380 research outputs found

    General Formalism For the BRST Symmetry

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    In this paper we will discuss Faddeev-Popov method for field theories with a gauge symmetry in an abstract way. We will then develope a general formalism for dealing with the BRST symmetry. This formalism will make it possible to analyse the BRST symmetry for any theory.Comment: Published in Communications in Theoretical Physic

    Pathogenesis, Immunology, and Diagnosis of Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection

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    Phagocytosis of tubercle bacilli by antigen-presenting cells in human lung alveoli initiates a complex infection process by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a potentially protective immune response by the host. M. tuberculosis has devoted a large part of its genome towards functions that allow it to successfully establish latent or progressive infection in the majority of infected individuals. The failure of immune-mediated clearance is due to multiple strategies adopted by M. tuberculosis that blunt the microbicidal mechanisms of infected immune cells and formation of distinct granulomatous lesions that differ in their ability to support or suppress the persistence of viable M. tuberculosis. In this paper, current understanding of various immune processes that lead to the establishment of latent M. tuberculosis infection, bacterial spreading, persistence, reactivation, and waning or elimination of latent infection as well as new diagnostic approaches being used for identification of latently infected individuals for possible control of tuberculosis epidemic are described

    Construction of perfect tensors using biunimodular vectors

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    Dual unitary gates are highly non-local two-qudit unitary gates that have been studied extensively in quantum many-body physics and quantum information in the recent past. A special subset of dual unitary gates consists of rank-four perfect tensors, which are equivalent to highly entangled multipartite pure states called absolutely maximally entangled (AME) states. In this work, numerical and analytical constructions of dual unitary gates and perfect tensors that are diagonal in a special maximally entangled basis are presented. The main ingredient in our construction is a phase-valued (unimodular) two-dimensional array whose discrete Fourier transform is also unimodular. We obtain perfect tensors for several local Hilbert space dimensions, particularly, in dimension six. A perfect tensor in local dimension six is equivalent to an AME state of four qudits, denoted as AME(4,6), and such a state cannot be constructed from existing constructions of AME states based on error-correcting codes and graph states. The existence of AME(4,6) states featured in well-known open problem lists in quantum information, and was settled positively in Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 080507 (2022). We provide an explicit construction of perfect tensors in local dimension six that can be written in terms of controlled unitary gates in the computational basis, making them amenable for quantum circuit implementations.Comment: 10+9 pages, 3+1 Figures. Comments are welcom


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    Fraktur adalah kondisi terjadinya dikontinuitas tulang dan atau tulang rawan dan merupakan kasus fraktur terbanyak terjadi pada ekstremitas bawah. Fraktur femur pada usia muda biasanya disebabkan cedera traumatik seperti kecelakaan lalulintas dan pada usia tua disebabkan oleh kondisi patologis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran kejadian fraktur femur di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang pada tahun 2016-2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dan teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah total sampling dengan mengambil 256 data dari rekam medis pasien dengan diagnosis fraktur femur sebagai diagnosis primer atau sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bagian rekam medik RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang pada tahun 2016-2018. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa jenis kelamin laki-laki lebih sering mengalami fraktur femur (62.9%). Lokasi fraktur tersering terjadi adalah pada bagian medial shaft (34.0%). Kelompok usia terbanyak mengalami fraktur adalah ≥ 60 tahun (28.1%). Fraktur tertutup lebih sering terjadi (86.3%) dan cedera traumatik merupakan faktor tersering fraktur (72.7%). Penatalaksanaan fraktur yang paling sering dilakukan adalah operatif (72.3%). Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa fraktur tertutup banyak terjadi dengan jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah laki-laki, paling sering mengenai usia ≥ 60 tahun dengan lokasi fraktur tersering pada medial shaft. Cedera traumatik adalah faktor tersering dan penatalaksanaan operatif banyak dilakukan

    Role of fluoroquinolones in the treatment of tuberculosis

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    INTRODUCTION: The increasing incidence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is hampering efforts to control the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic. Although treatment of drug-susceptible TB is possible in ≥ 95% of disease cases, long (≥ 6 months) duration of supervised combination therapy is challenging. Non-adherence to treatment often results in much lower cure rates. Treatment of MDR-TB and XDR-TB is far less effective. The aim of this review is to summarize the current status of fluoroquinolones in shortening the duration of drug-susceptible pulmonary TB and in improving the outcome of MDR-TB/XDR-TB.METHODS: All the relevant articles were identified through a search of PubMed and Scopus databases by using search terms like tuberculosis (or M. tuberculosis), fluoroquinolones, drug-susceptible TB, MDR-TB, XDR-TB, combination therapy, treatment regimens, treatment duration, drug target and drug resistance. The current literature on the role of fluoroquinolones in the treatment of TB was reviewed.RESULTS: The fluoroquinolones, particularly newer compounds such as levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin, have bactericidal activity against M. tuberculosis, excellent oral bioavailability, favorable safety profile and no cross-resistance with other first-line anti-TB drugs. Data from phase II trials of fluoroquinolones-containing regimens for shortening the duration of treatment for pulmonary TB are encouraging and phase III trials are currently underway. The fluoroquinolones are also effective as substitute agents for those individuals who are intolerant to first-line drugs. Several studies and clinical trials have also supported the use of fluoroquinolones in patients with MDR-TB/XDR-TB.DISCUSSION: The fluoroquinolones-containing regimens are being tested to shorten the duration of treatment for pulmonary TB to 4 months. They are also regarded as one of the two cornerstone drugs for the treatment of MDR-TB/XDR-TB. However, they are also among the commonly prescribed antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infections and are becoming increasingly associated with delayed treatment and resistance in TB. If these trends are not reversed soon, we may lose fluoroquinolones as effective anti-TB agents very rapidly