224 research outputs found

    Economic analysis of groundwater markets in central dry zone of Karnataka

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    Water market, Groundwater irrigation, Water use efficiency, Economic analysis, India, Karnataka, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis,

    Economic Analysis of Groundwater Markets in Central Dry Zone of Karnataka

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    Groundwater, unlike surface water, is expensive and relatively scarce and hence should be used to grow crops that are responsive to protective irrigation, require less water and are remunerative. Sellers and buyers of groundwater have put large areas under paddy, a water-intensive crop. This needs to be disciplined through effective groundwater institutions. Groundwater literacy has to be promoted by educating farmers on the pros and cons of overexploitation. For farmers who do not own wells, one way to enable access to water is through group investments in well irrigation. This would require provision for institutional credit for such groups and energization of pumpsets. This will provide an environment of sharing available groundwater and the associated costs. The functioning of groundwater markets in hard rock areas of the semi arid dry zone of Karnataka show two types of arrangements. In the first one, irrigation services are provided on demand and water charge is levied on hourly basis. In the second one, irrigation services are provided for the whole crop season, and cash equivalent of a fixed share of crop produce is paid as water charge. For water buyers, crop sharing arrangement yielded higher returns than that under hourly rates. Comparative analysis of allocative efficiencies of input use for sellers and buyers in groundwater markets show that water buyers obtain higher economic efficiency in water used for crop production than sellers, though both buyers and sellers are growing water-intensive crops such as paddy.water markets, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Ofloxacin-induced maculopapular rash in the infant

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    Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in countries having limited healthcare resources. The ofloxacin is an antimicrobial used for treating several bacterial infections. The ofloxacin, belonging to quinolone group of drugs, is bactericidal and acts by inhibition of bacterial DNA gyrase. Among the adverse drug reaction of ofloxacin, skin rashes are rare. An ofloxacin-induced maculopapular rash is the unique rare condition in the infant. The present case report was assessing the causality in ofloxacin induced maculopapular rash in the infant. Naranjo Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale and World Health Organization and Uppsala Monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC) system for standardized case causality assessment were used for assessing the causality. According to the Naranjo and WHO-UMC, ofloxacin scaled as the probable/likely cause of this ADR in infant. So, authors can conclude that the ofloxacin should be used cautiously in the pediatric age group

    Psycho-social study of adolescent girls of rural Konkan region (Maharashtra)

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    Background: Konkan area in Maharashtra, India is rich in Biodiversity and known for its Natural Beauty. At the same time geographical difficulties, poor socio-economical status, superstitial and religious beliefs are some important factors contributing to more Psycho-social problems in this area including Physical Health. We focused in this Study to find out Psychological Problems, Health issues and planning future activities for School going adolescent girls.Methods: The Study was carried out on total no. Of 1290 School going adolescent girls of age group 11-20 years, over the period of six months. The following Psychological and Physical parameters were considered. Mental Status Examination, Higher Mental Functions, Personality, Decision Making capacity. Hemoglobin status, Body Mass Index and Health related factors of Adolescent girls.Results: According to Psychological assessment78.46% had abnormal expression, poor hygiene, low decision making. 72.47% were underweight and 47.22% were anemic.Conclusions: More Active measures need to be taken for care of Psychological and Physical health. Awareness Programme needs to implement for Students, Parents, Teachers and Public.

    Conservative management of traumatic brachial plexus injury: a case report

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    Brachial plexus injury (BPI) is one of the devastating conditions for patients, which has a negative impact on patients' quality of life. It renders patients with an inability to achieve functional independence. With advancements in surgeries and rehabilitation, improvement in these domains is possible. This case report describes the rehabilitation of a 28-year-old male patient. Being a driver by occupation and the only earning member in the family, upper limb function was essential for functional independence and resume work. After examination, problems were identified, goals were set, and intervention was planned. The patient took 2 months of inpatient rehabilitation six days a week. After completion of treatment, the patient was independent in basic and instrumental activities of daily living. The study concludes that structured, evidence-based physiotherapy treatment is effective in achieving functional independence and reducing disability in patients with traumatic BPI

    Functional recovery in a rare case of an adult patient with leucodystrophy

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    The adulthood leukodystrophy is an uncommon clinical condition. Physiotherapy treatment provided to this referred patient resulted in a significant functional recovery within a short span of time inspite of gross lesion. A 34-year-old male patient diagnosed as a case of leucodystrophy was referred for Physiotherapy after 2 years of initial diagnosis physiotherapy progress consisted of increasing muscle strength, reducing tightness and improving postural stability; also to improve mobility for 5 months. After taking the pre and post assessment values of MAS, FIST, mFRT and FIM, improvement through the post assessment values showed significant functional recovery within 5 months. Significant functional recovery after 2 years of diagnosis of leucodystrophy provides promising scope of physiotherapy in future cases of leucodystrophy

    The spontaneous motor activity of aqueous extract of Withania coagulans fruits in Swiss albino mice by actophotometer

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    Background: People spend about one third of their time in sleep every day. The various sedative and hypnotic medications used today have numerous side effects. In the late seventies a very little work was done on the Withania coagulans - a vulnerable species that is found scattered in the world. Therefore, it was essential to discover the CNS depressant activities of aqueous extract of Withania coagulans fruits in swiss albino mice by using actophotometer.Methods: The spontaneous locomotor activity was evaluated by using the actophotometer. The CNS depressant drugs decrease the locomotor activity in mice as they impair the motor coordination so that mice stay at one place for the longer time. Therefore, there is less disruption of the beams of light. This spontaneous locomotor activity time is statistically correlated among the control, standard and the test drugs.Results: There was statistically highly significant (p value <0.001) association observed between aqueous extract of Withania coagulans fruits with spontaneous locomotor activity in swiss albino mice on the actophotometer.Conclusions: The aqueous extract of Withania coagulans fruits demonstrated the CNS depressant activity in swiss albino mice by actophotometer

    The antipsychotic activity of alcoholic extract of Withania coagulans fruits in Swiss albino mice

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    Background: Schizophrenia is one of the most distressing central nervous system (CNS) disorders. It is described by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. These symptoms can be controlled by the antipsychotic medicines. The numerous antipsychotic medications used today are not lacking the adverse drug reactions. The Withania coagulans a susceptible species, is not explored much for its CNS effects except in late seventies. Therefore, it was thought worthwhile to investigate anti-psychotic activities of alcoholic extract of Withania coagulans fruits. The objective of the present study was to assess the antipsychotic activity of alcoholic extract of Withania coagulans fruits in Swiss albino mice by Cook’s Pole Climb Apparatus for conditioned avoidance response (CAR)Methods: Cook’s Pole Climb Apparatus for conditioned avoidance response was used for assessing the antipsychotic activity of the alcoholic extract of 200mg/kg, 500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg doses of Withania coagulans fruits.Results: There was statistically (p-value >0.05) no significant association between any of the 200mg/kg, 500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg doses of the alcoholic extracts of Withania coagulans fruits with antipsychotic activity in Swiss albino mice.Conclusions: Withania coagulans fruits alcoholic extract did not demonstrate antipsychotic activity in Swiss albino mice under standard conditions

    Systematic review of adverse drug reactions of ofloxacin

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    Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in countries having limited healthcare resources. Of all the Adverse Drug Reactions, antimicrobials contribute 28% which is highest compared to the other drugs. Ofloxacin is an antimicrobial used for treating several bacterial infections. Incidence rate of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to ofloxacin is 4.27%. Although these figures appear to be small, it is consumed for gastrointestinal infections along with ornidazole in India contributing significant burden of ADRs. However, there is no research done in past many years focusing on the adverse drug reactions of ofloxacin. This article bridges the gap of such a need. The objective of the present study was to review the adverse drug reactions related to ofloxacin in human and animal studies. Authors conducted Pubmed and Cochrane library search to review all the articles related to the adverse drug reaction of ofloxacin from 1980 to 2016. Authors got 84 articles pertaining to the adverse drug reactions of ofloxacin. Authors conclude that ofloxacin should be judiciously used as the side effect profile is increasing.
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