7 research outputs found

    A Neural Predictor of Consumer Psychology: An fMRI Study of the Effect of Celebrity, Non-Celebrity, and Rational Advertising Appeals on Dress Attractiveness

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    It is important to investigate how to capture their attention, and presumably increasing product attractiveness and buying intention. Along with the traditional research approaches, an increasingly popular method for assessing these factors is the study of the underlying brain activation that accompanies different types of advertising appeals designed to promote a given product. This present study attempts to fill this gap by investigating consumer brain-based activations in response to three different types of advertising appeals (i.e., celebrity, non-celebrity, rational). Twenty-seven female subjects participated and three different advertising appeals were shown to participants while in and fMRI brain scanner. Interestingly, non-celebrity appeals had the most positive effect on perceived dress attractiveness and activated regions particularly important for self-reflection. Future research employing different types of celebrities and products will provide a more complete picture of the brain mechanisms

    Employee voice: An employee satisfaction level by selected healthcare service providers in the Czech Republic

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    The employee satisfaction level is closely related to the performance and quality of work performed by an employee and, consequently, it translates into the competitiveness and success of a corporation, because a motivated and satisfied employee builds and participates in the success of any corporation (organization, firm, hospital, etc.). The aim of the article was to discover more about the current situation employee satisfaction level by selected healthcare service providers in the context of the gender of employees and the length of current employment of the employees by selected healthcare service providers in the Czech Republic. The overall employee satisfaction level was monitored through seven selected research areas. The research was carried out in 2017 from the sample of 608 respondents. Two research hypotheses and one research question have been formulated. The verification or rejection of null research hypotheses was done through the statistical method of the Pearson's Chi-square test. The results came along with the discovery that there is a statistically significant relation between the overall employee satisfaction level by selected healthcare service providers and the gender of employees and there is no statistically significant relation between the overall employee satisfaction level by selected healthcare service providers and the length of current employment of the employees by selected healthcare service providers. Š Academy of Management. All rights reserved

    The Effect of Green Self-Identity on Perceived Image, Warm Glow and Willingness to Purchase: A New Generation’s Perspective towards Eco-Friendly Restaurants

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    Compared to other generations, Generation Z (Gen Z) tend to be more concerned with environmental problems, prefer healthier food options, and are willing to pay premium prices for eco-friendly food products. Until now, however, this market segment had not been the focus of any sustainability research in the restaurant context. The present study fills this gap while exploring if green self-identity (one’s alignment with environmental concerns) influences perceptions of green restaurants (one’s perceived image of green restaurants) and warm glow feeling (one’s good feeling from patronizing green restaurants), which in turn affect willingness to pay. Data was collected from 388 Gen Z participants through a questionnaire survey, and covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was used to examine the study’s model. The results indicate warm glow is generated when individuals with green self-identity acknowledge restaurants are using green practices, which in turn influences their willingness to pay at green restaurants. Additionally, the findings of this study advance the theoretical viewpoints for social exchange theory (SET), identity theory, and green consumption in the restaurant industry. For practical implementation, restaurateurs can improve their businesses by developing their green image, initiating green design, and incorporating eco-friendly activities to enhance patrons’ dining experience

    The Effect of Green Self-Identity on Perceived Image, Warm Glow and Willingness to Purchase: A New Generation’s Perspective towards Eco-Friendly Restaurants

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    Compared to other generations, Generation Z (Gen Z) tend to be more concerned with environmental problems, prefer healthier food options, and are willing to pay premium prices for eco-friendly food products. Until now, however, this market segment had not been the focus of any sustainability research in the restaurant context. The present study fills this gap while exploring if green self-identity (one’s alignment with environmental concerns) influences perceptions of green restaurants (one’s perceived image of green restaurants) and warm glow feeling (one’s good feeling from patronizing green restaurants), which in turn affect willingness to pay. Data was collected from 388 Gen Z participants through a questionnaire survey, and covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was used to examine the study’s model. The results indicate warm glow is generated when individuals with green self-identity acknowledge restaurants are using green practices, which in turn influences their willingness to pay at green restaurants. Additionally, the findings of this study advance the theoretical viewpoints for social exchange theory (SET), identity theory, and green consumption in the restaurant industry. For practical implementation, restaurateurs can improve their businesses by developing their green image, initiating green design, and incorporating eco-friendly activities to enhance patrons’ dining experience

    Do Charity or Non-Charity Sporting Events Have a Greater Influence on Participants’ Warm Glow?: An Experimental Survey

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    Although the literature shows that consuming pro-social products increases warm glow, a psychological factor that contributes to consumer experience and satisfaction, it is unclear whether participating in a charity sporting event results in the same outcome. This research addresses this gap by testing the effects of participating in charity running events and altruism on the warm glow of participants. A scenario-based survey was employed to collect data from 180 respondents who had previously participated in charity running events. Multiple regression analysis results showed that participating in a charity (vs. non-charity) running event increased participants’ warm glow. Altruism also had a significant positive impact on their warm glow; however, this effect was independent of the percentage of proceeds donated by the event to charity

    A Neural Predictor of Consumer Psychology: An fMRI Study of the Effect of Celebrity, Non-Celebrity, and Rational Advertising Appeals on Dress Attractiveness

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    It is important to investigate how to capture their attention, and presumably increasing product attractiveness and buying intention. Along with the traditional research approaches, an increasingly popular method for assessing these factors is the study of the underlying brain activation that accompanies different types of advertising appeals designed to promote a given product. This present study attempts to fill this gap by investigating consumer brain-based activations in response to three different types of advertising appeals (i.e., celebrity, non-celebrity, rational). Twenty-seven female subjects participated and three different advertising appeals were shown to participants while in and fMRI brain scanner. Interestingly, non-celebrity appeals had the most positive effect on perceived dress attractiveness and activated regions particularly important for self-reflection. Future research employing different types of celebrities and products will provide a more complete picture of the brain mechanisms.</p