12 research outputs found

    Cell adhesion molecules in context: CAM function depends on the neighborhood

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    Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are now known to mediate much more than adhesion between cells and between cells and the extracellular matrix. Work by many researchers has illuminated their roles in modulating activation of molecules such as receptor tyrosine kinases, with subsequent effects on cell survival, migration and process extension. CAMs are also known to serve as substrates for proteases that can create diffusible fragments capable of signaling independently from the CAM. The diversity of interactions is further modulated by membrane rafts, which can co-localize or separate potential signaling partners to affect the likelihood of a given signaling pathway being activated. Given the ever-growing number of known CAMs and the fact that their heterophilic binding in cis or in trans can affect their interactions with other molecules, including membrane-bound receptors, one would predict a wide range of effects attributable to a particular CAM in a particular cell at a particular stage of development. The function(s) of a given CAM must therefore be considered in the context of the history of the cell expressing it and the repertoire of molecules expressed both by that cell and its neighbors

    In vitro reconstruction of branched tubular structures from lung epithelial cells in high cell concentration gradient environment

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    We have succeeded in developing hollow branching structure in vitro commonly observed in lung airway using primary lung airway epithelial cells. Cell concentration gradient is the key factor that determines production of the branching cellular structures, as optimization of this component removes the need for heterotypic culture. The higher cell concentration leads to the more production of morphogens and increases the growth rate of cells. However, homogeneous high cell concentration does not make a branching structure. Branching requires sufficient space in which cells can grow from a high concentration toward a low concentration. Simulation performed using a reaction-diffusion model revealed that long-range inhibition prevents cells from branching when they are homogeneously spread in culture environments, while short-range activation from neighboring cells leads to positive feedback. Thus, a high cell concentration gradient is required to make branching structures. Spatial distributions of morphogens, such as BMP-4, play important roles in the pattern formation. This simple yet robust system provides an optimal platform for the further study and understanding of branching mechanisms in the lung airway, and will facilitate chemical and genetic studies of lung morphogenesis programs