5 research outputs found

    Analisis Strategi Pemanfaatan Limbah Tanaman Pangan Sebagai Pakan Ruminansia Di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Vector Auto Regression (VAR) is an analysis or statistic method which can be used to predict time series variable and to analyst dynamic impact of disturbance factor in the variable system. In addition, VAR analysis is very useful to assess the interrelationship between economic variables. This research through the following test phases: unit root test, test of hypothesis, Granger causality test, and form a vector autoregresion model (VAR). The data used in this research is the GDP data and budget data of South Sulawesi in the period 1985-2004. The research aims to analyze the interrelationship between public expenditure and economic growth in South Sulawesi. The result showed statistically significant in economic growth (PDRB) influence public expenditure (APBD), however, not vice versa. Otherwise, for the need of APBD prediction, the used of lag 4 was the optimum model based on the causal relationship to PDRB

    The Effect of Turmeric and Garlic Phytobiotic Addition with Different Duration Storage on the Fungal Colony in Feed

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    Turmeric and garlic phytobiotic contain bioactive substances, each of which has a function as an antifungal. The study aims to determined to test the ability turmeric and garlic phytobiotic pressed fungal colonies in the feed with different storage time. The data were analyzed by a factorial experimental design with 5 treatments 4 replications and 2 repetitions. The first factor types phytobiotic and the second factor was storage duration. R0 = basal ration (without phytobiotic), R1 = basal ration + 0.3% synthetic antifungal, R2 = basal ration + 2.5% turmeric, R3 = basal ration + 5% garlic, R4 = (basal ration + 2.5% turmeric+ 5% garlic. W0, W1, W2 and W3 respectively with storage time 0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks. Samples were taken from each experimental unit homogeneously. The results showed the average fungal colonies of garlic phytobiotic treatment (26.06±44.76 CFUx103/g) in 2-week storage time (25.20±22.52 CFUx103/g) lower than the provision of synthetic preservatives (57.75±52.03 CFUx103/g) and the control treatment (74.87±70.69 CFUx103/g). Fungal colonies increases rapidly with increasing length of time of storage. The conclusion of this study was that the additon of turmeric and garlic phytobiotic capable as an antifungal in feed

    The Quality of Rice Straw by Fermented with Manure as a Feed Ruminant

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    An experiment was conducted the quality of rice straw by fermented with manure as feed for ruminant. Materials used in this experiment were rice straw , manure and molasses. Four treatments rice straw + 3% molasses, B= rice straw + 3% molasses +30% manure. Parameters observed were organoleptic character , pH, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber ( NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). The result of this experiment suggested that rice straw treated with manure 20% and 30% increased is crude protein and descreased its NDF and ADF. (Animal Production 3(2): 62-66 (2001

    Status Keberlanjutan Adopsi Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Ternak sebagai Pupuk Organik

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    This article aims to analyze the sustainability of livestock waste treatment technology adoption as an organic fertilizer in the integration beef and rice. Methods of analysis continuity with the approach Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS), using RAP program-FISH technique (Rapid Assessment Techniques for Fisheries). The results showed that the adoption of sustainability index value of livestock waste treatment technologies in the integration of beef and rice based on the dimensions of the ecological, economic, social and cultural included in the category of less sustainable with each index value of 35.18; 36.92, and 37.86. On the other hand, that is based on the technological dimension is quite sustainable, with an index value of 74.12. Improved sustainability of livestock waste treatment technology adoption into organic fertilizer in the integration beef and rice, with attention to the dimensions of the ecological, economic, social, cultural, and technological