16 research outputs found

    Long-Term Outcome ofEn BlocExtensive Resection of the Penis and Prepuce Associated with a Permanent Perineal Urethrostomy in a Gelding Affected by Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    A 15-year-old gelding was referred for a orid, cauli ower-like ulcerated mass, enclosing penis and prepuce together with penile urethra showing a malodorous purulent and blood-stained discharge and larvae infestation. En bloc extensive resection of the penis and prepuce, without penile retroversion or pexy to ventral abdomen associated with a permanent perineal urethrostomy, was performed. Histology of the mass revealed a squamous cell carcinoma of penis and prepuce. e surgical technique that was adopted is a modi ed version of that already described that allows a more proximal resection of the penile body and is a valid option for treating advanced SCC lesions involving the penis. Early postsurgical complications (mild strangury, haemorrhage from the urethrostomy site and its partial dehiscence, and infection of the abdominal wound) were managed with a medical treatment and resolved within 5 to 12 days. ree years a er surgery the horse is in good body condition and does not show any sign of recurrence or disorders related to the surgery

    Estensione al seno mascellare di un carcinoma squamocellulare della terza palpebra in un cavallo

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    Il carcinoma a cellule squamose (SCC) è descritto come una delle neoplasie epiteliali primarie più frequenti e invasive dell'occhio e dei suoi annessi, e dei seni mascellari. Qui di seguito si descrive il caso clinico di un soggetto adulto portato a visita per tumefazione della regione oculare e zigomatica sinistra, con precedente anamnesi di asportazione della terza palpebra per presenza di una neoformazione rotondeggiante del diametro di circa un centimetro. In seguito alla diagnosi di carcinoma a cellule squamose infiltrante il seno mascellare e della notevole compromissione delle strutture coinvolte, il soggetto è stato sottoposto ad eutanasia senza ricorrere ad alcun trattamento terapeutic

    Long-Term Outcome of En Bloc

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    A 15-year-old gelding was referred for a orid, cauli ower-like ulcerated mass, enclosing penis and prepuce together with penile urethra showing a malodorous purulent and blood-stained discharge and larvae infestation. En bloc extensive resection of the penis and prepuce, without penile retroversion or pexy to ventral abdomen associated with a permanent perineal urethrostomy, was performed. Histology of the mass revealed a squamous cell carcinoma of penis and prepuce. e surgical technique that was adopted is a modi ed version of that already described that allows a more proximal resection of the penile body and is a valid option for treating advanced SCC lesions involving the penis. Early postsurgical complications (mild strangury, haemorrhage from the urethrostomy site and its partial dehiscence, and infection of the abdominal wound) were managed with a medical treatment and resolved within 5 to 12 days. ree years a er surgery the horse is in good body condition and does not show any sign of recurrence or disorders related to the surgery


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    SUMMARY- The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and ultrasonographic efficacy of ultrasound-guided implant of autologous PRP and bovine thrombine in equine tenodesmic lesions. We applied the treatment on 13 lame horses with tenitis of the SDFT and of the DDFT, with proximal and distal insertional desmitis of the SL and desmitis of the AL-DDFT. The treatment was accompanied in all cases by a controlled exercise program and clinical and ultrasonographic controls on a monthly basis. We found a significative reduction of the lesional surface (CSA) after the first month, followed by a progressive improvement in echographic parameters (ES and FPS). On the basis of our results we can assess that intralesional injection of autologous PRP and bovine thrombine, is effective for treatment of equine tenodesmic lesions when combined with a proper exercise program.[...

    Laparoscopic-Assisted Cystotomy and Cystostomy for Treatment of Cystic Calculus in a Gelding.

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    Objective: To report laparoscopic-assisted cystotomy and inguinal cystostomy fortreating bladder urolithiasis in a gelding.Study Design: Clinical report.Animals: Twelve-year-old Appaloosa gelding.Methods: A laparoscopic approach was used to locate and grasp the bladder,which was exteriorized through an enlarged instrument portal for cystotomy toremove the calculus. During withdrawal, the calculus fragmented into multiplepieces. To avoid urethral occlusion and facilitate elimination of these fragments,an inguinal cystostomy was created. The seromuscular layer of the bladder wascircumferentially secured to the abdominal fascia and bladder mucosa marginswere sutured to the skin.Results: At 2-year follow-up, the gelding was in good condition with mild urinescald of the left ventral abdomen.Conclusion: Laparoscopic-assisted cystotomy was used for calculus removal andinguinal cystostomy for successful fragment elimination.[...

    Trattamento endoscopico di 2 casi clinici di tenosinovite della guaina tarsica con frattura del sustentaculum tali

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    La predisposizione della guaina tarsica a traumi esterni e la sua complessità anatomica rendono particolarmente difficoltose la diagnosi e la te- rapia delle patologie che la riguardano. Di se- guito vengono descritti 2 casi clinici di tenosi- novite post-traumatica della guaina tarsica con frattura del margine mediale del sustentaculum tali, trattati con successo tramite una tenovagi- noscopia della guaina tarsica con accesso dista- le attraverso il retinacolo dei flessori. La tecni- ca utilizzata è stata utile e risolutiva sia per la diagnosi che per il trattamento delle lesioni in entrambi i casi