6 research outputs found

    Representation of probabilistic outcomes during risky decision-making

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    Goal-directed behaviour requires prospectively retrieving and evaluating multiple possible action outcomes. While a plethora of studies suggested sequential retrieval for deterministic choice outcomes, it remains unclear whether this is also the case when integrating multiple probabilistic outcomes of the same action. We address this question by capitalising on magnetoencephalography (MEG) in humans who made choices in a risky foraging task. We train classifiers to distinguish MEG field patterns during presentation of two probabilistic outcomes (reward, loss), and then apply these to decode such patterns during deliberation. First, decoded outcome representations have a temporal structure, suggesting alternating retrieval of the outcomes. Moreover, the probability that one or the other outcome is being represented depends on loss magnitude, but not on loss probability, and it predicts the chosen action. In summary, we demonstrate decodable outcome representations during probabilistic decision-making, which are sequentially structured, depend on task features, and predict subsequent action

    Inflammatory Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification in Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a frequent autosomal genetic disease characterized by elevated concentrations of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) from birth with increased risk of premature atherosclerotic complications. Accumulating evidence has shown enhanced inflammation in patients with FH. In vessels, the deposition of modified cholesterol lipoproteins triggers local inflammation. Then, inflammation facilitates fatty streak formation by activating the endothelium to produce chemokines and adhesion molecules. This process eventually results in the uptake of vascular oxidized LDL (OxLDL) by scavenger receptors in monocyte-derived macrophages and formation of foam cells. Further leukocyte recruitment into the sub-endothelial space leads to plaque progression and activation of smooth muscle cells proliferation. Several inflammatory biomarkers have been reported in this setting which can be directly synthetized by activated inflammatory/vascular cells or can be indirectly produced by organs other than vessels, e.g., liver. Of note, inflammation is boosted in FH patients. Inflammatory biomarkers might improve the risk stratification for coronary heart disease and predict atherosclerotic events in FH patients. This review aims at summarizing the current knowledge about the role of inflammation in FH and the potential application of inflammatory biomarkers for cardiovascular risk estimation in these patients

    Characteristics of randomized controlled trials of yoga: a bibliometric analysis

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