49 research outputs found

    Klog kapital, social kapital og finansiel kapital: Episoder i formidlingen af kapital i den videnbaserede økonomi

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    Finansiering af videnbaserede projekter og virksomheder er vigtig i vidensamfundet. Denne artikel handler om, hvorledes denne finansieringsproces ser ud. Den analyserer på basis af interviews med kapitalmarkedets aktører, hvorledes samspillet mellem analytikere og projektmagere gradvist ændrer en teknologisk eller immateriel idé til en virksomhed med en teknokommerciel dagsorden. Det vises, hvorledes denne finansieringsproces hverken begynder eller ender med overdragelse af finansiel kapital. Klog og social kapital er helt centrale elementer, hvorigennem analytikere og kapitalformidlere leverer viden om virksomhed og netværk, som disciplinerer entreprenøren, som gør projektet til en virksomhed, og som giver den finansielle kapital sin effektivitet – så forretning også bliver forrentning

    Crew time and workload in the EDEN ISS greenhouse in Antarctica

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    The goal of the EDEN ISS project is to research technologies for future greenhouses as a substantial part of planetary surface habitats. In this paper, we investigate crew time and workload needed to operate the space analogue EDEN ISS greenhouse on-site and remotely from the Mission Control Center. Within the almost three years of operation in Antarctica, different vegetable crops were cultivated, which yielded an edible biomass of 646 kg during the experiment phase 2018 and 2019. Operating in such a remote environment, analogue to future planetary missions, both greenhouse systems and remote support capabilities must be carefully developed and assessed to guarantee a reliable and efficient workflow. The investigation of crew time and workload is crucial to optimize processes within the operation of the greenhouse. For the Antarctic winter seasons, 2019 and 2020, as well as the summer season 2019/2020, the workload of the EDEN ISS greenhouse operators was assessed using the NASA Task Load Index. In addition, crew time was measured for the winter season 2019. The participants consisted of on-site operators, who worked inside the EDEN ISS greenhouse in Antarctica and the DLR remote support team, who worked in the Mission Control Center at the DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen (Germany). The crew time results show that crew time for the whole experiment phase 2019 required by the on-site operator team 2019 is approximately four times higher than the crew time of the corresponding remote support team without considering planning activities for the next mission. The total crew time for the experiment phase 2019 amounts to 694.5 CM-h or 6.31 CM-h/kg. With the measurements of the experiment phase 2019 it was possible to develop a methodology for crew time categorization for the remote support activities, which facilitates the analysis and increases the comparability of crew time values. In addition, the development of weekly and monthly crew time demand over the experiment phase is presented. The workload investigations indicate that the highest workload is perceived by the remote support team 2019 + 2020, followed by the summer maintenance team 2019/2020. The on-site operator team 2019 and on-site operator team 2020 showed the lowest values. The values presented in this paper indicate the need to minimize crew time as well as workload demands of the operators involved in the operation of future planetary surface greenhouses

    Lynn County

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    Map of Lynn County, Texas, including the Panhandle Plains region. Scale ca. 1:133,334 (4000 varas per inch)

    Map of Mitchell County, Texas.

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    Shows landownership."Charles J. Canda, Simeon J. Drake and William Strauss, proprietors of the lands heretofore belonging to the Texas & Pacific Railway Company. Address: W. H. Abrams, general agent, Dallas, Texas."LC Land ownership maps, 107

    Hale County

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    Map of the Panhandle Plains region covering Hale County, Texas. The center of Hale County is marked on map. The North Fork of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River is also shown on map. Scale ca. 1:133,334 (4000 varas per inch)

    [Map of portions of Jeff Davis County and Presidio County, Texas].

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    Shows landownership."C.J. Canda, S.J. Drake & W. Strauss : proprietors of the land heretofore belonging to the Texas & Pacific Railway Co.; Address : W.H. Abrams, general agent, Dallas, Texas."LC Land ownership maps, 102

    Lubbock County

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    Map of Lubbock County, Texas, including the Panhandle Plains region. Scale ca. 1:133,334 (4000 varas per inch)

    Borden County

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    Map of Borden County, Texas, including the Panhandle Plains region. The center of Borden County is marked on map. Scale ca. 1:133,334 (4000 varas per inch)

    Howard County, Texas /

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    Upper left margin: Charles J. Canda, Simeon J. Drake and William Strauss, proprietors of the lands heretofore belonging to The Texas & Pacific Railway Company. Address: W. H. Abrams, General Agent, Dallas, Texas.Upper right margin: Our unsold lands are designated by yellow color. Map uncolored.LC Land ownership maps, 101

    Floyd County

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    Map of the Panhandle Plains region covering Floyd County, Texas. The center of Floyd County is marked on map. Scale ca. 1:133,334 (4000 varas per inch)