7,240 research outputs found

    A proposed adjustable RF cable connector

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    In system that requires negligible loss, it may be necessary to adjust cable length to exact multiple of transmitted wavelength. Adjustable cable connector saves time and cost by eliminating need to add to or cut from cable. Device was especially designed for use with high frequencies. For particular application, connector of suitable dimensions should be used

    Landsat survey of near-shore ice conditions along the Arctic coast of Alaska

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Comparison of late season U-2 color infrared sea ice photography and early ice season LANDSAT sea ice imagery has made possible the identification of subtle features seen on early season LANDSAT imagery in the near shore areas. The U-2 imagery positively linked these features to ice conditions generally not observable by LANDSAT because of the time of year when they take place. Ice formed in place largely as single sheets appears light while ice deformed by considerable rafting appears darker when viewed on LANDSAT imagery. Because the ice is snow-covered at the time this imagery is obtained, this underlying structure must be revealed by the topography of the snow surface, and the resulting light scattering characteristics

    The formation of galaxy disks in a hierarchical universe

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    The formation of galactic discs and the efficiency of star formation within them are issues central to our understanding of galaxy formation. We have developed a detailed and versatile model of disc formation which combines the strengths of previous studies of isolated discs with those of hierarchical galaxy formation models. Disc structure is inferred from the distribution of angular momentum in hot halo gas and the hierarchical build-up of dark matter, leading to theoretically generated systems where the evolution of surface density, rotation, velocity dispersion, stability and metallicity is predicted for annular regions of width 20-100 pc. The model will be used to establish whether the accepted theory of large-scale structure formation in the universe is consistent with observed trends in the properties of disc galaxies. This first paper explicitly examines the importance of embedding such calculations within a merging hierarchy of dark matter haloes, finding that this leads to dramatically different formation histories compared to models in which discs grow in isolation. Different models of star formation are explored, and are found to have only a secondary influence on the properties of the resulting galaxy discs, the main governing factor being the infalling gas supply from the hot halo.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Feasibility study for locating archaeological village sites by satellite remote sensing techniques

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Learning from Los Curries

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    Photography culture is a major part of the tourist experience, whether it is the drunken selfie posted in a chatroom, or the carefully composed street scene published in an upmarket guide book. The pictures shown here, attempt to respond critically to the different dialectics of the camera, bodies, architecture, and light that prevail in the nightime in Magaluf and Palma. These images also aim to transgress the boundaries between these places’ different visual cultures, because they seem outmoded in the way they socially categorise tourists, in what on closer inspection, is evidently becoming part of a more ‘liquid modernity’ than the one still being portrayed (Bauman) (1). This paper expands upon themes raised in a short article published in 2015 (2). 1. Bauman, Z. Culture in a Liquid Modern World. Cambridge: Polity Press; 2011 2. Stringer, B & McAllister J. Guided by the Lights in Magaluf and Palma, Architecture and Culture, 2:3, 417-426; 201

    LANDSAT survey of near-shore ice conditions along the Arctic coast of Alaska

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Winter and spring near-shore ice conditions were analyzed for the Beaufort Sea 1973-77, and the Chukchi Sea 1973-76. LANDSAT imagery was utilized to map major ice features related to regional ice morphology. Significant features from individual LANDSAT image maps were combined to yield regional maps of major ice ridge systems for each year of study and maps of flaw lead systems for representative seasons during each year. These regional maps were, in turn, used to prepare seasonal ice morphology maps. These maps showed, in terms of a zonal analysis, regions of statistically uniform ice behavior. The behavioral characteristics of each zone were described in terms of coastal processes and bathymetric configuration

    Australian Consumers' Concerns and Preferences for Food Policy Alternatives

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    Results from a 2007 Australian consumer survey conducted at a large farmers market are used to explore the hypothesis that consumers who are more concerned about certain types of food labeling information, particularly information related to food production attributes, are more likely to support policies which help develop farmers markets and support mandatory labeling policies. Product information and attributes such as Country-of-Origin, No Growth Hormones Used, Free Range and Animals Treated Humanely and Environmentally-friendly appear to be very important to consumers. It appears that respondents want increased government involvement in developing consistent food labelling standards for these attributes and support mandatory food labelling policies, however, respondents are split between whether third-parties or the Australian government should oversee regulation of the program. Some respondents appear to view a mandatory labelling policy as a method to improve competitiveness and sustainability of small food producers who want to use labelling to differentiate themselves. Respondents also tended to support the government subsidizing the development of farmers markets. Respondents viewed FM as an opportunity to gain additional information or purchase foods that have credence attributes such as pesticide-free. Thus, policies supporting FM may help alleviate market failures related to asymmetric information and lack of choice.market failure, consumers, farmers markets, labelling, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Using Best-Worst Scaling to Determine Market Channel Choice by Small Farmers in Indonesia

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    A household survey and a novel Best-Worst scaling method are used to examine the relative importance of various buyer characteristics to small potato farmers in Indonesia. A Latent Class Cluster Analysis is used explore whether producers’ utilities for marketing channels are heterogeneous. For the aggregate sample, the attributes related to the buyer providing immediate cash payment, a price premium and always following through on their commitment to buy their potatoes were the three most important attributes. The results of the Latent Class Cluster Analysis found four unique classes or segments of producers, each with distinct utilities for buyer characteristics and interesting differences socio-demographic characteristics. The largest segment (44%) was relatively similar to the aggregate, placing a high importance on cash payment, price and willingness to negotiate. Two segments, 24% and 16% of producers placed a relatively high importance on the buyer providing access to certified potato seed or finance for purchasing inputs, and another segment placed the highest importance on having a long-term relationship with their buyer. This has interesting implications for traders, particularly traders who are interested in securing a long-term relationship with potato producers – simply being able to provide cash at the time potatoes are delivered and/or a small premium may immediately increase the strength of the relationship.Best-Worst Scaling, Latent Class Cluster Analysis, marketing channel choice, Indonesia, potato farmers, small farmers, Marketing,