7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Rizo-bakteri Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman terhadap Viabilitas Benih Serta Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Cabai

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    The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate effects of seed treatment using local isolates of rhizobacteria on seed germination and seedling growth of hot pepper. Hot pepper seeds were treated with rhizobacterium isolates of Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., or Serratia sp. and germinated using standard germination procedures. Subsequently, seedlings were transplanted into plastic pots containing a mixture of potting media. Germination was recorded at 7 and 14 days while seedling growth were recorded at 6 and 8 weeks after transplanting. Results of the experiments showed seed treatments using rhizobacteria significantly increased viability of the treated hot pepper seeds (percentage of increases as compared to untreated seeds in seed germination - up to 27%, PTM 11%, vigor index 31%, SPT 29%, KCT 29%, and reduction of T50 by 0.75 days). Some of the treatments also promoted growth of hot pepper seedlings. Although all of the rhizobacteria synthesized IAA, growth promoting effects of the rhizobacteria may not only be due to the synthesized growth regulator. Other factors may have involved in the possitive effects of the rhizobacteria on hot pepper seed germination and seedling growth

    Kajian Potensi Rizobakteri Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman yang Diisolasi dari Rizosfer Padi Sehat

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    The experiment was carried out to characterize the ability of rhizobacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of healthy lowland rice in dissolving phosphate or fixing nitrogen. The research was conducted from February to June 2011 at Agronomy Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Halu Oleo University. The experiment was arranged based on descriptive methods. Overall, the number of isolates characterized were 40 isolates. The results of the isolate characterization were documentated with specific indicators (eg. the ability to dissolve phosphate in the form of halo/clear zone). The research indicated that most of these isolates had the ability to dissolve phosphate and fix nitrogen. Isolates PKNW 6, PKMN 7, PKNS 3, PKNS 9 and PKNW 4 showed better ability in dissolving phosphate and fixing nitrogen than other isolates evaluated. Further studies are still needed for the development of the potential isolates as biological agensts or biofertilizer

    Invigorasi Benih Padi Gogo Lokal untuk Meningkatkan Vigor dan Mengatasi Permasalahan Dormansi Fisiologis Pascapanen

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of seed invigoration on improving seed viability and vigor, and to overcome problems of postharvest physiological dormancy of upland rice seed. The research was conducted from February to June 2011 at Agrotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University. The experiment used randomized complete design which consisted of 13 treatments, i.e control (G0), Hidration-Dehidration (G1), Matriconditioning using ground brick (G2), Matriconditioning using ground burned-rice husk (G3), Bacillus CKD061 (G4), P. fluorescens PG01 (G5), Serratia CMN175 (G6), Biomatriconditioning using ground brick + Bacillus CKD061 (G7), Biomatriconditioning using ground brick + P. fluorescens PG01 (G8), Biomatriconditioning using ground brick + Serratia CMN175 (G9), Biomatriconditioning using ground burned-rice husk + Bacillus CKD061 (G10), Biomatriconditioning using ground burned-rice husk + P. fluorescens PG01 (G11), Biomatriconditioning using ground burned-rice husk + Serratia CMN175 (G12). Each treatment was replicated three times, therefore, overall there were 36 experimental units. Data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance and followed with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The research results showed that bio-invigoration treatments integrated with rhizobacteria were effective to overcome the problems of postharvest physiological dormancy when local upland rice seeds were harvested. In addition, this treatment was also able to increase viability and vigour of the seed. Among treatments tested, the use of Bacillus sp. CKD061 or P. fluorescens PG01, either independently or integrated with matriconditioning using ground brick or ground burned- rice husk was more effective in improving viability and vigour of local upland rice seed compared to other treatments

    Aplikasi Konsorsium Endo-rhizobakteri untuk Meningkatkan Vigor Benih Padi Gogo Lokal

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    Penggunaan agens hayati merupakan trend perkembangan pertanian saat ini, diantaranya endo-rhizobakteri. Endo-rhizobakteri mampu menghasilkan hormon tumbuh, melarutkan fosfat dan memfiksasi nitrogen, yang berperan dalam perkecambahan dan perkembangan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan vigor benih padi gogo lokal yang diaplikasi konsorsium endo-rhizobakteri. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Agroteknologi Unit Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari pada bulan April 2018. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap, dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu: kontrol, isolat Be02 + PKLK, isolat Be02 + Bacillus sp. CKD061, isolat PKLK5 + Bacillus sp. CKD061 dan isolat Be02 + PKLK5 + Bacillus sp. CKD061. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 15 unit percobaan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap daya berkecambah, potensi tumbuh maksimum, indeks vigor, keserempakkan tumbuh, kecepatan tumbuh relatif, T50 dan panjang akar. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRTα=0,05. Hasil penelitian konsorsium endo-rhizobakteri mampu meningkatkan viabilitas dan vigor benih padi gogo lokal. Perlakuan konsorsium endo-rhizobakteri isolat Be02 + PKLK5 + Bacillus sp. CKD061 efektif meningkatkan daya berkecambah (25,49%) dan potensi tumbuh maksimum (26,32%) bila dibandingkan dengan kontrol.  Perlakuan konsorsium endo-rhizobakteri isolat Be02 + Bacillus sp. CKD061 efektif meningkatkan indeks vigor (36,58%), keserempakkan tumbuh (18,75%), T50 (20,06%) dan panjang akar (42,76%) bila dibandingkan dengan kontro