14 research outputs found

    Energiahatékony versenyjárműbe tervezett komplex világítási rendszer: Design of an energy efficient complex lighting system for electric vehicle

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    Developing of an energy efficient lighting system for an experimental electric vehicle, with regard to the strict physical boundaries of the chassis. The electrical circuit of the lighting system ensures the conversion of the main power supply voltage to 5 VDC and the operation of the necessary light signals during maneuvers. Thanks to its inputs, it is easy to implement it into our autonomous system, therefore it is capable of executing the crucial light signals, received from the higher level control system during automated maneuvers. All these functions were integrated into a small size PCB while minimizing the current consumption. Kivonat Energiahatékony világítási rendszert fejlesztettünk egy elektromos kísérleti járműhöz, melynek karosszériája rendkívül szűk fizikai méretekkel rendelkezik. A lámpatestek elektronikai áramköre biztosítja a fő tápfeszültség átalakítását 5 VDC-re és a közlekedéshez szükséges fényjelzések működtetését is. Ezen felül bemeneteinek segítségével könnyen összehangolható a későbbi önvezető funkciókkal, így az automatizált közúti manőverekhez szükséges jelzéseket is képes lesz a felső szintű irányítási rendszertől érkezően kiszolgálni. Ezen funkciók kerültek integrálásra egy kisméretű minimalizált fogyasztású panelen

    A közlekedés energiahatékonyságának és környezetterhelésének kérdései az elektromos járműhajtás és az autonóm közlekedési rendszerek tükrében: Energy efficiency and ecological footprint of transport in the context of electric vehicle drive and autonomous transport systems

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    The current developments in automotive and traffic management systems raise the question of how we can reduce the ecological footprint of today's and future mobility needs. The study examines the technical background of developments, including development trends and their known and putative limitations. It contrasts the technical approach with economic investments and the ecological footprint of products over their full life cycle, analyzed in a complex way.  Kivonat A jelenlegi járműipari és a közlekedésirányítási rendszerek fejlesztése kapcsán felmerül a kérdés, hogy a környezetterhelést (illetve ökológiai lábnyomot) hogyan tudjuk csökkenteni a mai és jövőbeni mobilitási igényeket figyelembe véve. A tanulmány megvizsgálja a fejlesztések műszaki hátterét, beleértve a fejlesztési tendenciákat, valamint az ismert és vélt korlátokat. A műszaki szemléletet szembeállítja a gazdasági befektetéssel és a komplexen vizsgált, teljes termék életciklusra vetített ökológiai lábnyommal

    Can long-read sequencing tackle the barriers, which the next-generation could not? A review

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    The large-scale heterogeneity of genetic diseases necessitated the deeper examination of nucleotide sequence alterations enhancing the discovery of new targeted drug attack points. The appearance of new sequencing techniques was essential to get more interpretable genomic data. In contrast to the previous short-reads, longer lengths can provide a better insight into the potential health threatening genetic abnormalities. Long-reads offer more accurate variant identification and genome assembly methods, indicating advances in nucleotide deflect-related studies. In this review, we introduce the historical background of sequencing technologies and show their benefits and limits, as well. Furthermore, we highlight the differences between short- and long-read approaches, including their unique advances and difficulties in methodologies and evaluation. Additionally, we provide a detailed description of the corresponding bioinformatics and the current applications

    Kísérleti célú duális funkciójú napelem cella és panel vizsgáló berendezés: Dual Function Solar Cell and Panel Testing Equipment for Experimental Purposes / Echipament pentru analiza experimentală a celulelor și panourilor solare cu funcție duală

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    In our paper two dual-function solar panel testing equipment will be introduce which are capable to examine solar panels in a complex way. Besides that the result of the measurements both with natural and artificial ligth will be introduced. The aim of our project is to reduce the temperature on the surface of the solar panels and thus improve the daily energy-balance. Kivonat A cikkünkben bemutatunk két kísérleti célú duális funkciójú napelem vizsgáló berendezést, amely képes a napelem cellák, panelek komplex vizsgálatára. A napelemcella vizsgáló berendezés képes növelni vagy csökkenteni a vizsgált cella hőmérsékletét, változtatni a fény beesési szögét és a beérkező fényforrás részleges hullámhosszúságát. A berendezés figyeli a hullámhossz tartományt spektrométerrel, a napelemcella villamos paramétereit a terhelés és a hőmérséklet függvényében. A duális funkciójú panelvizsgáló berendezés, elsősorban szabadtéri, természetes fénynél való mérésekre lett tervezve. A berendezés könnyen mozgatható, mobil rendszer, amely önhordóan tartalmaz minden mérő, villamos, informatikai és folyadékellátó egységet. Különböző folyadék fényszűrő rendszerek tesztelésére alkalmas. A publikációban tovább ismertetjük a mesterséges és természetes fényforrásoknál végzett mérések eredményeit. A projektünk célja az infra sugarakból származó hő elszállítása napelemek felületéről és ezzel a napi energiamérleg javítása

    Mobile genomic islands : the key role of extrachromosomal and integrative mobile elements in horizontal gene transfer

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    The plasticity of bacterial genomes enables the rapid adaptation to the changing environmental conditions. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), by which bacteria can acquire and disseminate many beneficial traits, is mainly responsible for this plasticity. Conjugative elements such as plasmids, some genomic islands (GIs) and transposons have a key role in HGT since their mobility can lead to the rapid acquisition of virulence, pathogenicity or resistance factors and/or complete metabolic pathways of bacteria. Recent investigations of bacterial genomes put the mobile GIs in the spotlight of scientific interest. Mobile GIs are classified into two groups: integrative/conjugative elements (ICEs) and mobilizable genomic islands (MGIs). Unlike ICEs, MGIs are not self-transferable, so they require helper elements (ICEs or conjugative plasmids) that can provide the missing conjugative functions. GIs are stable part of the bacterial chromosome. They can not maintain extrachromosomally, but can be excised by site-specific recombination, transferred to other bacteria by conjugation and integrated into the chromosome of the recipient cell. These maintenance and transfer functions are encoded by the “backbone” of GIs, while another group of genes coding for antibiotic resistance, pathogenicity, catabolic pathways etc. confers adaptive functions to the host. The structure of mobile GIs shows remarkable flexibility: they evolve by acquisition, deletion and exchange of genes or gene clusters via homologous and/or site-specific recombination or transposition. One of the most studied MGIs is the Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1), which contains several antibiotic resistance genes embedded in the complex In104 integron segment. Prototype of SGI was detected in multiresistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 isolates, but its variants have also been identified in many other Salmonella serovars and in Proteus mirabilis isolates. Interestingly, SGI1 has never been found in natural Escherichia coli isolates even though it can easily be transferred into E. coli under laboratory conditions. SGI1 is a typical MGI, which is mobilized exclusively by the conjugative helper plasmids of IncA/C family. The first step of SGI1 transfer is the excision from the bacterial chromosome, which is carried out by the SGI1-encoded site-specific recombinase Int and Xis. The induction of excision and the transfer process also requires helper plasmid-encoded functions. Beside the conjugation apparatus (T4SS) of IncA/C plasmids, SGI1 also exploits regulatory functions of the helper plasmid. The plasmid-encoded FlhDC-family master regulator controls all conjugation genes of the plasmid including the relaxase, a key factor in the transfer initiation step, the operons of pilus assembly and perhaps some other functions. The master regulator triggers the excision of SGI1, i.e. signals the presence of a helper plasmid for SGI1, thus SGI1 hijacks both the regulation and the conjugation apparatus of IncA/C plasmids for its horizontal transfer. On the contrary, only SGI1 encoded functions are required for the integration into the recipient chromosome. SGI1 represents a good example how MGIs ensure their vertical transmission in absence of a helper and how they can exploit their helpers for horizontal spread

    The LDBC social network benchmark: Business intelligence workload

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    The Social Network Benchmark’s Business Intelligence workload (SNB BI) is a comprehensive graph OLAP benchmark targeting analytical data systems capable of supporting graph workloads. This paper marks the finalization of almost a decade of research in academia and industry via the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC). SNB BI advances the state-of-the art in synthetic and scalable analytical database benchmarks in many aspects. Its base is a sophisticated data generator, implemented on a scalable distributed infrastructure, that produces a social graph with small-world phenomena, whose value properties follow skewed and correlated distributions and where values correlate with structure. This is a temporal graph where all nodes and edges follow lifespan-based rules with temporal skew enabling realistic and consistent temporal inserts and (recursive) deletes. The query workload exploiting this skew and correlation is based on LDBC’s “choke point”-driven design methodology and will entice technical and scientific improvements in future (graph) database systems. SNB BI includes the first adoption of “parameter curation” in an analytical benchmark, a technique that ensures stable runtimes of query variants across different parameter values. Two performance metrics characterize peak single-query performance (power) and sustained concurrent query throughput. To demonstrate the portability of the benchmark, we present experimental results on a relational and a graph DBMS. Note that these do not constitute an official LDBC Benchmark Result – only audited results can use this trademarked term

    The Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC): Driving competition and collaboration in the graph data management space

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    Graph data management is instrumental for several use cases such as recommendation, root cause analysis, financial fraud detection, and enterprise knowledge representation. Efficiently supporting these use cases yields a number of unique requirements, including the need for a concise query language and graph-aware query optimization techniques. The goal of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) is to design a set of standard benchmarks that capture representative categories of graph data management problems, making the performance of systems comparable and facilitating competition among vendors. LDBC also conducts research on graph schemas and graph query languages. This paper introduces the LDBC organization and its work over the last decade

    The LDBC Social Network Benchmark

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    The Linked Data Benchmark Council's Social Network Benchmark (LDBC SNB) is an effort intended to test various functionalities of systems used for graph-like data management. For this, LDBC SNB uses the recognizable scenario of operating a social network, characterized by its graph-shaped data. LDBC SNB consists of two workloads that focus on different functionalities: the Interactive workload (interactive transactional queries) and the Business Intelligence workload (analytical queries). This document contains the definition of the Interactive Workload and the first draft of the Business Intelligence Workload. This includes a detailed explanation of the data used in the LDBC SNB benchmark, a detailed description for all queries, and instructions on how to generate the data and run the benchmark with the provided software.Comment: For the repository containing the source code of this technical report, see https://github.com/ldbc/ldbc_snb_doc

    The Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC): Driving competition and collaboration in the graph data management space

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    Graph data management is instrumental for several use cases such as recommendation, root cause analysis, financial fraud detection, and enterprise knowledge representation. Efficiently supporting these use cases yields a number of unique requirements, including the need for a concise query language and graph-aware query optimization techniques. The goal of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) is to design a set of standard benchmarks that capture representative categories of graph data management problems, making the performance of systems comparable and facilitating competition among vendors. LDBC also conducts research on graph schemas and graph query languages. This paper introduces the LDBC organization and its work over the last decade