2,793 research outputs found

    The many-faced KSR1: a tumor suppressor in breast cancer

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    Emerging evidence supports the dual function of kinase suppressor of Ras 1 (KSR1) as an active kinase and a scaffold, although it has been extensively referred as a pseudokinase, due to the absence of key residues in its catalytic domain [1, 2]. As a scaffolding protein, KSR1 orchestrates the assembly of the protein kinases RAF, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase (MEK), and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the canonical Ras-RAF-MAPKs pathway, in a Ras-dependent manner or upon growth factor treatment [1, 3]. Conversely, structural and biochemical studies reveal that KSR1 is capable of phosphorylating MEK and more importantly, the catalytic activity of KSR is markedly increased when BRAF or inhibitor-bound CRAF is introduced in the complexes [1, 4, 5]. Such findings add complexity to th

    The devil's in the detail: the hidden costs of private retirement incomes policy

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    The provision of social services in Australia has changed dramatically in recent decades. Governments have expanded social provision without expanding the public sector by directly subsidising private provision, by contracting private agencies, both non-profit and for-profit, to deliver services, and through a number of other subsidies and vouchers. Private actors receive public funds to deliver social services to citizens, raising a range of important questions about financial and democratic accountability: 'who benefits', 'who suffers' and 'who decides'. This book explores these developments through rich case studies of a diverse set of social policy domains. The case studies demonstrate a range of effects of marketisation, including the impact on the experience of consumer engagement with social service systems, on the distribution of social advantage and disadvantage, and on the democratic steering of social policy

    Effects Of Low Metal Levels On A Clonal Hydroid

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    We frequently require sensitive bioassay techniques with which to study the effects of marine contaminants at environmentally realistic concentrations. Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve sensitivity and precision in an organism amenable to indefinite periods of laboratory culture. Results from different laboratories are often extremely variable: LC50 values for the same substance, using the same organism, may differ by two or even three orders of magnitude (Wilson, Cowell & Beynon, 1975). Moreover, some of the most sensitive bioassay organisms require nutrient media, which may alter the availability and toxicity of metals by complexing them (Jones, 1964; Kamp-Nielsen, 1971; Hannan & Patouillet, 1972) and often contain metal impurities at significant levels (Albert, 1968; Steeman Nielsen & Wium Anderson, 1970). The object of the work reported here has been to develop a technique by which these problems might be minimized or avoided. Hydroids were chosen as bioassay organisms for a variety of reasons. They are tolerant but sensitive to small variations in their chemical environment. Techniques for growing hydroids are simple and they can be cultured under conditions of near optimal temperature, salinity and food supply, thus minimizing the errors frequent in bioassay work arising from variations in the history of the test organisms, their size, sex or physiological state. An important source of variability in all work with organisms is that inherent in the genetic material, but with hydroids this can be avoided by the use of a single clone

    The devil's in the detail: the hidden costs of private retirement incomes policy

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    The provision of social services in Australia has changed dramatically in recent decades. Governments have expanded social provision without expanding the public sector by directly subsidising private provision, by contracting private agencies, both non-profit and for-profit, to deliver services, and through a number of other subsidies and vouchers. Private actors receive public funds to deliver social services to citizens, raising a range of important questions about financial and democratic accountability: 'who benefits', 'who suffers' and 'who decides'. This book explores these developments through rich case studies of a diverse set of social policy domains. The case studies demonstrate a range of effects of marketisation, including the impact on the experience of consumer engagement with social service systems, on the distribution of social advantage and disadvantage, and on the democratic steering of social policy

    Quantitative Cytochemical Effects Of 3 Metal-Ions On A Lysosomal Hydrolase Of A Hydroid

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    The quantitative effects of Cu8+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ on the cytochemical staining reaction for lysosomal N-acetyl-/?-D-glucosaminidase have been determined and related to the inhibitory effects of the metals on colonial growth rate in the experimentally cultured hydroid Campanularia flexuosa. Cytochemical threshold concentrations are comparable to known environmental levels and are about one order of magnitude lower than those obtained by measuring colony growth rates. Pretreatment of colonies with Cuz+ gave no indication of tolerance adaptation, although there is evidence of the cumulative toxicity of Cu2+ and the possible sequestration of this metal in endodermal cell lysosomes. There is also an indication that the Cu2+ may exert its toxic effect by decreasing the stability of the lysosomal membranes, thus increasing the level of free glucosaminidase activity

    What is the best drug to treat COVID-19? The need for randomized controlled trials

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is currently the biggest public health challenge to the biomedical community of the last century. Despite multiple public health measures,1, 2, 3 there remains an urgent need for pharmacologic therapies to treat infected patients, minimize mortality, and decrease pressures on intensive care units and health systems and optimally, they should also decrease subsequent transmission

    Nivolumab-induced fulminant diabetic ketoacidosis followed by thyroiditis

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    Five days following the 3rd cycle of nivolumab, a monoclonal antibody, which acts as immune checkpoint inhibitor against the programmed cell death protein-1, for metastatic lung adenocarcinoma, a 56-year-old woman presented at the hospital critically ill. On admission, she had severe diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), as evidenced by venous glucose of 47 mmol/L, blood ketones of 7.5 mmol/L, pH of 6.95 and bicarbonate of 6.6 mmol/L. She has had no personal or family history of diabetes mellitus (DM), while random venous glucose, measured 1 week prior to hospitalisation, was 6.1 mmol/L. On admission, her HbA1c was 8.2% and anti-GAD antibodies were 12 kIU/L (0–5 kU/L), while islet cell antibodies and serum C-peptide were undetectable. Nivolumab was recommenced without the development of other immune-mediated phenomena until 6 months later, when she developed hypothyroidism with TSH 18 U/L and low free T4. She remains insulin dependent and has required levothyroxine replacement, while she has maintained good radiological and clinical response to immunotherapy. This case is notable for the rapidity of onset and profound nature of DKA at presentation, which occurred two months following commencement of immunotherapy. Despite the association of nivolumab with immune-mediated endocrinopathies, only a very small number of patients developing type 1 DM has been reported to date. Patients should be closely monitored for hyperglycaemia and thyroid dysfunction prior to and periodically during immunotherapy

    Endocrine resistance in hormone receptor positive breast cancer–from mechanism to therapy

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    The importance and role of the estrogen receptor (ER) pathway has been well-documented in both breast cancer (BC) development and progression. The treatment of choice in women with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is classically divided into a variety of endocrine therapies, 3 of the most common being: selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM), aromatase inhibitors (AI) and selective estrogen receptor down-regulators (SERD). In a proportion of patients, resistance develops to endocrine therapy due to a sophisticated and at times redundant interference, at the molecular level between the ER and growth factor. The progression to endocrine resistance is considered to be a gradual, step-wise process. Several mechanisms have been proposed but thus far none of them can be defined as the complete explanation behind the phenomenon of endocrine resistance. Although multiple cellular, molecular and immune mechanisms have been and are being extensively studied, their individual roles are often poorly understood. In this review, we summarize current progress in our understanding of ER biology and the molecular mechanisms that predispose and determine endocrine resistance in breast cancer patients
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