1,309 research outputs found

    The properties and environment of primitive solar nebulae as deduced from observations of solar-type pre-main sequence stars

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    The following topics were discussed: (1) current observation evidence for the presence of circumstellar disks associated with solar type pre-main sequence (PMS) stars; (2) the properties of such disks; and (3) the disk environment

    The evolution of young stellar object disks and their environment

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    The main efforts were directed towards determining the frequency of disk occurrence and the timescales for disk evolution for solar-type and intermediate mass stars. The results of the investigation showed that optically thick disks are accretion disks. The projected accomplishments are also discussed

    Hospital Knows Best: Court and Unfit Accused at the Mercy of Hospital Administrators: The Case of R. v. Conception

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    This article analyzes the Supreme Court’s 2014 decision in R. v. Conception which considered the treatment order provisions of the Criminal Code, finding that a court may not make a forthwith treatment order without the consent of the hospital except in rare cases where a delay would breach the accused’s rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). This article argues that the case represents a departure from three decades of legal developments in the sphere of civil and forensic mental health law unified by the principles of restraint and oversight. Further, the article suggests that the decision cedes court and tribunal oversight of the liberty interests of the unfit accused to unregulated hospital administrators, unless the unfit accused can establish a breach under the Charter, an eventuality which would appear to be legally impossible given that by definition the unfit accused is likely unable to instruct defence counsel. The article asserts that the unfit accused persons, who are to be the subject of a treatment orders, are unable legally to advance their Charter rights (having been found unfit). Drawing on the experiences of accused persons found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder (NCR accused), the article suggests the Court’s expectation that the Charter will prevail and judges will maintain control over the unfit accused is unrealistic and practically impossible

    Hospital Knows Best: Court and Unfit Accused at the Mercy of Hospital Administrators: The Case of R. v. Conception

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    This article analyzes the Supreme Court’s 2014 decision in R. v. Conception which considered the treatment order provisions of the Criminal Code, finding that a court may not make a forthwith treatment order without the consent of the hospital except in rare cases where a delay would breach the accused’s rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter). This article argues that the case represents a departure from three decades of legal developments in the sphere of civil and forensic mental health law unified by the principles of restraint and oversight. Further, the article suggests that the decision cedes court and tribunal oversight of the liberty interests of the unfit accused to unregulated hospital administrators, unless the unfit accused can establish a breach under the Charter, an eventuality which would appear to be legally impossible given that by definition the unfit accused is likely unable to instruct defence counsel. The article asserts that the unfit accused persons, who are to be the subject of a treatment orders, are unable legally to advance their Charter rights (having been found unfit). Drawing on the experiences of accused persons found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder (NCR accused), the article suggests the Court’s expectation that the Charter will prevail and judges will maintain control over the unfit accused is unrealistic and practically impossible

    Handling Sexuality Concerns in Women with Gynecological Cancer: Egyptian Nurse's Knowledge and Attitudes

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    Sexuality is an important part of normal human functioning. Gynecological cancer diagnosis and treatment has devastating effect on Sexual issues. Study aim was to investigate Oncology Nurses knowledge and attitudes in Relation to Provision of Sexual Health Care to Women Diagnosed with Gynecological Cancer. The study setting was conducted at oncology center, at Mansoura University Hospitals after obtaining hospital director approval. A Subject was consisted of 72 nurses who worked in gynecological oncology department. Tools: four tools were used by the researchers to collect pertinent data consisted of 1st The Self Administered Structured Schedule, 2nd tool, Sexual Health Care Scale–Attitude, 3rd tool, Facilitators about Sexuality Issue Discussion in nursing practice and 4th tool, Barriers about Sexuality Issue Discussion in Nursing Practice. Results revealed that 100% of nurses were having poor knowledge score regarding sexual health care with mean score 7.3 ±2.5. There was statistically significant relation between knowledge score and discomfort in providing sexual health care and Afraid of college’s negative response (P< 0.05). While there were no statistical significant relation between knowledge score and Feeling uncertain about patient’s acceptance and Lack of environmental support (P> 0.05). Majority of nurses reported that limited resources, patient embarrassment, staff shortages, patients having more things to be concerned about than having sex, inadequate education preparation, are the most important barriers to provide health sexual education. Provisions of relevant training, availability of private environment, having good nurse patient relationship, good communication are factors which facilitate provision of sexual health care. Conclusion oncology nurses have poor knowledge score and decrease feeling of discomfort domain was the most representative nurses attitude in provision of sexual health care, there are many of issues act as barriers and facilitators affecting nurses for providing sexual health care. Recommendations It is important  to put sexual health education into the curriculum of nursing, in order to assess the sexual health of patients within the health care system, continuing education activities and availability of education materials could assist nurses to adequately address sexual concerns while caring for patients with cancer and More research is needed on training of the nurses to overcome the barriers and guidelines or procedures in place for dealing with sexuality-related issues with patients. Key words: Sexuality Concerns, Gynecological Cancer, Egyptian Nurses, Knowledge, Attitude

    Rice and Climate Change: It’s Significance towards Achieving Food Security in Nigeria: A Review

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    Climate change is already impacting on every aspect of man life on earth especially in the agricultural sectors of developing nations. In Nigeria, and indeed the world over, seasons are shifting, temperatures are rising, landscapes are changing and sea levels are rising. Extreme weather events like drought and flood are becoming more frequent and pronounced.[3] stressed on the fact that Agriculture will suffer from major damage caused by changes in climate especially in the African continent. Nigeria is one of the African country that is highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, as Nigeria is still practicing rain fed agriculture [16]. The impact of climate change is experienced in form of extreme climatic events like flooding, severe heats, and droughts which has led to the degradation of soil and consequently low yield in crops. This will have consequences for rice cultivation in Nigeria, where the dominating climatic factor relied on by farmers in the choice of when to prepare the land for planting, the actual planting,the types of crop variety to plant and harvesting of crop is rainfall [23, 24].The implication of this will be interference with food security as rice is an essential food crop in Nigeria that is consumed by a large number of the population. [26] has warned that hunger in Africa will be worsen by adverse effects of climate change, as it threatens the capacity of vulnerable countries like Nigeria to guarantee food security, eradicate poverty and actualize sustainable development in agriculture. The increasing rate of inadequacy in food supply in the world leading to different form of malnutrition is worrisome and more needs to be done in the areas of agriculture so as to guarantee food security to some extent and improve on nourishment, if a world without hunger is to be achieved by 2030

    Properties of Heavy Secondary Fluorine Cosmic Rays:Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

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    Precise knowledge of the charge and rigidity dependence of the secondary cosmic ray fluxes and the secondary-to-primary flux ratios is essential in the understanding of cosmic ray propagation. We report the properties of heavy secondary cosmic ray fluorine F in the rigidity R range 2.15 GV to 2.9 TV based on 0.29 million events collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment on the International Space Station. The fluorine spectrum deviates from a single power law above 200 GV. The heavier secondary-to-primary F/Si flux ratio rigidity dependence is distinctly different from the lighter B/O (or B/C) rigidity dependence. In particular, above 10 GV, the F//Si B /O ratio can be described by a power law Rδ with δ =0.052 ±0.007 . This shows that the propagation properties of heavy cosmic rays, from F to Si, are different from those of light cosmic rays, from He to O, and that the secondary cosmic rays have two classes

    Properties of Cosmic Helium Isotopes Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

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    Precision measurements by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station of He 3 and He 4 fluxes are presented. The measurements are based on 100 million He 4 nuclei in the rigidity range from 2.1 to 21 GV and 18 million He 3 from 1.9 to 15 GV collected from May 2011 to November 2017. We observed that the He 3 and He 4 fluxes exhibit nearly identical variations with time. The relative magnitude of the variations decreases with increasing rigidity. The rigidity dependence of the He 3 /He 4 flux ratio is measured for the first time. Below 4 GV, the He 3 /He 4 flux ratio was found to have a significant long-term time dependence. Above 4 GV, the He 3 /He 4 flux ratio was found to be time independent, and its rigidity dependence is well described by a single power law ∝RΔ with Δ =-0.294 ±0.004 . Unexpectedly, this value is in agreement with the B/O and B/C spectral indices at high energies