5 research outputs found

    Peran Sektor Pertanian dalam Mengurangi Ketimpangan Pendapatan di Wilayah Papua Sebelum dan Sesudah Otonomi Khusus

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    This study aims to determine: (i) the contribution of agriculture sector to GDP growth in the region before and after the Papua special autonomy, (ii) the level of income inequality per capita in the region before and after the Papua special autonomy, (iii) the role of agriculture in reducing income inequality in the community before and after the region Papua special autonomy, and (iv) the effect of investment, labor force, the allocation of funds for regional development, agglomeration in the region Papua, and policy implementation of special autonomy to Papua region against income inequality.Data used in this research is secondary data from the years 1993-2013 and analyzed using analysis of contribution, growth, income inequality (Williamson index, and multiple linear regression with OLS method. The analysis showed that the agricultural sectors contribution to GDP growth before special autonomy greater than after the special autonomy. Furthermore, per capita income inequality between regions in Papua special autonomy after the bigger (more unequal). The agricultural sector play a greater role in reducing income inequality communities in Papua after special autonomy than before the special autonomy. Investment in Papua per capita, regional development aid funds allocated per capita, and agglomeration in Papua positive effect on income inequality between regions in Papua. Index of income inequality between regions in Papua after special autonomy (the period 2002-2013) is greater than before the special autonomy (the period 1993-2001

    Utilizing Suggestopedia Method in Teaching English Grammar

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    This study aims to analyze and examine the use of the suggestopedia method in teaching English Grammar as one of the primary methods for understanding Grammar material. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach with the type of case study. The research location is in the Al Hamidiyah area of the Nurul Jadid Islamic boarding school student cottage and for research subject in special classes for student linguistics including two language teachers as primary informant subject and one student as secondry informants subject. Meanwhile, the data collection used in this study included direct observation and unstructured interviews in determining the data's accuracy. The data analysis technique consists of the stages of collecting data, preparing it for analysis, analyzing it, and then concluding the analysis. The results obtained from the application of the suggestopedia method are the increasing understanding of students in participating in Grammar lessons because students are invited to understand the core of the material in an enjoyable and calming way, namely by good class arrangement and being given soothing music accompaniment. The implication is that students' understanding of learning can be achieved with variations in the learning carried out by the teacher so that students do not feel anxious and enjoy themselves in class

    Transformasi PAI dalam Penguatan Sikap Moderasi Beragama di Era Digital

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    Pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) merupakan sebuah jurusan yang penting di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam, dan sebuah mata pelajaran yang cukup istimewa di lembaga pendidikan mulai dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. PAI sebagai pondasi dalam menguatkan karakter anak didik juga sebagai pengejawantahan dari ajaran Islam secara keseluruhan, mengingat dalam "tubuh" PAI terdapat berbagai dimensi keilmuan mulai Al-Qur’an Hadits, Akidah Akhlak, Fikih, Sejarah Peradaban/Kebudayaan Islam. Keempat dimensi keilmuan tersebut sebagai pondasi penting bagi pemahaman agama Islam secara komprehensif. Artinya, Islam bisa dipahami secara kewahyuan dan sumber utama melalui mata pelajaran Al-Qur’an dan Hadits, pengenalan keyakinan, etika dan sejenisnya melalui mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak, pengenalan hukum-hukum Islam melalui mata pelajaran Fikih, dan pengenalan sejarah Islam dari Nabi Muhammad sampai penyebaran Islam di Indonesia khususnya melalui mata pelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam

    Ethnobotany and conservation applications in the Noken making by the Sougb Tribe of West Papua, Indonesia

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    Documenting local ecological knowledge is critical for understanding complex ecological-cultural interactions to protect indigenous community entities. Woven baskets known as Noken have been part of Papuan indigenous culture for centuries, yet ethnobotanical aspects of Noken making remain poorly understood. Hence, this study describes Noken-making from an ethnobotanical perspective. We acquired ethnoecological knowledge by interviewing respondents who were actively involved in the production of Noken. The results revealed that the Sougb Tribe (from South Manokwari District, West Papua, Indonesia) utilized pineapple as a primary material for weaving and other natural materials as dyes, with this process undertaken mainly by women. We also document the Sougb Tribe's adaptation and continuous interaction with their dynamic environment that has evolved during Noken's making. Moreover, the recommendation to conserve Noken preserves biocultural diversity and habitats for key plant species. Since Noken has played an essential part in shaping the Sougb Tribe's cultural identity, conserving the use of Noken will aid in preserving the habitats of plants used as materials for Noken. In the future, the provincial government should assist habitat biocultural conservation by granting tribes customary forest status to facilitate plant habitat protection in line with the sustainable development agenda of West Papua Province