804 research outputs found

    New D1-D5-P geometries from string amplitudes

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    We derive the long range supergravity fields sourced by a D1-D5-P bound state from disk amplitudes for massless closed string emission. We suggest that since the parameter controlling the string perturbation expansion for this calculation decreases with distance from the bound state, the resulting asymptotic fields are valid even in the regime of parameters in which there is a classical black hole solution with the same charges. The supergravity fields differ from the black hole solution by multipole moments and are more general than those contained within known classes of solutions in the literature, whilst still preserving four supersymmetries. Our results support the conjecture that the black hole solution should be interpreted as a coarse-grained description rather than an exact description of the gravitational field sourced by D1-D5-P bound states in this regime of parameters.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, v2: typos correcte

    Meson Thermalization in Various Dimensions

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    In gauge/gravity duality framework the thermalization of mesons in strongly coupled (p+1)-dimensional gauge theories is studied for a general Dp-Dq system, q>=p, using the flavour Dq-brane as a probe. Thermalization corresponds to the horizon formation on the flavour Dq-brane. We calculate the thermalization time-scale due to a time-dependent change in the baryon number chemical potential, baryon injection in the field theory. We observe that for such a general system it has a universal behaviour depending only on the t'Hooft coupling constant and the two parameters which describe how we inject baryons into the system. We show that this universal behaviour is independent of the details of the theory whether it is conformal and/or supersymmetric.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Surprisingly Simple Spectra

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    The large N limit of the anomalous dimensions of operators in N=4{\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory described by restricted Schur polynomials, are studied. We focus on operators labeled by Young diagrams that have two columns (both long) so that the classical dimension of these operators is O(N). At large N these two column operators mix with each other but are decoupled from operators with n2n\ne 2 columns. The planar approximation does not capture the large N dynamics. For operators built with 2, 3 or 4 impurities the dilatation operator is explicitly evaluated. In all three cases, in a certain limit, the dilatation operator is a lattice version of a second derivative, with the lattice emerging from the Young diagram itself. The one loop dilatation operator is diagonalized numerically. All eigenvalues are an integer multiple of 8gYM28g_{YM}^2 and there are interesting degeneracies in the spectrum. The spectrum we obtain for the one loop anomalous dimension operator is reproduced by a collection of harmonic oscillators. This equivalence to harmonic oscillators generalizes giant graviton results known for the BPS sector and further implies that the Hamiltonian defined by the one loop large NN dilatation operator is integrable. This is an example of an integrable dilatation operator, obtained by summing both planar and non-planar diagrams.Comment: 34 page

    Lifshitz spacetimes from AdS null and cosmological solutions

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    We describe solutions of 10-dimensional supergravity comprising null deformations of AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 with a scalar field, which have z=2z=2 Lifshitz symmetries. The bulk Lifshitz geometry in 3+1-dimensions arises by dimensional reduction of these solutions. The dual field theory in this case is a deformation of the N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We discuss the holographic 2-point function of operators dual to bulk scalars. We further describe time-dependent (cosmological) solutions which have anisotropic Lifshitz scaling symmetries. We also discuss deformations of AdS×XAdS\times X in 11-dimensional supergravity, which are somewhat similar to the solutions above. In some cases here, we expect the field theory duals to be deformations of the Chern-Simons theories on M2-branes stacked at singularities.Comment: Latex, 29pgs, v3. references, minor clarifications (subsection on Lifshitz geometry seen by scalar probes) added, to appear in JHE

    Thermal quenches in N=2* plasmas

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    We exploit gauge/gravity duality to study `thermal quenches' in a plasma of the strongly coupled N=2* gauge theory. Specifically, we consider the response of an initial thermal equilibrium state of the theory under variations of the bosonic or fermionic mass, to leading order in m/T<<1. When the masses are made to vary in time, novel new counterterms must be introduced to renormalize the boundary theory. We consider transitions the conformal super-Yang-Mills theory to the mass deformed gauge theory and also the reverse transitions. By construction, these transitions are controlled by a characteristic time scale \calt and we show how the response of the system depends on the ratio of this time scale to the thermal time scale 1/T. The response shows interesting scaling behaviour both in the limit of fast quenches with T\calt<<1 and slow quenches with T\calt>>1. In the limit that T\calt\to\infty, we observe the expected adiabatic response. For fast quenches, the relaxation to the final equilibrium is controlled by the lowest quasinormal mode of the bulk scalar dual to the quenched operator. For slow quenches, the system relaxes with a (nearly) adiabatic response that is governed entirely by the late time profile of the mass. We describe new renormalization scheme ambiguities in defining gauge invariant observables for the theory with time dependant couplings.Comment: 78 pages, 17 figure

    Orthogonal Bases of Invariants in Tensor Models

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    Representation theory provides a suitable framework to count and classify invariants in tensor models. We show that there are two natural ways of counting invariants, one for arbitrary rank of the gauge group and a second, which is only valid for large N. We construct bases of invariant operators based on the counting, and compute correlators of their elements. The basis associated with finite N diagonalizes the two-point function of the theory and it is analogous to the restricted Schur basis used in matrix models. We comment on future lines of investigation.Comment: Two overlapping but independent results are merged to a joint work. 16 pages, 1 tabl

    Real-time correlators in warped AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We study real-time correlators in the warped AdS/CFT correspondence. We apply the prescription used in the usual AdS/CFT correspondence and obtain the retarded Green's functions for the scalar and vector fields in the spacelike warped and the null warped black hole backgrounds. We find that the retarded Green's functions and the cross sections are well consistent with the predictions from dual CFT. Our results not only support strongly the conjectured warped AdS/CFT correspondence, but also show that the usual relativistic AdS/CFT prescription of obtaining the real-time correlators remain effective in more general backgrounds with anisotropic conformal infinity.Comment: 27 page

    Emission from the D1D5 CFT: Higher Twists

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    We study a certain class of nonextremal D1D5 geometries and their ergoregion emission. Using a detailed CFT computation and the formalism developed in arXiv:0906.2015 [hep-th], we compute the full spectrum and rate of emission from the geometries and find exact agreement with the gravity answer. Previously, only part of the spectrum had been reproduced using a CFT description. We close with a discussion of the context and significance of the calculation.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures, late

    Bi-local Construction of Sp(2N)/dS Higher Spin Correspondence

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    We derive a collective field theory of the singlet sector of the Sp(2N) sigma model. Interestingly the hamiltonian for the bilocal collective field is the same as that of the O(N) model. However, the large-N saddle points of the two models differ by a sign. This leads to a fluctuation hamiltonian with a negative quadratic term and alternating signs in the nonlinear terms which correctly reproduces the correlation functions of the singlet sector. Assuming the validity of the connection between O(N) collective fields and higher spin fields in AdS, we argue that a natural interpretation of this theory is by a double analytic continuation, leading to the dS/CFT correspondence proposed by Anninos, Hartman and Strominger. The bi-local construction gives a map into the bulk of de Sitter space-time. Its geometric pseudospin-representation provides a framework for quantization and definition of the Hilbert space. We argue that this is consistent with finite N grassmanian constraints, establishing the bi-local representation as a nonperturbative framework for quantization of Higher Spin Gravity in de Sitter space.Comment: 1 figur

    Universal time-dependent deformations of Schrodinger geometry

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    We investigate universal time-dependent exact deformations of Schrodinger geometry. We present 1) scale invariant but non-conformal deformation, 2) non-conformal but scale invariant deformation, and 3) both scale and conformal invariant deformation. All these solutions are universal in the sense that we could embed them in any supergravity constructions of the Schrodinger invariant geometry. We give a field theory interpretation of our time-dependent solutions. In particular, we argue that any time-dependent chemical potential can be treated exactly in our gravity dual approach.Comment: 24 pages, v2: references adde