38,579 research outputs found

    Neutron irradiation of Am-241 effectively produces curium

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    Computer study was made on the production of multicurie amounts of highly alpha-active curium 242 from americium 241 irradiation. The information available includes curium 242 yields, curium composition, irradiation data, and production techniques and safeguards

    Layering Transitions and Solvation Forces in an Asymmetrically Confined Fluid

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    We consider a simple fluid confined between two parallel walls (substrates), separated by a distance L. The walls exert competing surface fields so that one wall is attractive and may be completely wet by liquid (it is solvophilic) while the other is solvophobic. Such asymmetric confinement is sometimes termed a `Janus Interface'. The second wall is: (i) purely repulsive and therefore completely dry (contact angle 180 degrees) or (ii) weakly attractive and partially dry (the contact angle is typically in the range 160-170 degrees). At low temperatures, but above the bulk triple point, we find using classical density functional theory (DFT) that the fluid is highly structured in the liquid part of the density profile. In case (i) a sequence of layering transitions occurs: as L is increased at fixed chemical potential (mu) close to bulk gas--liquid coexistence, new layers of liquid-like density develop discontinuously. In contrast to confinement between identical walls, the solvation force is repulsive for all wall separations and jumps discontinuously at each layering transition and the excess grand potential exhibits many metastable minima as a function of the adsorption. For a fixed temperature T=0.56Tc, where Tc is the bulk critical temperature, we determine the transition lines in the L, mu plane. In case (ii) we do not find layering transitions and the solvation force oscillates about zero. We discuss how our mean-field DFT results might be altered by including effects of fluctuations and comment on how the phenomenology we have revealed might be relevant for experimental and simulation studies of water confined between hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates, emphasizing it is important to distinguish between cases (i) and (ii).Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Multivariate Diophantine equations with many solutions

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    We show that for each n-tuple of positive rational integers (a_1,..,a_n) there are sets of primes S of arbitrarily large cardinality s such that the solutions of the equation a_1x_1+...+a_nx_n=1 with the x_i all S-units are not contained in fewer than exp((4+o(1))s^{1/2}(log s)^{-1/2}) proper linear subspaces of C^n. This generalizes a result of Erdos, Stewart and Tijdeman for m=2 [Compositio 36 (1988), 37-56]. Furthermore we prove that for any algebraic number field K of degree n, any integer m with 1<=m<n, and any sufficiently large s there are integers b_0,...,b_m in a number field which are linearly independent over the rationals, and prime numbers p_1,...,p_s, such that the norm polynomial equation |N_{K/Q}(b_0+b_1x_1+...+b_mx_m)|=p_1^{z_1}...p_s^{z_s} has at least exp{(1+o(1)){n/m}s^{m/n}(log s)^{-1+m/n}) solutions in integers x_1,..,x_m,z_1,..,z_s. This generalizes a result of Moree and Stewart [Indag. Math. 1 (1990), 465-472]. Our main tool, also established in this paper, is an effective lower bound for the number of ideals in a number field K of norm <=X composed of prime ideals which lie outside a given finite set of prime ideals T and which have norm <=Y. This generalizes a result of Canfield, Erdos and Pomerance [J. Number Th. 17 (1983), 1-28], and of Moree and Stewart (see above).Comment: 29 page

    Specific Heat of Ce(1-x)La(x)RhIn(5) in Zero and Applied Magnetic Field: A Very Rich Phase Diagram

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    Specific heat and magnetization results as a function of field on single- and poly-crystalline samples of Ce(1-x)La(x)RhIn(5) show 1.) a specific heat gamma of about 100 mJ/moleK^2 (in agreement with recent dHvA results of Alvers et al.); 2.) upturns at low temperatures in C/T and chi that fit a power law behavior ( Griffiths phase non-Fermi liquid behavior); 3.) a field induced anomaly in C/T as well as M vs H behavior in good agreement with the recent Griffiths phase theory of Castro Neto and Jones, where M~H at low field, M ~ H^lambda above a crossover field, C/T ~ T^(-1+lambda) at low field, and C/T ~ (H^(2+lambda/2)/T^(3-lambda/2))*exp(-mu(eff)H/T) above the same crossover field as determined in the magnetization and where lambda is independently determined from the temperature dependence of chi at low temperatures, chi ~ T^(-1+lambda) and low fields.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Unreasonable mistake in self-defence: Lieser v HM Advocate

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    A PC parallel port button box provides millisecond response time accuracy under Linux

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    For psychologists, it is sometimes necessary to measure people's reaction times to the nearest millisecond. This article describes how to use the PC parallel port to receive signals from a button box to achieve millisecond response time accuracy. The workings of the parallel port, the corresponding port addresses, and a simple Linux program for controlling the port are described. A test of the speed and reliability of button box signal detection is reported. If the reader is moderately familiar with Linux, this article should provide sufficient instruction for him or her to build and test his or her own parallel port button box. This article also describes how the parallel port could be used to control an external apparatus

    Energy Conversion Alternatives Study (ECAS), General Electric Phase 1. Volume 3: Energy Conversion subsystems and components. Part 2: Primary heat input systems and heat exchangers

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    Primary heat input systems and heat exchangers were evaluated for advanced energy conversion systems. Results are presented and discussed
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