12 research outputs found

    Block locally toeplitz sequences: Construction and properties

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    The theory of block locally Toeplitz (LT) sequences\u2014along with its generalization known as the theory of block generalized locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences\u2014is a powerful apparatus for computing the spectral distribution of matrices arising from the discretization of differential problems. In this paper we develop the theory of block LT sequences, whereas the theory of block GLT sequences is the subject of the complementary paper (Chap. 3 of this book)

    Block generalized locally toeplitz sequences: Topological construction, spectral distribution results, and star-algebra structure

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    The theory of generalized locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences is a powerful apparatus for computing the asymptotic singular value and eigenvalue distribution of matrices An arising from virtually any kind of numerical discretization of differential equations (DEs). Indeed, when the discretization parameter n tends to infinity, these matrices An give rise to a sequence {An}n, which often turns out to be a GLT sequence or one of its \u2018relatives\u2019, i.e., a block GLT sequence or a reduced GLT sequence. In particular, block GLT sequences are encountered in the discretization of systems of DEs as well as in the higher-order finite element or discontinuous Galerkin approximation of scalar DEs. Despite the applicative interest, a solid theory of block GLT sequences is still missing. The purpose of the present paper is to develop this theory in a systematic way