73 research outputs found

    Struktur dan Distribusi Pendapatan Rumahtangga Petani Lahan Sawah di Jawa dan Luar Jawa

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    This article following aim to study (1) structure earnings of farmer household of rice fieldfarm in five kabupaten in Java and two kabupaten Off Java, (2) the earnings distributionand bearing of with ownership distribution of farm, and (3) formulating policy suggestionto improve earnings of household. Research use primary data result of survey of farmerhousehold in MH 2000 / 01, MK I and of MK II 2001. Research result indicate that (1)agricultural sector still contribute more than 60% of earnings of household farmer of ricefield farm in research area, and paddy farming system have compartment around 21 -38% in Java and 23 - 41% Off Java to totalizing earnings of household, and there istendency more and more wide of rice field farm of land holding high more and morelevel earnings of household, (2) distribution earnings of household in Java and Off Javahave heavy Lameness level (Index of Gini >0,5) where mean Lameness level ofhousehold compared to heavier Java Off Java, and ( 3) entry of sector non-agriculture instructure earnings of household farmer of rice field farm have negative diffraction toearnings distribution which for example because of the lowering of accessing householdto sector is non-agriculture. Implication of finding is important allocation priority ofresource of development for relevant agricultural sector still placed forward. Inagricultural sector strives the make-up of earnings related to scale efficiency dominationof farm of land holding, USAge of seed with quality and efficiency marketing and inputoutput. Besides for the reduce of negative diffraction entry of farmer sector to distributionearnings of household in rice field farm area require to be considered to access householdinto the sector through extension of opportunity of job in sector non-agriculture

    Dinamika Ketenagakerjaan dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Pedesaan Jawa (Kasus di Propinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur)

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    The last periode, agricultural sector have to burdensome rural labor absorbtion,consequenly decleaning productivity of labor in agricultural sector and wage rate relativelystagnant. This paper obyective to study : (1) labor dinamic in the macro and micro level; (2)variety kind of labor activity and labor supply in wet land rural area; (3) structure of timelabor allocation in household level; (4) trend of wage rate in wet land rural area. Both inmacro and micro level labor absorbtion in agricultural sector each achieved 68 % and 66 %.Total labor absortion by members household about 75 – 127 days (21-35 %) from timeavaibility. Trend of riel wage rate in two provincial (East Java and Central Java) relativelystagnant (1.03 – 2.03 % per years), so in West Java Provincial to decleaning (0.09 %/years).This fact to indicate shown sign labor over supplay in the rural area. Several recomendationto solve this problem are land use optimalization by higher plant intencity; to developefarming diversification, especially high value commodity; land and farming consolidation;and to develope agroindustry based on local raw material

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 013 Teluk Piyai Kecamatan Kubu

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    The background of the research is the process of learning and teachingfourth grade SDN 013 subdistricts Piyai Gulf Kubu Rokan Hilir in sciencesubjects which are still dominated by the teacher so that students become passive,as well as materials provided by the teacher and the learning outcomes are notsatisfactory with the value - average KKM is below 68 this study aims todetermine the learning outcomes after direct learning both individually andclassical to class IV student learning outcomes in science subjects SDN 013 GulfPiyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir. This study was conducted on 20 studentsconsisting of 8 men - men and 12 women. Data were collected throughobservation using the observation sheet for learning data directly and throughdaily tests for data belajar.Hasil research results indicating that directinstructional model individually significantly affect student learning outcomes.Where students who otherwise completed their study of 20 students. Viewedclassically turns direct instructional model also significantly affect the gainmastery by 30% by value - average 74.5. This means that the direct instructionalmodel can improve student learning outcomes, both individually and classical

    Early Prevention Toward Sexual Abuse on Children

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    Child sexual abuse is a worldwide problem. Although most studies on the longterm consequences of child sexual abuse have focused on women, sexual abuse of both boys and girls is common. Peer sexual abuse in schools was an often overlooked problem that contributes to a hostile school environment: one major study found that 85% of girls and 76% of boys reported experiencing some form of sexual abuse in school. 85% of child sexual abuse is committed by relatives, close family friend or an adult that the child knows and trusts. The childhood sexual abuse variables taken into account are commonly age of onset, duration, abuse forms and relationship between the child and the perpetrator. The objective of this study was to gather information or opinion about sexual abuse concept, methods and media of the elementary students, parents, teachers and experts. A qualitative study, involving one to one interviews, was conducted with 7 experts, focus group discussion with 40 elementary students, and with 40 parents in Yogyakarta district about child sexual abuse issues. Data were analysed according to Miles and Huberman\u27s data reduction, data display and conclusion verification process. These findings strongly indicate that boys and girls are vulnerable to this form of childhood sexual abuse ; the similarity in the likelihood for multiple behavioral, mental and social outcomes among men and women suggest the need to identify and treat all adults affected by child sexual abuse. Themes related to the child sexual abuse were: paperwork design, good facilitator, guidelines for students, parents and teachers. Students prefer media that can help them understand concept with komik paperwork as media for early prevention. Parents, teachers and experts prefer that this prevention program can run as soon. With careful paperwork design and evaluation of prevention program, the success of program implementation can be enhanced

    Website Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this research is to find out how customer satisfaction in the field of online business. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research method. A descriptive qualitative method is a method used to describe or analyze the results of the research. Website characteristics are defined as attributes that consumers consider when evaluating an online site. Website characteristics are measured using five dimensions shopping convenience, design, informative, security, communication. Online business is an important tool for consumers to find products, the purchase intention of consumers through online stores tends to be high. Consumer satisfaction is greatly influenced by the transaction process and trust. And, based on the result of the research, that ease, security, site design, informative and communication as well as features of an online business affect customer satisfaction
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