65 research outputs found

    Geo-emotions: Research, Challenges, and Mapping

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    Una tendencia emergente en el mundo académico es discutir conceptos y teorías que cruzan líneas disciplinarias, como el cambio climático, la COVID-19 y el bienestar humano. Otro ejemplo son las emociones humanas, que atraen cada vez más intereses transdisciplinarios e internacionales. Estos mundos se exploran introduciendo el concepto de geo-emociones que cruza la investigación más allá de la psicología del comportamiento, con geografía, sociología, antropología, estudios de ocio, impactos de desastres, conservación, así como científicos ambientales, cartógrafos y especialistas en SIG. Se abordan los desafíos de la investigación, como la importancia de mapear las emociones a escala local, comunitaria, nacional y global.One emerging trend in scholarly worlds is discussing concepts and theories that cross disciplinary lines, such as climate change, COVID-19, and human welfare. Another example is human emotions, which are increasingly drawing transdisciplinary and international interests. These worlds are explored by introducing the concept of geo-emotions that intersects research beyond behavioral psychology, with geography, sociology, anthropology, leisure studies, disaster impacts, conservation, as well as environmental scientists, cartographers, and GIS specialists. Research challenges are addressed such as the importance of mapping emotions at local, community, national, and global scales

    America\u27s Learning about Foreign Places through the eyes of Missionaries: Writings in the Friends\u27 Missionary Advocate, 1885-1933

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    Missionaries were among the travelers who supplied American adults and children with information about foreign places. Because they enjoyed a high status and respect with their home congregations and because they lived among peoples in foreign, often exotic, lands, missionaries and their writings enjoyed a wide and attentive audience. Materials in The Friends\u27 Missionary Advocate between 1885 and 1933 report that information on foreign regions reached American audiences through presentations at monthly and quarterly meetings and at yearly conferences. Articles, letters, reports, maps, and pictures were also a medium for influencing Americans\u27 impressions of the world

    Perspective Chapter: Creative Mapping and Mapping Creativity

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    Creative efforts showing places and human/environmental features are integral to understanding our evolution of knowledge. Throughout human history, the construction of maps for personal, commercial or political control has been instrumental in displaying food production, faith landscapes, human migration, transportation networks, environmental conditions, human welfare and much more. The visible products about environmental settings and human well-being from prehistoric artists, explorers, cartographers and geographers to those using satellites, GIS and social media reflect rich imaginations about the place and environmental knowledge. Historical creative efforts are addressed as well as ongoing geographic searches and mapping to improve our understanding of the planet’s human and environmental features. Creative curiosities about places local, planetary and extra-planetary will forever be part of human histories

    A Visual Typology of Abandonment in Rural America: From End-of-Life to Treading Water, Recycling, Renaissance, and Revival

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    The contemporary American rural landscape reflects a mix of ongoing economic changes in agricultural land use, population change, and built environments. The mix depends on past and recent change which represent landscapes of memory and silence to those experiencing economic and demographic renaissance. We develop a typology of five stages that reflect the contemporary rural scene and conduct field transects in Northwest Iowa and Central Maine. Features of the dynamics in rural America are evident in photographs of residences, land use changes, and commercial structure. The study calls for additional studies on rural settlement populations, economies, and society in different environmental settings

    Comparación de hipervínculos en tres idiomas de sistemas urbanos de Google en cuatro países latinoamericanos

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    Se utilizaron hipervínculos de Google Scholar para medir el posicionamiento de algunos centros urbanos de Argentina, Brasil, Chile y México. Los volúmenes de hipervínculos se comparan en español, portugués e inglés para discernir diferencias con respecto al idioma de búsqueda. Surgen dos hallazgos: primero, que cada país tiene una ciudad dominante, a la que la mayoría de las demás en el país están vinculadas; segundo, que hay ciudades claramente centrales, semiperiféricas y periféricas. Esta investigación sienta bases para exploraciones sobre las economías de conocimiento y de la información en éstos y otros países

    Poland’s Voivodeships and Poviats and the Geographies of Knowledge: Addressing Uneven Human Resources

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    In a postindustrial economic world, information economies are key components in local, regional and national development. These are service economies, built on the production, consumption and dissemination of information, including education, health care, outsourcing, tourism, sustainability and related human welfare services. We explore the geography/knowledge intersections in Poland’s voivodeships and poviats by using the volumes of information or hyperlinks about selected information economies. Google hyperlinks are electronic knowledge data that can be mapped to highlight the areas of most and least information about certain subject categories. While some mapping results are expected, such as Warsaw and Krakow, being prominent, in other regions there are unexpected gaps within eastern, northern and southern Poland, including some places near major metropolitan centers. There is a significant difference between the cities with poviat rights, which stand out in the number of information on items comparing to the poviats that surround them. The majority of poviats in Mazowieckie voivodeship are surprisingly recognized as core areas on the map of knowledge, nevertheless they are considered undeveloped from the economic point of view

    Primerjava mnenj prebivalcev treh tipov stanovanjskih območij v Kijevu glede kakovosti življenja

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    Urbanistične raziskave, opravljene na globalnem severu, kažejo, da je z vidika organizacije časa in prostora, vrednot in družbenih stikov tradicionalni polodprti stavbni blok nizke zazidave z mešanimi funkcijami najprivlačnejši morfološki tip stanovanjske gradnje v mestih. Avtorji v članku proučujejo, ali osnovne urbanistične hipoteze glede udobnosti bivanja na stanovanjskih območjih različnih morfoloških tipov veljajo tudi za ukrajinsko prestolnico. Primerjajo kakovost življenja ter analizirajo razlike v vedenjskih vzorcih in zaznavah prostora prebivalcev različnih tipov stanovanjskih območij, da bi opredelili glavne značilnosti najudobnejše oblike stanovanjske soseske. Na podlagi ankete in strokovnih ocen proučujejo zgodovino, delovna mesta, družbene, izobraževalne in kulturne storitve, okoljske kazalnike, stopnjo varnosti in sodelovanje javnosti v treh stanovanjskih soseskah v mestu: v Žuljanyju, Podilu in Rusanivki. Žuljany je naselje prostostoječih enostanovanjskih hiš, Podil je soseska s polodprtimi stavbnimi bloki nizke zazidave, Rusanivka pa je primer sovjetske modernistične visoke blokovske zazidave. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da je na podlagi objektivnih kazalnikov in mnenj prebivalcev Rusanivka najudobnejše stanovanjsko območje v mestu, kar se ne ujema s splošno sprejetimi teorijami o najbolj zglednih in najprivlačnejših morfoloških tipih mestne stanovanjske gradnje. Privlačnost omenjene soseske je posledica njenih načrtovalskih in gradbenih značilnosti, zlasti osredotočenosti na človeka ter dobro premišljenega in celostnega načrtovalskega pristopa

    Comparing residents’ perceptions of quality of life in three Kyiv neighbourhoods

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    According to Global North urban studies, the traditional low-rise mixed-function perimeter block is the most attractive urban morphology in terms of organization of space, time, values, and social interactions. This study examines how valid these basic theses are regarding the comfort of urban housing morphological types in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. We compare residents’ quality of life and analyse the differences in residents’ behavioural patterns and spatial perception in different morphological types of housing to identify distinguishing features of the most comfortable urban form. Using expert evaluation and surveys, we assess history; jobs; social, educational, and cultural services; environmental indicators; security levels; and public activity in three different neighbourhoods: Zhulyany (with detached houses), Podil (with low-rise perimeter blocks), and Rusanivka (with Soviet high-rises). The results reveal that the Soviet neighbourhood, Rusanivka, leads in terms of both objective indicators and residents’ perception as the most comfortable living area. This finding contradicts generally accepted theories about exemplary and attractive urban morphology. This preference is based on the planning and construction priorities of the unique social system of Rusanivka, where its human-centeredness and a thoughtful integrated approach are highly value

    Reading and Mapping the Worldviews of Island States through National Anthems: Celebrating Deity, Identity, Landscapes and Unity

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    National anthems, along with the national flag, stamps and monuments, are important features of a state's identity. The lyrics and music instill patriotism and nationalism on holidays, at sporting events, and in children at school. This study examines the lyrics of 42 Caribbean, Pacific, African, Asian and European island state anthems to identify patterns and themes. While word frequencies difer between the regions, dominant themes reflect unity, hope, a spiritual/divine heritage, home and homeland, and pleasant environmental settings. Themes reflecting times of strife, struggles and conflict are also evident