343 research outputs found

    Origin of 1015−101610^{15}-10^{16}G Magnetic Fields in the Central Engine of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Various authors have suggested that the gamma-ray burst (GRB) central engine is a rapidly rotating, strongly magnetized, (∼1015−1016(\sim 10^{15}-10^{16} G) compact object. The strong magnetic field can accelerate and collimate the relativistic flow and the rotation of the compact object can be the energy source of the GRB. The major problem in this scenario is the difficulty of finding an astrophysical mechanism for obtaining such intense fields. Whereas, in principle, a neutron star could maintain such strong fields, it is difficult to justify a scenario for their creation. If the compact object is a black hole, the problem is more difficult since, according to general relativity it has "no hair" (i.e., no magnetic field). Schuster, Blackett, Pauli, and others have suggested that a rotating neutral body can create a magnetic field by non-minimal gravitational-electromagnetic coupling (NMGEC). The Schuster-Blackett form of NMGEC was obtained from the Mikhail and Wanas's tetrad theory of gravitation (MW). We call the general theory NMGEC-MW. We investigate here the possible origin of the intense magnetic fields ∼1015−1016\sim 10^{15}-10^{16} G in GRBs by NMGEC-MW. Whereas these fields are difficult to explain astrophysically, we find that they are easily explained by NMGEC-MW. It not only explains the origin of the ∼1015−1016\sim 10^{15}-10^{16}G fields when the compact object is a neutron star, but also when it is a black hole.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in JCA

    On the equivalence between Implicit Regularization and Constrained Differential Renormalization

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    Constrained Differential Renormalization (CDR) and the constrained version of Implicit Regularization (IR) are two regularization independent techniques that do not rely on dimensional continuation of the space-time. These two methods which have rather distinct basis have been successfully applied to several calculations which show that they can be trusted as practical, symmetry invariant frameworks (gauge and supersymmetry included) in perturbative computations even beyond one-loop order. In this paper, we show the equivalence between these two methods at one-loop order. We show that the configuration space rules of CDR can be mapped into the momentum space procedures of Implicit Regularization, the major principle behind this equivalence being the extension of the properties of regular distributions to the regularized ones.Comment: 16 page

    Adubos verdes e seus efeitos no rendimento da cana-de-açúcar em sistema de plantio direto.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar adubos verdes e seus efeitos no rendimento da cana-de-açúcar em sistema de plantio direto (SPD). O trabalho foi realizado em Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), no período de dezembro de 2003 a julho de 2005. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis), mucuna-preta(Mucuna aterrimum), crotalária (Crotalária juncea) em plantio direto e vegetação espontânea em preparo convencional (testemunha). Com crotalária aos 35 dias após emergência (DAE) houve maior taxa de cobertura do solo – 87% – e, aos 92 DAE produziu 17.852 kg ha-1 de matéria seca, respectivamente, 41%, 78% e 407% superior ao feijão-de-porco, mucuna e vegetação espontânea, além de superá-las em acúmulos de K, Mg, S, Zn e Fe. O feijão-de-porco e a mucuna proporcionaram o maior teor de N na parte aérea. Com feijão-de-porco, os teores de P e Ca foram maiores que a crotalária e a mucuna. Com vegetação espontânea, o maior teor de K foi na parte aérea. As leguminosas acumularam maiores quantidades de N e Cu do que a vegetação espontânea. A crotalária e o feijão-de-porco acumularam 66% a mais de P na parte área que a mucuna. O SPD utilizando a adubação verde contribuiu significativamente para a maior produtividade de cana-de-açúcar, 135.863 kg ha-1, sendo 37% superior ao PC com a vegetação espontânea

    Screening, production and biochemical characterization of a new fibrinolytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces sp. (Streptomycetaceae) isolated from Amazonian lichens

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    Thrombosis is a pathophysiological disorder caused by accumulation of fibrin in the blood. Fibrinolytic proteases with potent thrombolytic activity have been produced by diverse microbial sources. Considering the microbial biodiversity of the Amazon region, this study aimed at the screening, production and biochemical characterization of a fibrinolytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces sp. isolated from Amazonian lichens. The strain Streptomyces DPUA1576 showed the highest fibrinolytic activity, which was 283 mm2. Three variables at two levels were used to assess their effects on the fibrinolytic production. The parameters studied were agitation (0.28 - 1.12 g), temperature (28 - 36 ºC) and pH (6.0 - 8.0); all of them had significant effects on the fibrinolytic production. The maximum fibrinolytic activity (304 mm2) was observed at 1.12 g, 28 ºC, and pH of 8.0. The crude extract of the fermentation broth was used to assess the biochemical properties of the enzyme. Protease and fibrinolytic activities were stable during 6 h, at a pH ranging from 6.8 to 8.4 and 5.8 to 9.2, respectively. Optimum temperature for protease activity ranged between 35 and 55 °C, while the highest fibrinolytic activity was observed at 45 ºC. Proteolytic activity was inhibited by Cu2+ and Co2+ ions, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and pepstatin A, which suggests that the enzyme is a serine protease. Enzymatic extract cleaved fibrinogen at the subunits A-chain, A-chain, and -chain. The results indicated that Streptomyces sp. DPUA 1576 produces enzymes with fibrinolytic and fibrinogenolytic activity, enzymes with an important application in the pharmaceutical industry.The authors grateful acknowledge the financial support of Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE, Pernambuco, Brazil, N. 0158-2.12/11), CNPq/ RENORBIO (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development, N.55146/2010-3) and National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES, Brazil) for the scholarship. The author thanks editor and reviewers for their review and comments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estimativa da radiação global incidente em superfícies inclinadas por modelos isotrópicos e índice de claridade

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de modelos isotrópicos de estimativa do total de radiação incidente em superfícies inclinadas e propor estimativas com base nas correlações entre os índices de claridade horizontais e inclinados, em diferentes condições de cobertura de céu, em Botucatu, SP. Foram avaliadas superfícies com inclinação de 12,85º, 22,85º e 32,85º, pelos modelos isotrópicos propostos por Liu & Jordan, Revfeim, Jimenez & Castro, Koronakis, a teoria Circunsolar, e a correlação entre os índices de claridade horizontais e inclinados, para diferentes condições de cobertura de céu. O banco de dados de radiação global utilizado corresponde ao período de 1998 a 2007, com intervalos de 4/1998 a 8/2001 para a inclinação de 22,85º, de 9/2001 a 2/2003 para 12,85º e de 1/2004 a 12/2007 para 32,85º. O desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado pelos indicadores estatísticos erro absoluto médio, raiz quadrada do quadrado médio do erro e índice "d" de Wilmott. Os modelos de Liu & Jordan, Koronakis e de Revfeim apresentaram os melhores desempenhos em dias nublados, em todas as inclinações. As coberturas de céu parcialmente difuso e parcialmente aberto, nos maiores ângulos de inclinação, apresentaram as maiores dispersões entre valores estimados e medidos, independentemente do modelo. As equações estatísticas apresentaram bons resultados em aplicações com agrupamentos de dados mensais
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