47 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sarcotesta dan Kadar Air Benih terhadap Kandungan Total Fenol dan Daya Simpan Benih Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.)

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    There are phenolic compounds in sarcotesta of papaya seed which can act either as inhibitor or as antioxidant. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of sarcotesta and seed moisture content on total phenolic content and seed longevity of papaya seed. The experiment was conducted in November 2004 - May 2005, at Bogor Agicultural University, by using papaya seed (IPB-1) harvested from Center for Tropical Fruit Studies orchard in Bogor. In this study, seeds were dried in the absence and presence of sarcotesta until 11-12% and 6-7% moisture content (mc). After drying, seeds were packed in sealed plastic bag and stored in ambient room until 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks. Seed viability and total phenolic compound were evaluated every 3 weeks. Total phenolic content of seed with sarcotesta was higher (> 327mg/100g dry weight) than the seed without sarcotesta

    Pengaruh Sarcotesta dan Pengeringan Benih Serta Perlakuan Pendahuluan terhadap Viabilitas dan Dormansi Benih Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.)

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    Improved seed longevity by seed drying and application of phenolic compound as natural antioxidant is the topic of this research. In many cases the sensitivity of papaya seed to drying is being the limit factor because of desiccation injury or induced dormancy. There is phenolic compound on the sarcotesta surrounding papaya seed which may act either as antioxidant or as germination inhibitor. The effect of sarcotesta and seed drying on viabillity and dormancy was studied. The experiment was conducted in July - October 2004, located at Bogor Agricultural University, used papaya seed (IPB-1) which harvested from Pusat Kajian Buah Tropika (PKBT) farm in Bogor. In the last study, seed was dried in the absence and presence of sarcotesta until 11-12% and 6-7% moisture content (mc). After drying, seed viability was measured by tetrazolium test. The hardness of seed was also measured using penetrometer. Seed germination was tested by (1) soaking on 10% KNO3, (2) scarification on water using electrical stirrer, (3) soaking on 10% KNO3 with scarification using electrical stirrer, (4) scarification on the hot water (50oC) followed by soaking on 10% KNO3. In the absence of sarcotesta, the viability of 6-7% mc seed was as high as 11-12% mc seed. There was neither viability reduction nor induced dormancy. Whereas in the presence of sarcotesta, there was also no viability reduction but the dormancy was induced. The dormancy of seed with 11-12% mc was longer than seed with 6-7% mc. Scanning electron microscopy images showed that sarcotesta was removed by cleaning treatment before drying. On the contrary, sarcotesta was not completely removed from the seed and became more impermeable when cleaning was done after drying.This research can not suggest the most effective pre-treatment to break the dormancy. The mechanism of the dormancy is discused

    Alat Pengusang Cepat IPB 77-1 MM Untuk Penapisan Vigor Daya Simpan Benih Kedelai

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    Accelerated Aging Machine “IPB 77-1 MM” could be used for soybean seed screening based on the seed storability vigor. The aim of the research was to identify simple, fast and accurate accelerated aging method using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM. Two methods of accelerated aging test (physical and chemical treatment) were applied to seeds of Anjasmoro soybean variety. The best accelerated aging method was then used to screen seed storability vigor of 23 soybean varieties. Seed storability vigor of 23 soybean varieties were detected using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM and each was compared with the seed storability vigor of those stored 10 weeks in controlled storage. Results of the experiment showed that using chemical or physical treatment on accelerated aging process were able to decrease seed vigor, but chemical treatment decreased seed vigor faster, more simple and more practical. Accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM could also be used for screening varietal seed storability vigor of soybean using electrical conductivity test

    Can We Produce True Seed of Shallot (TSS) from Small Size Shallot Sets?

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    The Indonesian government has been promoting the use of true seed of shallot (TSS) for shallot production due to its higher productivity potentials and greatly reduced risk of disease transfer. This research was conducted at Leuwikopo experimental station, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University, West Java, Indonesia, in 2015. The aim of the research was to study TSS production from small size shallot sets “Bima Brebes”, an easy to flower shallot cultivar.  The trial was arranged in a completely randomized block design with two factors; BAP concentration i.e. 50, 100 150, 200 ppm as the first factor and the sizes of mother bulbs, i.e. small (3-4 g) and medium (5-10 g), as the second factor. The results showed that the vegetative growth of plants from the two bulb sizes were similar. TSS production and TSS quality from small size (3-4 g) bulbs was also comparable to that of medium size shallot set, except for 1000 seeds weight in which medium size mother bulb produced heavier 1000-seeds weight than that of small size shallot set. Therefore small size shallot set can potentially be useful for TSS production.

    Pelengkungan Cabang Dan Pemupukan Jeruk Keprok Borneo Prima Pada Periode Transisi Di Lahan Rawa Kabupaten Paser Kalimantan Timur

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    Jeruk keprok Borneo Prima (Citrus reticulata cv. Borneo Prima) merupakan komoditas lokal unggulan yang perlu dikembangkan sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi impor jeruk. Tanaman jeruk keprok Borneo Prima telah berumur 5 tahun, namun belum memasuki periode berbunga dan berbuah. Hal ini diduga karena kondisi lingkungan dan teknik budidaya yang belum sesuai. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendapatkan teknik pelengkungan cabang dan dosis pupuk kandang yang tepat jeruk keprok Borneo Prima pada periode transisi di lahan rawa. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun jeruk petani Desa Padang Pengrapat, Kecamatan Tanah Grogot, Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur, di lahan rawa pada bulan Oktober 2013 sampai dengan Maret 2014, dengan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama ialah pelengkungan cabang dengan dua taraf, yaitu tidak dilengkungkan dan dilengkungkan. Faktor kedua ialah dosis pupuk kandang dengan empat taraf, yaitu 0, 40, 60, dan 80 kg/tanaman. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pelengkungan cabang dapat menyebabkan tanaman jeruk keprok Borneo Prima yang berumur 5 tahun menjadi berbunga dan berbuah, sedangkan yang tidak dilengkungkan cabangnya tidak berbunga dan tidak berbuah. Selain itu pelengkungan cabang meningkatkan pertumbuhan vegetatif (jumlah tunas baru, total panjang tunas baru per pohon, dan total daun baru per pohon). Pemberian pupuk kandang sampai dengan 80 kg/tanaman pada periode transisi belum dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif (jumlah bunga per cabang dan jumlah buah per cabang) sampai dengan 90 hari setelah perlakuan. Tidak terdapat interaksi antara pemberian pupuk kandang dan pelengkungan cabang terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif. Bunga pertama muncul dari cabang atau tunas yang terletak di bagian dalam tajuk lalu diikuti tajuk yang terletak di luar. Untuk membungakan tanaman jeruk keprok Borneo Prima yang telah memasuki periode transisi atau pada periode transisi dapat dilakukan pelengkungan cabang

    Deteksi Cepat Viabilitas Benih Padi Menggunakan Gelombang Near Infrared Dan Model Jaringan Saraf Tiruan

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    Viability is an important component of seed quality, which could be detained by germinating the seeds. Currently testing the seed viability of rice takes a long time (5-14 days), so it becomes a limiting factor in the seed production process. An alternative method for rapid seed viability detection is using the Near Infrared (NIR) spectra and using artificial neural network (ANN) as a data processing system. This research was aimed to study the use of NIR spectra and ANN to predict the viability of rice seeds. NIR reflectance (1,000-2,500 nm) of a Ciherang rice seed samples (40 grams), was used as the input data to develop the ANN model. A total of 60 samples were subjected to accelerated aging to obtain various levels of germination. The development of ANN models was done through calibration and validation of NIR spectra to the viability parameters. As ANN input, NIR reflectance of seed sample was given pretreatment data such as normalization, first derivative, second derivative, standard normal variate (SNV) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed that longer accelerated aging caused a decrease in seed viability. This was also indicated by the decrease in soluble protein and an increase in free fatty acids. The intensity of the NIR absorbance spectra also showed the same in the absorption region of soluble protein and free fatty acids. The best ANN models to predict the germination was 10PC-5-3 ANN with the SNV NIR reflectance used as the input data. Coefisien correlation of the validation was 0.8947, the value of ratio performance deviation was 2.2359 and the standard error performance was 9.9233%. The use of NIR spectra and ANN was potentially useful to perdict the viability of rice seeds more rapidly

    Pengelolaan Polen Untuk Produksi Benih Melon Hibrida Sunrise Meta Dan Orange Meta

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    Pengelolaan polen merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam sistem produksi benih hibrida. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari pengelolaan polen untuk produksi benih hibrida melon Sunrise Meta dan Orange Meta. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Tajur II, Bogor dan Laboratorium Biologi dan Biofisik Benih, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, IPB. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Mei 2012 hingga Februari 2013. Penelitian terdiri atas dua percobaan dengan dua tetua jantan M13 dan M21 yang diuji terpisah. Percobaan pertama bertujuan meningkatkan produksi dan viabilitas polen, dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap satu faktor dengan empat perlakuan, yaitu kontrol (tanpa penambahan unsur mikro), boraks 10 kg/ha, aplikasi 200 ppm AgNO3+1.000 ppm Na2SO4 dan kombinasi perlakuan keduanya. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap semua bunga jantan saat P1: 22-27 HST, P2: 28-33 HST, P3: 34-39 HST, P4: 40–45 HST, dan P5: 46-51 HST. Peubah yang diamati ialah jumlah polen per antera, viabilitas polen dan jumlah bunga jantan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi boraks 10 kg/h dapat meningkatkan jumlah polen per antera M13 dan M21 namun tidak dapat meningkatkan viabilitas polen dan jumlah bunga jantannya. Jumlah polen tertinggi M13 ditemukan pada fase P4, sementara pada M21 terjadi pada fase P4 dan P5. Percobaan kedua dilakukan untuk mempelajari viabilitas polen pada bunga sehari sebelum antesis (A-1) dan saat antesis (A) serta Perubahan viabilitas polen selama penyimpanan dalam ultra freezer (-80±2OC) selama 30 hari. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa daya kecambah polen segar dari bunga antesis lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan polen yang dipanen sehari sebelum antesis. Polen dari bunga antesis yang telah disimpan selama 30 hari memiliki daya kecambah lebih tinggi 30,34% (M13) dan 24,86% (M21) dibandingkan dengan polen yang dipanen dari bunga sehari sebelum antesis 2,4% (M13) dan 7,35% (M21). Seluruh polen yang disimpan dapat digunakan untuk produksi benih hibrida di lapangan. Polen yang disimpan tidak berkorelasi dengan seed set di lapangan