the happy city and all who are searching of, living on, discuss and examine the city, who has an utopia of the city, or who see that all of the utopias of the city can be dystopias as well of others, and those who reject them all, while put a light to the written texts chronologically about the city from the first city focused written text of St.Augustin’s The City of God to Renzo Piano’s city discussions and Charles Mongomery’s book of Happy City. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
New horizons on architecture: Creating the future while conserving the past on historical Peninsula, Istanbul
Historical Peninsula is not only the historical center, but also it is the commercial center of ancient Istanbul. Four major empires had been ruled from this magnificent point, with a unique Bosporus view. It is also an open air museum with various historical sites and buildings, such as Suleymaniye Mosque, Topkapi Palace, etc. Thus, the site is chosen for an architectural search on new forms and concepts on an existed historical area while preserving the historical heritage and learning the details of the project management by 14 students of the Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture of Yildiz Technical University, The Design Studio 4 has been searched to find the best places and related architectural concepts to create new architectural forms on Historical Peninsula according to the modern project management rules during the winter semester of 2013-2014 educational year. During the semester an atmosphere of professional design office was created to let the project group to understand and to fell the details and necessities of the project management on the real architectural field. Thus the paper will have the long process of the Design Studio 4, with 14 different location and concept proposal projects to Historical Peninsula
Creating three-dimensional parametric architecture popup books for architecture education
In the Introduction to Architectural Studio project lecture in Yildiz Technical University, during the winter semester of the education year 2014-15, a new approach on the design studio process has been practiced on a group of 15 students creating 3D pop-up books as the first step to create parametric architecture examples. In the Turkish university system, the new departments of the students are determined according to the grades of the students. Therefore, almost none of the new Turkish university students can be placed in the architectural faculties according to their skills. Thus, this new approach not only captures the attention of new students in the department, but it also introduces the new breakthrough movements in the architectural field such as parametric touches on the contemporary architecture. Thus, the paper will discuss the creation process of these wonderful 3D pop-up books as the first step on creating parametric architecture examples