27 research outputs found

    Protein p16 as a marker of dysplastic and neoplastic alterations in cervical epithelial cells

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical carcinomas are second most frequent type of women cancer. Success in diagnostics of this disease is due to the use of Pap-test (cytological smear analysis). However Pap-test gives significant portion of both false-positive and false-negative conclusions. Amendments of the diagnostic procedure are desirable. Aetiological role of papillomaviruses in cervical cancer is established while the role of cellular gene alterations in the course of tumor progression is less clear. Several research groups including us have recently named the protein p16(INK4a )as a possible diagnostic marker of cervical cancer. To evaluate whether the specificity of p16(INK4a )expression in dysplastic and neoplastic cervical epithelium is sufficient for such application we undertook a broader immunochistochemical registration of this protein with a highly p16(INK4a)-specific monoclonal antibody. METHODS: Paraffin-embedded samples of diagnostic biopsies and surgical materials were used. Control group included vaginal smears of healthy women and biopsy samples from patients with cervical ectopia. We examined 197 samples in total. Monoclonal antibody E6H4 (MTM Laboratories, Germany) was used. RESULTS: In control samples we did not find any p16(INK4a)-positive cells. Overexpression of p16(INK4a )was detected in samples of cervical dysplasia (CINs) and carcinomas. The portion of p16(INK4a)-positive samples increased in the row: CIN I – CIN II – CIN III – invasive carcinoma. For all stages the samples were found to be heterogeneous with respect to p16(INK4a)-expression. Every third of CINs III and one invasive squamous cell carcinoma (out of 21 analyzed) were negative. CONCLUSIONS: Overexpression of the protein p16(INK4a )is typical for dysplastic and neoplastic epithelium of cervix uteri. However p16(INK4a)-negative CINs and carcinomas do exist. All stages of CINs and carcinomas analyzed are heterogeneous with respect to p16(INK4a )expression. So p16(INK4a)-negativity is not a sufficient reason to exclude a patient from the high risk group. As far as normal cervical epithelium is p16(INK4a)-negative and the ratio p16(INK4a)-positive/ p16(INK4a)-negative samples increases at the advanced stages application of immunohisto-/cytochemical test for p16(INK4a )may be regarded as a supplementary test for early diagnostics of cervical cancer

    “The Good into the Pot, the Bad into the Crop!”—A New Technology to Free Stem Cells from Feeder Cells

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    A variety of embryonic and adult stem cell lines require an intial co-culturing with feeder cells for non-differentiated growth, self renewal and maintenance of pluripotency. However for many downstream ES cell applications the feeder cells have to be considered contaminations that might interfere not just with the analysis of experimental data but also with clinical application and tissue engineering approaches. Here we introduce a novel technique that allows for the selection of pure feeder-freed stem cells, following stem cell proliferation on feeder cell layers. Complete and reproducible separation of feeder and embryonic stem cells was accomplished by adaptation of an automated cell selection system that resulted in the aspiration of distinct cell colonies or fraction of colonies according to predefined physical parameters. Analyzing neuronal differentiation we demonstrated feeder-freed stem cells to exhibit differentiation potentials comparable to embryonic stem cells differentiated under standard conditions. However, embryoid body growth as well as differentiation of stem cells into cardiomyocytes was significantly enhanced in feeder-freed cells, indicating a feeder cell dependent modulation of lineage differentiation during early embryoid body development. These findings underline the necessity to separate stem and feeder cells before the initiation of in vitro differentiation. The complete separation of stem and feeder cells by this new technology results in pure stem cell populations for translational approaches. Furthermore, a more detailed analysis of the effect of feeder cells on stem cell differentiation is now possible, that might facilitate the identification and development of new optimized human or genetically modified feeder cell lines

    Opposite Transcriptional Effects of Cyclic AMP-Responsive Elements in Confluent or p27(KIP)-Overexpressing Cells versus Serum-Starved or Growing Cells

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    The minute virus of mice, an autonomous parvovirus, requires entry of host cells into the S phase of the cell cycle for its DNA to be amplified and its genes expressed. This work focuses on the P4 promoter of this parvovirus, which directs expression of the transcription unit encoding the parvoviral nonstructural polypeptides. These notably include protein NS1, necessary for the S-phase-dependent burst of parvoviral DNA amplification and gene expression. The activity of the P4 promoter is shown to be regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner. At the G(1)/S-phase transition, the promoter is activated via a cis-acting DNA element which interacts with phase-specific complexes containing the cellular transcription factor E2F. It is inhibited, on the other hand, in cells arrested in G(1) due to contact inhibition. This inhibitory effect is not observed in serum-starved cells. It is mediated in cis by cyclic AMP response elements (CREs). Unlike serum-starved cells, confluent cells accumulate the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, suggesting that the switch from CRE-mediated activation to CRE-mediated repression involves the p27 protein. Accordingly, plasmid-driven overexpression of p27 causes down-modulation of promoter P4 in growing cells, depending on the presence of at least two functional CREs. No such effect is observed with two other cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, p16 and p21. Given the importance of P4-driven synthesis of protein NS1 in parvoviral DNA amplification and gene expression, the stringent S-phase dependency of promoter P4 is likely a major determinant of the absolute requirement of the minute virus of mice for host cell proliferation

    Generation of Cardiomyocytes in Pipe-Based Microbioreactor Under Segmented Flow

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    Background/Aims: Embryonic stem (ES) cells have got a broad range differentiation potential. The differentiation is initiated via aggregation of non-differentiated ES cells into embryoid body (EB) capable of multi-lineage development. However experimental variables present in standard differentiation techniques lead to high EB heterogeneity, affecting development into the cells of desired lineage, and do not support the process automatization and scalability. Methods: Here we present a novel pipe based microbioreactor (PBM) setup based on segmented flow, designed for spatial maintenance of temperature, nutrition supply, gas supply and sterility. Results: We verified PBM feasibility for continuous process generating cardiac cells starting from single ES cell suspension followed by EB formation for up to 10 days. The ES cells used in the study were genetically modified for cardiac-specific EGFP expression allowing optical monitoring of cardiomyocytes while EBs remained within PBM for up to 10 days. Efficiency of cardiac cells formation within PBM was similar compared to a standard hanging drop based protocol. Conclusion: Our findings ensure further development of microfluidic bioreactor technology to enable robust cardiomyocytes production for needs of drug screening, tissue engineering and other applications. (C) 2016 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Base