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    Sometimes processing text data or numbers in images, it makes us difficult to process the data. Ocr is software that converts text in image format or image files into text format that can be read and edited by computer applications, but sometimes there are also some that can't be detected And in my opinion through this pre processing will help the process of refinement or accuracy of this conversion process to a more accurate one, I use grayscale, then the image will go through the opening process where the image will be eroded first and then dilated, why don't I use the closing process, because what I want to detect here is text so that the results if using dilation will look worse than opening because it makes the writing close. I tried to use all pre-processing processes to find out which accuracy value was the best, where I compared the erosion, dilation, opening and closing processes. where the result is that dilation has the lowest value with 34% and the highest opening with 59% and that makes me use opening, I also compare that converters that go through pre-processing are higher than those that only use tesseract by comparison when using tesseract only get 43% while pre-processing is 59% more accurat