621 research outputs found

    Impact Of Foliar Fungicides On Yield And Net Returns In Soybeans

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    Field studies were conducted in 2003, 2004, and 2005 in the Mississippi delta at 12 locations across common production practices to evaluate the impact of 12 single applications of fungicides at the R3 and R5 growth stage on soybean yield, seed quality, and net returns. Averaged across locations, azoxystrobin alone and mixed with other fungicides increased yields 161 to 343 kg/ha compared to the nontreated control. Fungicide applications made at R3-R4 were more efficacious and resulted in larger yield increases than applications made at R5-R6. Plots treated at the R3-R4 growth stage with 0.11kg ai/ha azoxystrobin alone or in combination with other fungicides yielded 135 kg/ha more than plots treated with the same treatments at the R5-R6 growth stage. Azoxystrobin at 0.11 kg ai/ha and azoxystrobin at 0.11 kg ai/ha + 0.035 kg ai/ha diflubenzuron were the most profitable treatments and increased net returns 23/haand23/ha and 31/ha, respectively compared to the nontreated control

    The identification and enhancement of biomechanical performance variables in maximal rowing

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    Parents exposed to warming produce offspring lower in weight and condition

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    The parental environment can alter offspring phenotypes via the transfer of non-genetic information. Parental effects may be viewed as an extension of (within-generation) phenotypic plasticity. Smaller size, poorer physical condition, and skewed sex ratios are common responses of organisms to global warming, yet whether parental effects alleviate, exacerbate, or have no impact on these responses has not been widely tested. Further, the relative non-genetic influence of mothers and fathers and ontogenetic timing of parental exposure to warming on offspring phenotypes is poorly understood. Here, we tested how maternal, paternal, and biparental exposure of a coral reef fish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus) to elevated temperature (+1.5°C) at different ontogenetic stages (development vs reproduction) influences offspring length, weight, condition, and sex. Fish were reared across two generations in present-day and projected ocean warming in a full factorial design. As expected, offspring of parents exposed to present-day control temperature that were reared in warmer water were shorter than their siblings reared in control temperature; however, within-generation plasticity allowed maintenance of weight, resulting in a higher body condition. Parental exposure to warming, irrespective of ontogenetic timing and sex, resulted in decreased weight and condition in all offspring rearing temperatures. By contrast, offspring sex ratios were not strongly influenced by their rearing temperature or that of their parents. Together, our results reveal that phenotypic plasticity may help coral reef fishes maintain performance in a warm ocean within a generation, but could exacerbate the negative effects of warming between generations, regardless of when mothers and fathers are exposed to warming. Alternatively, the multigenerational impact on offspring weight and condition may be a necessary cost to adapt metabolism to increasing temperatures. This research highlights the importance of examining phenotypic plasticity within and between generations across a range of traits to accurately predict how organisms will respond to climate change

    Effects of a 6-month exercise program pilot study on walking economy, peak physiological characteristics, and walking performance in patients with peripheral arterial disease

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a 6-month exercise program on submaximal walking economy in individuals with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (PAD-IC). Participants (n = 16) were randomly allocated to either a control PAD-IC group (CPAD-IC, n = 6) which received standard medical therapy, or a treatment PAD-IC group (TPAD-IC; n = 10) which took part in a supervised exercise program. During a graded treadmill test, physiological responses, including oxygen consumption, were assessed to calculate walking economy during submaximal and maximal walking performance. Differences between groups at baseline and post-intervention were analyzed via Kruskal–Wallis tests. At baseline, CPAD-IC and TPAD-IC groups demonstrated similar walking performance and physiological responses. Postintervention, TPAD-IC patients demonstrated significantly lower oxygen consumption during the graded exercise test, and greater maximal walking performance compared to CPAD-IC. These preliminary results indicate that 6 months of regular exercise improves both submaximal walking economy and maximal walking performance, without significant changes in maximal walking economy. Enhanced walking economy may contribute to physiological efficiency, which in turn may improve walking performance as demonstrated by PAD-IC patients following regular exercise programs

    A Real-Time Ultrasonic Imaging System (ARIS) for Manual Inspection of Aircraft Composite Structures

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    Inspection of aircraft composite structures at field site facilities (air bases) is routinely performed using manual ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques. Using these techniques, the examiner detects and sizes defects such as disbonds and delaminations by monitoring and interpreting A-scan waveform signals on a UT instrument display screen. Manual probe manipula- tion permits maximum scanning flexibility and optimization of the ultrasonic signal response by the examiner using manual motions not possible with mechanized scanners. However, the examiner also must be responsible for instrument calibration, signal interpretation, documentation of inspection results, and completeness of coverage. The data reviewer must be able to validate instrument calibration and completeness of coverage, confirm signal interpretation, and compare current UT results to those obtained during previous inspections

    Mesoproterozoic surface oxygenation accompanied major sedimentary manganese deposition at 1.4 and 1.1 Ga

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    This research was funded by the Australian Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) as part of The Distal Footprints of Giant Ore Systems: UNCOVER Australia Project (RP04-063)—Capricorn Distal Footprints. EAS also thanks the donors of The American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for partial support of this research (61017-ND2).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Towards an EU Charter of the Fundamental Rights of Nature

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    This Study aims to set a framework for the legal recognition of the Rights of Nature in the EU legal order, as a prerequisite for a different and improved relationship between human beings and Nature. This aim should be possibly accomplished through the development of a EU Charter on Fundamental Rights of Nature. Initially, the Study shows the role of Rights of Nature with respect to environmental protection goals and addresses the reasons why current EU Environmental Law is failing to deliver the required level of nature protection (Section 2). Subsequently, the Study assesses how the "Rights of Nature" may help to overcome the failures of environmental law. To this end, four paradigmatic cases are proposed and analysed (Section 3). Based on the findings of this analysis, the strategic milestones required to achieve genuine ecosystem protection are identified and presented (Section 4). Finally, the possibility of introducing a Charter of the Rights of Nature in the EU legal system, with its basic principles, recommendable features and proposed pathway is discussed (Sections 5, 6 and 7)

    Structure-based design and synthesis of antiparasitic pyrrolopyrimidines targeting pteridine reductase 1

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    The treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis remains a major unmet health need in sub-Saharan Africa. Approaches involving new molecular targets are important and pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1), an enzyme that reduces dihydrobiopterin in Trypanosoma spp. has been identified as a candidate target and it has been shown previously that substituted pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines are inhibitors of PTR1 from T. brucei (J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53, 221-229). In this study, 61 new pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines have been prepared, designed with input from new crystal structures of 23 of these compounds complexed with PTR1, and evaluated in screens for enzyme inhibitory activity against PTR1 and in vitro antitrypanosomal activity. 8 compounds were sufficiently active in both screens to take forward to in vivo evaluation. Thus although evidence for trypanocidal activity in a stage I disease model in mice was obtained, the compounds were too toxic to mice for further development