129 research outputs found

    Mitigation of GHGs Emission From Soils by a Catalyzed In-Situ Photo-Oxidative Polymerization of Soil Organic Matter

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    Agricultural lands under food and bio-energy crops, managed grass and permanent crops including agro-forestry, occupy about 40-50% of the Earth's land surface^1^. In 2005, agriculture accounted for an estimated emission of 5.1 to 6.1 GtCO2-eq/yr (10-12% of total global anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs))^1^. However, measures to mitigate GHGs emission from agricultural soils are limited to improved cropland practices such as crop rotation, nutrient management, tillage/residue management, agroforestry, and return to natural vegetation^2^. These practices are not only far from substantially reducing GHGs emissions from soils or permanentlystabilizing soil organic matter^1-4^, but are also predicted to hardly match more than amaximum of 25% of the GHGs reductions required by the Kyoto Protocol within 2050^5^.Despite the knowledge that GHGs release from soil largely derives from biochemicaltransformations of plant litter and soil organic matter (SOM)^6-8^, no new and much wished biotechnological measures are adopted so far to augment mitigation^1^. Here we propose an innovative approach to mitigate GHGs emissions from soils based on the insitu photo-polymerization of SOM under biomimetic catalysis. Three Mediterranean soils of different physical and chemical properties were added with a synthetic watersolubleiron-porphyrin, irradiated by solar light, and subjected to 15, and 30 wetting and drying cycles. We found that the in situ catalysed photo-polymerization of SOM increased soil physical aggregation, shifted OC into larger soil aggregates, and reduced CO~2~ released by microbial respiration. Our findings suggest that "green" catalytic technologies can become viable soil management practices to enhance mitigation of GHGs emission from arable soils and contribute to match the expectations of the post-Kyoto Protocol in the agricultural sector

    Decomposition of bio‑degradable plastic polymer in a real on‑farm composting process

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    Background: The current wide diffusion of bio-degradable plastic made up by starch-based polymeric composite has focused the attention on the allocation of bio-polymers for the direct recycling in composting processes. Actually, the acknowledged current methods to estimate the bio-degradability are mainly based on laboratory tests and measurements under controlled conditions, while scarce information are available on the effective transformation of bio-film derivatives in real composting facilities. The aim of this paper was to determine at molecular level the decomposition of specific starch-based thermoplastic mulching film for horticultural crops, in a real on-farm composting system for the attainment of mature compost for agricultural application. Results: The initial and final molecular composition of both bulk biomasses and bio-plastic composite were evaluated through 13C solid-state CPMAS-NMR spectroscopy and off-line thermochemolysis—gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The effective decomposition of the bio-polymer was shown by mono-dimensional and pseudo-2D NMR experiments that revealed the alteration of the intermolecular linkages among the monomeric constituents, while the thermochemolysis confirmed the complete decomposition of starch components. Concomitantly, the molecular characterization of bulk compost indicated the typical selective preservation of hydrophobic components currently found in aerobic composting processes, with a significant increase (+50 %) for the yields of aromatic lignin derivatives and recalcitrant aliphatic compounds. Conclusion: In addition to the classical testing methodologies, the detailed analytical investigation represents a powerful methodology to elucidate the molecular composition and modification of plastic bio-polymers thereby providing a valuable contribution to further promote the composting process as viable way to recycle the biodegradable polymeric materials

    Linking organic matter chemistry with soil aggregate stability: Insight from 13C NMR spectroscopy

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    Soil aggregation is considered as a crucial process in agro-system sustainability due to the role in soil physical, chemical and biological dynamics. Here we tested the hypothesis that the initial chemical traits of organic matter (OM) may help to explain the variability of soil aggregation dynamics after organic amendment. We characterized ten OM types (alfalfa litter, biochar, cellulose, glucose, green compost, maize litter, manure compost, meat powder, sawdust, and solid digestate) by 13C-CPMAS NMR and elemental chemical features to investigate the effects of amendment quality on soil aggregation. In a manipulative factorial experiment, dry samples (200 g) of three soil types (S1, S2 and S3) with different texture, high pH (7\u20139), and similar OM content, were incorporated with 4 g (2% w/w) of dry, 2 mm-grounded OM, incubated in mesocosms for 300 days under controlled temperature (18 \ub1 2 \ub0C night and 24 \ub1 2 \ub0C day), and sampled at 4 dates for measuring aggregation index (AI), based on water stability of soil aggregates (WSA). We found that meat powder and alfalfa litter induced a rapid initial increase of AI, exceeding that of the controls by one to two orders of magnitude, likely acting as a C source for microbes. Biochar incorporation in soil barely affected AI, with intermediate effects with other OM types. Considering C bond types corresponding to OM 13C-CPMAS NMR spectral regions, carbonyl C was only correlated to early AI, possibly due to overlapping signals of amide structures; O-alkyl C and di-O-alkyl C (carbohydrate fraction) were positively associated to AI, indicating a promoting effect on soil structure, while aromatic C fractions showed an opposite pattern, possibly related to aggregate protection by coatings associated to water repellency, or to direct aggregate internal binding. This study demonstrates that OM chemical quality plays an important role in soil aggregation process, with the molecular composition defined by 13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy being more predictive of aggregation dynamics compared to classical elemental features. As such, this study provides a significant novel contribution to clarify the relationships between OM chemistry and soil aggregation

    Linking organic matter chemistry with soil aggregate stability: Insight from 13C NMR spectroscopy

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    Soil aggregation is considered as a crucial process in agro-system sustainability due to the role in soil physical, chemical and biological dynamics. Here we tested the hypothesis that the initial chemical traits of organic matter (OM) may help to explain the variability of soil aggregation dynamics after organic amendment. We characterized ten OM types (alfalfa litter, biochar, cellulose, glucose, green compost, maize litter, manure compost, meat powder, sawdust, and solid digestate) by 13C-CPMAS NMR and elemental chemical features to investigate the effects of amendment quality on soil aggregation. In a manipulative factorial experiment, dry samples (200 g) of three soil types (S1, S2 and S3) with different texture, high pH (7\u20139), and similar OM content, were incorporated with 4 g (2% w/w) of dry, 2 mm-grounded OM, incubated in mesocosms for 300 days under controlled temperature (18 \ub1 2 \ub0C night and 24 \ub1 2 \ub0C day), and sampled at 4 dates for measuring aggregation index (AI), based on water stability of soil aggregates (WSA). We found that meat powder and alfalfa litter induced a rapid initial increase of AI, exceeding that of the controls by one to two orders of magnitude, likely acting as a C source for microbes. Biochar incorporation in soil barely affected AI, with intermediate effects with other OM types. Considering C bond types corresponding to OM 13C-CPMAS NMR spectral regions, carbonyl C was only correlated to early AI, possibly due to overlapping signals of amide structures; O-alkyl C and di-O-alkyl C (carbohydrate fraction) were positively associated to AI, indicating a promoting effect on soil structure, while aromatic C fractions showed an opposite pattern, possibly related to aggregate protection by coatings associated to water repellency, or to direct aggregate internal binding. This study demonstrates that OM chemical quality plays an important role in soil aggregation process, with the molecular composition defined by 13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy being more predictive of aggregation dynamics compared to classical elemental features. As such, this study provides a significant novel contribution to clarify the relationships between OM chemistry and soil aggregation

    Effects of a humic acid and its size-fractions on the bacterial community of soil rhizosphere under maize (Zea mays L.)

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    a b s t r a c t The effects of a humic acid (HA) and its size-fractions on plants carbon deposition and the structure of microbial communities in the rhizosphere soil of maize (Zea mays L.) plants were studied. Experiments were conducted in rhizobox systems that separate an upper soil-plant compartment from a lower compartment, where roots are excluded from the rhizosphere soil by a nylon membrane. The upper rhizobox compartment received the humic additions, whereas, after roots development, the rhizosphere soil in the lower compartment was sampled and sliced into thin layers. The lux-marked biosensor Pseudomonas fluorescens 10586 pUCD607 biosensor showed a significant increase in the deposition of bioavailable sources of carbon in the rhizosphere of soils when treated with bulk HA, but no response was found for treatments with the separated size-fractions. PCR-DGGE molecular fingerprintings revealed that the structure of rhizosphere microbial communities was changed by all humic treatments and that the smaller and more bioavailable size-fractions were more easily degraded by microbial activity than the bulk HA. On the other hand, highly hydrophobic and strongly associated humic molecules in the bulk HA required additional plant rhizodeposition before their bio-transformation could occur. This work highlights the importance of applying advanced biological and biotechnological methods to notice changes occurring in plant rhizodeposition and rhizosphere microbial activity. Moreover, it suggests correlations between the molecular properties of humic matter and their effects on microbial communities in the rhizosphere as mediated by root exudation

    Mikrobiologie und Bioaktivität des biodynamischen Präparats 500

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    Umfangreiche mikrobiologische Untersuchungen des Hornmistpräparates zeigen eine charakteristische bakterielle Komposition und spezielle Enzymaktivitäten. Letztere haben eine Wirkung vergleichbar dem pflanzeneigenen Hormon Auxin. P500 scheint die Effizienz der Bodenbakterien zu erhöhen

    Dinamica della sostanza organica: ruolo della protezione idrofobica nella stabilizzazione del carbonio organico nel suolo

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    Dottorato di ricerca in chimica agraria. A.a. 1995-98. Coordinatore A. ViolanteConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
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