13 research outputs found

    Tectonics and sedimentation of the central sector of the Santo Onofre rift, north Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Morphometry and Germination of Passovia pyrifolia, Struthanthus marginatus and Phoradendron mucronatum Diaspores

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: The goal of this work was to characterize morphometrically diaspores from three species of mistletoes (Passovia pyrifolia, Struthanthus marginatus e Phoradendron mucronatum), as well as to study its germination behavior according to temperature and luminosity. In germination tests, the completely randomized design was used, in factor scheme 4 x 2, with 4 replications of 15 diaspores. The factors for the first test were different temperatures and two diaspore conditions (intact and without epicarp). In the second test, factors were different light qualities and two diaspore conditions. The analyzed variables were: germination percentage, germination rate index (GRI) and mean germination time (MGT). Mistletoe’s diaspores present an elliptic shape with viscin layer, an essential characteristic for the dispersion of the species. In addition to this, they present a distinction as for the moisture content when compared to the Loranthaceae and Viscaceae, where the latter presents the highest content. Germination is greater at the alternated temperature of 20-30 oC for P. pyrifolia and P. mucronatum diaspores and 20 oC for S. marginatus. Luminosity interfered in the germination of P. mucronatum and S. marginatus but did not influence P. pyrifolia. The diaspore condition influenced the germination of the three studied species, observing a significant increase in their germination when the epicarp was removed. Temperature and luminosity interfere directly in the GRI and MGT of the three mistletoes species.</p></div

    Qualidade da castanha-do-brasil do comércio de Rio Branco, Acre Quality of Brazil nuts marketed in Rio Branco, Acre

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de castanhas-do-brasil beneficiadas e comercializadas em Rio Branco, Acre. Foram analisadas amostras das três marcas de castanha encontradas no mercado local quanto às variáveis: atividade de água, teor de umidade, contagem total de fungos filamentosos, quantificação de Aspergillus flavus e de A. parasiticus, bem como quantificação de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2. As castanhas do comércio se encontravam com um teor de umidade e atividade de água adequados, o que pode ter sido responsável pela baixa contaminação por fungos e por aflatoxinas. Quanto a estas micotoxinas, as amostras estão de acordo com o recomendado pela Anvisa, podendo ser esta uma consequência da grande divulgação no Estado do uso de Boas Práticas no manejo da castanha.<br>The goal of this paper was to evaluate the quality of Brazil nuts processed and marketed in the city of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre (Brazil). We analysed three samples for water activity, moisture content, total fungus quantification of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, as well as quantification of total aflatoxin, Afla B1, Afla B2, Afla G1 and Afla G2. The nut samples from the market showed an appropriate moisture content and water activity, which may have been responsible for the low fungus contamination and aflatoxin production. As to these mycotoxins, the samples were consistent with Anvisa's recommendations, which may be a consequence of good management of the nuts in Acre