173 research outputs found

    New methods to assess cotton varietal stability and indentify discriminating environments

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    Studies were conducted in 2001-2004 evaluating genotype by environment interactions in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Genotype by Environment interactions were characterized using GGE Biplot for conventional cotton cultivars and their transgenic derivatives. Significant interactions existed for several non-target traits. Transgenic cultivars were taller, had greater height to node ratios, larger seed, and lower lint percentages. Transgenic cultivars containing the Bollgard gene yielded more than their conventional parents and STV4691B was the highest yielding, most stable cultivar. In 2002-2004, GGE Biplot was used to identify two levels (high/low) of discriminating locations for three distinct selection criteria. Crosses were made with parents recommended by a least squares means analysis for each population criteria and F2 plants were planted in the high and low discriminating locations for each population. Gains by selection (h2) were calculated by regressing the F2:3 plants on their F2 parents. Genotypic variance was greater among F2:3 progeny in discriminating environments compared to non-discriminating environments, regardless of population. Heritability was greater in the population containing fiber traits compared to yield. In 2004, GGE Biplot was compared to other widely-accepted stability analysis tools. Correlation coefficients between GGE biplot (stability evaluation) and the Cultivar Superiority Measure, Shukla\u27s Stability Variance, the Eberhart-Russell regression model, Kang\u27s yield stability statistic, and AMMI were 0.54, 0.91, 0.86, 0.63, and 0.55, respectively. Correlation coefficients between GGE biplot (mean performance + stability evaluation) and the Cultivar Superiority Measure, the Eberhart-Russell regression model, Kang\u27s yield stability statistic, and AMMI were 0.95, 0.60, 0.85, and -0.33, respectively. Based on the results of this study and our experience using GGE Biplot, Model 3 with an entry-focused scaling is the most valuable analysis for breeders engaged in cultivar development. GGE Biplot was used with the 1993-2003 Louisiana Official Variety Trials to identify the most desirable (discriminating and representative) test locations in Louisiana for yield and fiber length. St. Joseph loam was ranked 1st for yield, Winnsboro irrigated was ranked 1st for fiber length, and St. Joseph loam was ranked 1st to simultaneously select for both traits. Winnsboro non-irrigated should not be used to select for yield or fiber length

    Effect of egg turning and incubation time on carbonic anhydrase gene expression in the blastoderm of the Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica)

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    (1) The gene expression of carbonic anhydrase, a key enzyme for the production sub-embryonic fluid (SEF), was assessed in turned and unturned eggs of the Japanese quail. The plasma membrane-associated isoforms CA IV, CAIX, CA XII, CA XIV, and the cytoplasmic isoform CA II, were investigated in the extra-embryonic tissue of the blastoderm and in embryonic blood. (2) Eggs were incubated at 37.6C, c. 60% R.H., and turned hourly (90 ) or left unturned. From 48 to 96 hours of incubation mRNA was extracted from blastoderm tissue, reverse-transcribed to cDNA and quantified by real-time qPCR using gene-specific primers. Blood collected at 96h was processed identically. (3) Blastoderm CAIV gene expression increased with the period of incubation only in turned eggs, with maxima at 84 and 96h of incubation. Only very low levels were found in blood. (4) Blastoderm CA II gene expression was greatest at 48 and 54h of incubation, subsequently declining to much lower levels and una ected by turning. Blood CA II gene expression was about 25-fold greater than that in the blastoderm. (5) The expression of CA IX in the blastoderm was the highest of all isoforms, yet unaffected by turning. CA XII did not amplify and CA XIV was present at unquantifiable low levels. (6) It is concluded that solely gene expression for CA IV is sensitive to egg turning, and that increased CA IV gene expression could account for the additional SEF mass found at 84-96h of incubation. in embryos of turned eggs

    The Temporal Development of Fatty Infiltrates in the Neck Muscles Following Whiplash Injury: An Association with Pain and Posttraumatic Stress

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    Radiological findings associated with poor recovery following whiplash injury remain elusive. Muscle fatty infiltrates (MFI) in the cervical extensors on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with chronic pain have been observed. Their association with specific aspects of pain and psychological factors have yet to be explored longitudinally.44 subjects with whiplash injury were enrolled at 4 weeks post-injury and classified at 6 months using scores on the Neck Disability Index as recovered, mild and moderate/severe. A measure for MFI and patient self-report of pain, loss of cervical range of movement and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were collected at 4 weeks, 3 months and 6 months post-injury. The effects of time and group and the interaction of time by group on MFI were determined. We assessed the mediating effect of posttraumatic stress and cervical range of movement on the longitudinal relationship between initial pain intensity and MFI. There was no difference in MFI across all groups at enrollment. MFI values increased in the moderate/severe group and were significantly higher in comparison to the recovered and mild groups at 3 and 6 months. No differences in MFI values were found between the mild and recovered groups. Initial severity of PTSD symptoms mediated the relationship between pain intensity and MFI at 6 months. Initial ROM loss did not.MFI in the cervical extensors occur soon following whiplash injury and suggest the possibility for the occurrence of a more severe injury with subsequent PTSD in patients with persistent symptoms

    Potential Economic Viability of Two Proposed Rifapentine-Based Regimens for Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection

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    Rationale: Rifapentine-based regimens for treating latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) are being considered for future clinical trials, but even if they prove effective, high drug costs may limit their economic viability. Objectives: To inform clinical trial design by estimating the potential costs and effectiveness of rifapentine-based regimens for treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Methods: We used a Markov model to estimate cost and societal benefits for three regimens for treating LTBI: Isoniazid/ rifapentine daily for one month, isoniazid/rifapentine weekly for three months (self-administered and directly-observed), and isoniazid daily for nine months; a strategy of β€˜β€˜no treatment’ ’ used for comparison. Costs, quality-adjusted life-years gained, and instances of active tuberculosis averted were calculated for all arms. Results: Both daily isoniazid/rifapentine for one month and weekly isoniazid/rifapentine for three months were less expensive and more effective than other strategies under a wide variety of clinically plausibly parameter estimates. Daily isoniazid/rifapentine for one month was the least expensive and most effective regimen. Conclusions: Daily isoniazid/rifapentine for one month and weekly isoniazid/rifapentine for three months should be studied in a large-scale clinical trial for efficacy. Because both regimens performed well even if their efficacy is somewhat reduced

    Ectopic synaptic ribbons in dendrites of mouse retinal ON- and OFF-bipolar cells

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    The ectopic distribution of synaptic ribbons in dendrites of mouse retinal bipolar cells was examined by using genetic ablation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 6 (mGluR6), electron microscopy, and immunocytochemistry. Ectopic ribbons were observed in dendrites of rod and ON-cone bipolar cells in the mGluR6-deficient mouse but not in those of wild-type mice. The number of rod spherules facing the ectopic ribbons in mGluR6-deficient rod bipolar dendrites increased gradually during early growth and reached a plateau level of about 20% at 12Β weeks. These ectopic ribbons were immunopositive for RIBEYE, a ribbon-specific protein, but the associated vesicles were immunonegative for synaptophysin, a synaptic-vesicle-specific protein. The presence of ectopic ribbons was correlated with an increase in the roundness of the invaginating dendrites of the rod bipolar cells. We further confirmed ectopic ribbons in dendrites of OFF-cone bipolar cells in wild-type retinas. Of the four types of OFF-cone bipolar cells (T1–T4), only the T2-type, which had a greater number of synaptic ribbons at the axon terminal and a thicker axon cylinder than the other types, had ectopic ribbons. Light-adapted experiments revealed that, in wild-type mice under enhanced-light adaptation (considered similar to the mGluR6-deficient state), the roundness in the invaginating dendrites and axon terminals of rod bipolar cells increased, but no ectopic ribbons were detected. Based on these findings and known mechanisms for neurotransmitter release and protein trafficking, the possible mechanisms underlying the ectopic ribbons are discussed on the basis of intracellular transport for the replenishment of synaptic proteins

    Falls in young, middle-aged and older community dwelling adults: perceived cause, environmental factors and injury

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    BACKGROUND: Falls in older people have been characterized extensively in the literature, however little has been reported regarding falls in middle-aged and younger adults. The objective of this paper is to describe the perceived cause, environmental influences and resultant injuries of falls in 1497 young (20–45 years), middle-aged (46–65 years) and older (> 65 years) men and women from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging. METHODS: A descriptive study where participants completed a fall history questionnaire describing the circumstances surrounding falls in the previous two years. RESULTS: The reporting of falls increased with age from 18% in young, to 21% in middle-aged and 35% in older adults, with higher rates in women than men. Ambulation was cited as the cause of the fall most frequently in all gender and age groups. Our population reported a higher percentage of injuries (70.5%) than previous studies. The young group reported injuries most frequently to wrist/hand, knees and ankles; the middle-aged to their knees and the older group to their head and knees. Women reported a higher percentage of injuries in all age groups. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to compare falls in young, middle and older aged men and women. Significant differences were found between the three age groups with respect to number of falls, activities engaged in prior to falling, perceived causes of the fall and where they fell

    Pain relief is associated with decreasing postural sway in patients with non-specific low back pain

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    Background Increased postural sway is well documented in patients suffering from non-specific low back pain, whereby a linear relationship between higher pain intensities and increasing postural sway has been described. No investigation has been conducted to evaluate whether this relationship is maintained if pain levels change in adults with non-specific low back pain. Methods Thirty-eight patients with non-specific low back pain and a matching number of healthy controls were enrolled. Postural sway was measured by three identical static bipedal standing tasks of 90 sec duration with eyes closed in narrow stance on a firm surface. The perceived pain intensity was assessed by a numeric rating scale (NRS-11). The patients received three manual interventions (e.g. manipulation, mobilization or soft tissue techniques) at 3-4 day intervals, postural sway measures were obtained at each occasion. Results A clinically relevant decrease of four NRS scores in associated with manual interventions correlated with a significant decrease in postural sway. In contrast, if no clinically relevant change in intensity occurred ([less than or equal to]1 level), postural sway remained similar compared to baseline. The postural sway measures obtained at follow-up sessions 2 and 3 associated with specific NRS level showed no significant differences compared to reference values for the same pain score. Conclusions Alterations in self-reported pain intensities are closely related to changes in postural sway. The previously reported linear relationship between the two variables is maintained as pain levels change. Pain interference appears responsible for the altered sway in pain sufferers. This underlines the clinical use of sway measures as an objective monitoring tool during treatment or rehabilitation

    Strategies for Treating Latent Multiple-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis: A Decision Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The optimal treatment for latent multiple-drug resistant tuberculosis infection remains unclear. In anticipation of future clinical trials, we modeled the expected performance of six potential regimens for treatment of latent multiple-drug resistant tuberculosis. METHODS: A computerized Markov model to analyze the total cost of treatment for six different regimens: Pyrazinamide/ethambutol, moxifloxacin monotherapy, moxifloxacin/pyrazinamide, moxifloxacin/ethambutol, moxifloxacin/ethionamide, and moxifloxacin/PA-824. Efficacy estimates were extrapolated from mouse models and examined over a wide range of assumptions. RESULTS: In the base-case, moxifloxacin monotherapy was the lowest cost strategy, but moxifloxacin/ethambutol was cost-effective at an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $21,252 per quality-adjusted life-year. Both pyrazinamide-containing regimens were dominated due to their toxicity. A hypothetical regimen of low toxicity and even modest efficacy was cost-effective compared to "no treatment." CONCLUSION: In our model, moxifloxacin/ethambutol was the preferred treatment strategy under a wide range of assumptions; pyrazinamide-containing regimens fared poorly because of high rates of toxicity. Although more data are needed on efficacy of treatments for latent MDR-TB infection, data on toxicity and treatment discontinuation, which are easier to obtain, could have a substantial impact on public health practice

    Referrals for positive tuberculin tests in new health care workers and students: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Documentation of test results for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection is important for health care workers and students before they begin work. A negative result provides a baseline for comparison with future tests. A positive result affords a potential opportunity for treatment of latent infection when appropriate. We sought to evaluate the yield of the referral process for positive baseline tuberculin tests, among persons beginning health care work or studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective cohort study. We reviewed the charts of all new health care students and workers referred to the Montreal Chest Institute in 2006 for positive baseline tuberculin skin tests (β‰₯10 mm). Health care workers and students evaluated for reasons other than positive baseline test results were excluded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>630 health care students and workers were evaluated. 546 (87%) were foreign-born, and 443 (70%) reported previous Bacille Calmette-GuΓ©rin (BCG) vaccination. 420 (67%) were discharged after their first evaluation without further treatment. 210 (33%) were recommended treatment for latent TB infection, of whom 165 (79%) began it; of these, 115 (70%) completed adequate treatment with isoniazid or rifampin. Treatment discontinuation or interruption occurred in a third of treated subjects, and most often reflected loss to follow-up, or abdominal discomfort. No worker or student had active TB.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Only a small proportion of health care workers and students with positive baseline tuberculin tests were eligible for, and completed treatment for latent TB infection. We discuss recommendations for improving the referral process, so as to better target workers and students who require specialist evaluation and treatment for latent TB infection. Treatment adherence also needs improvement.</p

    Contribution of limbic norepinephrine to cannabinoid-induced aversion

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    RATIONALE: The cannabinoid system has risen to the forefront in the development of novel treatments for a number of pathophysiological processes. However, significant side effects have been observed in clinical trials raising concerns regarding the potential clinical utility of cannabinoid-based agents. Understanding the neural circuits and neurochemical substrates impacted by cannabinoids will provide a better means of gaging their actions within the central nervous system that may contribute to the expression of unwanted side effects. OBJECTIVES: In the present study, we investigated whether norepinephrine (NE) in the limbic forebrain is a critical determinant of cannabinoid receptor agonist-induced aversion and anxiety in rats. METHODS: An immunotoxin lesion approach was combined with behavioral analysis using a place conditioning paradigm and the elevated zero maze. RESULTS: Our results show that the non-selective CB1/CB2 receptor agonist, WIN 55,212-2, produced a significant place aversion in rats. Further, NE in the nucleus accumbens was critical for WIN 55,212-2-induced aversion but did not affect anxiety-like behaviors. Depletion of NE from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis was ineffective in altering WIN 55,212-2-induced aversion and anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that limbic, specifically accumbal, NE is required for cannabinoid-induced aversion but is not essential to cannabinoid-induced anxiety.This works was supported by PHS grant DA 020129. Ana Franky Carvalho was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/33236/2007)
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