58 research outputs found

    La película La Malcasada como ejemplo de la proyección de la imagen estereotipada de los militares africanistas en los medios de comunicación

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    Título: La película La Malcasada como ejemplo de la proyección de la imagen estereotipada de los militares africanistas en los medios de comunicaciónTitle: The film La Malcasada as an example of repercussion of Africanistas soldiers' stereotyped image in mass media [ES] Resumen: Con la aparición de algunos militares africanistas en algunas de sus secuencias, La Malcasada vehicula una apariencia de modernidad desde una sociedad tradicional en tránsito hacia otra de consumo. El film es una foto fija de la clase social dirigente, donde se mezclan elementos antiguos (aristocracia, toreros…) con agentes que representan la actualidad más avanzada (artistas, médicos, ingenieros...). El ejército también pretendía participar de dicha modernidad, y el cine, junto con el resto de medios de comunicación a su alcance, representaba una excelente oportunidad para la propagación de sus estereotipos hacia un público refractario a sus actuaciones en el Protectorado.Palabras clave: Estereotipos, Imagen, Medios de Comunicación, Militares Africanistas, Modernidad. [EN] Abstract: Demarcated inside the Communication theory, this article is based on studies of American journalist and political analyst Walter Lippman, where it is explained how the mass media create, through stereotypes, the reality of different matters which escapes from the direct experience of citizens (mental imagery which settle a classification on individuals, groups and different realities). Apart from this, the theoretical foundation relies on agenda-setting theory too, which study how mass media implant newsworthy matters (news and problems that have to be discussed in the public space) and the frames of the interpretation of social realities, as well as the influence that they have in public opinion and the establishment of their long term effects.The movie La Malcasada, where different soldiers (general Francisco Franco, colonel Millán Astray, general José Sanjurjo) of the Spanish Colonial Army in Morocco (which is called Africanista army), is a vehicle to give an appearance of modernity, from a traditional society to a mass society based on urban way of life and consumption, and where propaganda plays a fundamental role. The film is a fixed view of the leader social class, where ancient social elements (aristocracy, politicians, bullfighters…) are mixed with new social agents (artists, doctors, engineers…). The army wanted to participate in that trendiness too, and the cinema, together with other mass media, constituted an excellent opportunity to propagate its stereotypes to a refractory public who was against its military interventions in the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco. The film is a point of departure and an example to analyze how the Spanish army, particularly those Africanistas soldiers, used all mass media to their range to create a positive image of their political and military actions in the Protectorate in Morocco. All this was made a reality through different ways: movies (documentaries and fictional films), novels, photos, songs, toys, etc. carrying out a great effort to combine images and words. To get that target, they turned to control of news through censorship, biased information, governmental grants and support of opinion leadership agents, and, in this way, the army stereotypes inside Spanish society were reinforced.For this study, different sources has been used, such as specialized bibliography about military Africanismo phenomena, mass media (specifically cinema and press), as well as the information provided from files of digital newspapers libraries. In addition, material coming from the movie La Malcasada and other films has been watched for their analysis.Keywords: Africanistas soldiers, Image, Mass Media, Modernity, Stereotypes

    Synthesis of 4-allyl-4-arylaminopiperidines and their transformations to spiro[tetrahydroquinoline-2,4′-piperidines]

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    It was established that the yields of a 4-allyl-4-aryl-aminopiperidines in the reaction of 4-aryliminopiperidines with allylmagnesium bromide increase significantly if the reaction is carried out in the presence of a crown ether. A number of previously unknown spiro[tetrahydroquinoline-2,4′-piperidines] were obtained in the cyclization of 4-allyl-4-arylaminopiperidines in the presence of sulfuric acid. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation


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    Mass spectrometric study of 2-keto(thio)tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives

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    The fragmentation pathways of 2-keto(thio)-6-methyl-5-carbethoxy(acetyl)-4-aryl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidines were established using high resolution mass spectra and DADI spectra. An unusual rearrangement was observed, which involves cyclization of the aryl substituent in the 4 position with the oxygen of an ester group and elimination of a C2H5 radical. © 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation


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    Mass spectrometric study of 2-keto(thio)tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives

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    The fragmentation pathways of 2-keto(thio)-6-methyl-5-carbethoxy(acetyl)-4-aryl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidines were established using high resolution mass spectra and DADI spectra. An unusual rearrangement was observed, which involves cyclization of the aryl substituent in the 4 position with the oxygen of an ester group and elimination of a C2H5 radical. © 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Synthesis of 4-substituted 1-methyl(benzyl)-2,5-dimethyl-4-R-aminopiperidines

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    Schiff base derivatives of 1-methyl(benzyl)-2,5-dimethylpiperidin-4-ones with phenyl, α-pyridyl, benzyl, and Β-hydroxyethyl substituents attached to the imine nitrogen atom react with organometallic compounds to give analogously substituted piperidine bases with methyl, allyl, phenyl, and benzyl substituents in the 4-position. Pure individual geometric isomers of these newly synthesized compounds have been isolated and their structures determined. © 1988 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Mass spectra and three-dimensional structures of γ-N-aryl(alkyl)aminopiperidines

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    The fragmentation of the investigated compounds proceeds with both retention and cleavage of the piperidine ring and makes it possible to distinguish the spatial orientation of the methyl group in the C(5) position of the ring in the analysis of the geometrical isomers of this series. © 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation