41 research outputs found

    Mouse Chromosome 11

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46996/1/335_2004_Article_BF00648429.pd

    Diferenças estacionais entre variáveis microclimáticas para ambientes de interior de mata, vinhedo e posto meteorológico em Jundiaí (SP) Seazonal diferences among microclimatic variables from environments of forest interior, vineyard and standard weather station at Jundiaí, Brazil

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    Os estudos de caracterização da variabilidade microclimática são essenciais para avaliação de alternativas silviculturais e manejo de vinhedos. Por essa razão, compararam-se variação estacional da temperatura, umidade relativa do ar e velocidade do vento entre os ambientes: interior de uma mata semidecídua, um vinhedo da variedade Niagara Rosada e um posto meteorológico, em Jundiaí (SP), utilizando-se dados diários obtidos por estações meteorológicas automáticas em agosto de 2000 (inverno), outubro de 2000 (primavera) e janeiro de 2001 (verão). A mata alterou significativamente o microclima em seu interior, diminuindo a temperatura máxima em 1,0 °C no inverno, 1,9 °C na primavera e 3,4 °C no verão, aumentando a umidade relativa do ar em 4% a 7% e reduzindo a velocidade do vento nas estações do ano analisadas. No interior da mata, a temperatura mínima foi 0,2 °C mais alta no verão e 1,2 °C mais baixa no inverno, quando comparada com o ambiente externo. O vinhedo, ao contrário, elevou a temperatura máxima de 0,5 °C a 1,0 °C e reduziu a umidade relativa do ar em 2%, quando comparado com o ambiente-padrão do posto meteorológico.<br>Studies aiming the characterization of microclimatic variability are important for evaluating forest and vineyards management. Therefore microclimatic measurements of: air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were taken, at Jundiaí, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The following environments were evaluated: semideciduous forest interior, ´Niagara Rosada´ vineyard and standard weather station. Seazonal variation comparison was performed using daily data collected by automatic weather stations during the following months:August, 2000 (winter), October, 2000 (spring) and January, 2001 (summer). The internal microclimate was modified at semideciduous forest, with a decrease of maximum air temperature by 1.0 °C, 1.9 °C and 3.4 °C, respectively for winter, spring and summer; an increase of air relative humidity from 4-7%, and a reduction of wind speed in all evaluated seasons. The minimum air temperature inside the forest was 0.2 °C higher than at the standard weather station during summer, and 1.2 °C lower during winter. On the other hand, the vineyard lead to an increase of 0.5 °C to 1.0 °C on the maximum air temperature and to a decrease of 2% on the relative humidity when compared to standard weather station environment

    Root distribution of Mediterranean woody plants. Introducing a new empirical model

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    ACESSO via B-on: http://dx.doi.org/ doi:10.1080/11263500312331351341The root distributions of 42 plants from 18 Mediterranean woody species were characterised by using an adjustable new empirical model. Plants were classified in terms of developmental stage and regenerative strategy. Vertical distributions of root length and root biomass were determined, standardised, and computed as cumulative data. The root distribution data were used to test the new proposed model against three other models taken from the literature. Tests have shown that the new model presented the best performance among the four. Significant differences were obtained between developmental stages and between regenerative strategies, using model-derived parameters. Despite the heterogeneous characteristics within the group of studied plants, different rooting patterns could be detected using the new modelling approach. The paper discusses these patterns in terms of the ecological characteristics of the different species