8 research outputs found

    Centrilobular fibrosis (CLF): a distinct histological pattern in systemic sclerosis with interstitial lung disease (ILD)

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    Objetivos: A FCL é um novo padrão de doença intersticial pulmonar idiopática associado ao refluxo gastro-esofágico. Nós investigamos sua presença na ES com envolvimento pulmonar. Métodos: 28 pacientes com ES foram submetidos à biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto. As amostras foram classificadas conforme o novo consenso de classificação das pneumonias intersticiais idiopáticas e de acordo com os critérios do padrão FCL. Tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR) de tórax, prova de função pulmonar (PFP), esofagograma de contraste e/ou endoscopia digestiva alta também foram realizadas. Resultados: Na ES, o padrão NSIP (67,8%) e a FCL (75%) foram os padrões mais freqüentemente encontrados e na maioria dos casos, eles co-existiam. Todos, exceto um paciente com FCL tinha a característica distribuição broncocêntrica das lesões, sendo mais extensa nos casos com FCL isolada (p=0,001). Da mesma forma, o conteúdo basofílico foi mais freqüente nos pacientes com FCL e completamente ausente no grupo NSIP (p<0,001). Na TCAR, a distribuição central do envolvimento pulmonar foi o achado mais prevalente nos pacientes com FCL isolada (57,14%) contrastando com a 10 predominância do padrão periférico nos outros grupos (p=0,02). Além disso, uma tendência quanto à distribuição segmentar na TCAR foi observada no grupo com FCL isolada (85,71%) e FCL+NSIP (71,43%), enquanto que 80% dos pacientes com NSIP tinham uma distribuição difusa das lesões pulmonares (p=0,08). Anormalidades esofágicas foram um achado quase universal. Conclusão: Está é a primeira descrição de fibrose centrilobular em pacientes com ES e envolvimento pulmonar. Este padrão tem características histológicas e tomográficas distintas e a identificação deste subgrupo de pacientes irá certamente contribuir para uma melhor abordagem terapêutica.Objectives: CLF is a new histological pattern of idiopathic ILD associated to esophageal reflux. We have investigated its presence in SSc with lung involvement. Methods: 28 SSc patients were submitted to open lung biopsy. The specimens were classified according to the new consensus classification of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia and to the diagnostic criteria for CLF. High Resolution Computer Tomography (HRCT), Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT), contrast esophagogram and/or upper digestive endoscopy were also performed. Main Results: In SSc, the NSIP (67.8%) and the centrilobular (75%) patterns were the most frequent and in the majority of the cases, they co-existed. All, except one patient with CLF had the characteristic bronchocentric distribution and this lesion was more extensive in those with isolated CLF (p=0.01). Likewise, the basophilic content was more frequent in patients with CLF and completely absent in NSIP group (p<0.001). The central distribution of lung involvement on HRCT was the most prevalent finding in patients with isolated CLF (57.14%) contrasting with the predominant peripheral pattern in the other groups (p=0.02). Moreover, a trend towards a patchy distribution on HRCT was observed for CLF group (85.71%) and CLF+NSIP group (71.43%) whereas 80% of the NSIP group had diffuse distribution (p=0.08). Esophageal abnormalities were almost a universal finding. Conclusions: This is the first report of centrilobular fibrosis in SSc patients with lung involvement. This new pattern has distinct histological and tomographic features. The identification of this subgroup of patients will certainly contribute for a more appropriate therapeutic approach

    Ciclofosfamida: eficaz no tratamento do quadro cutâneo grave da esclerose sistêmica Cyclophosphamide: effective in the treatment of severe cutaneous involvement in systemic sclerosis

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A esclerose sistêmica (ES) é uma doença reumatológica caracterizada por inflamação autoimune, vasculopatia e fibrose da pele e de vários órgãos. Poucos tratamentos são considerados eficazes para a doença com intenso envolvimento de pele como a ES na forma difusa. Portanto, avaliamos a eficácia da ciclofosfamida no tratamento de pacientes com ES difusa grave. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Nove pacientes com ES difusa (Critérios do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia [ACR]) com escore de Rodnan de pele modificado (ERM) > 30 (0-51) foram submetidos ao tratamento com ciclofosfamida (CFM) EV na dose de 0,5 a 1,0 g/m² mensal por 18 meses, totalizando 18 pulsos. Além da realização do ERM a cada seis meses, exames laboratoriais e avaliação de efeitos adversos foram também analisados. Pacientes com doença pulmonar e envolvimento cardíaco foram excluídos. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino (77%), com média de idade de 41,7 anos e tempo de doença de 2,2 anos. Observou-se redução significativa do ERM de 37,7 ± 4,08 para 29,1 ± 8,13 após 12 meses de tratamento (P = 0,009). Sete pacientes completaram 18 meses de CFM e com redução persistente do ERM (média ERM = 26,4; P = 0,01). Houve também uma redução da proteína C-reativa (PCR) (média inicial PCR = 8,9 mg/dL) quando comparada com valores após 18 meses de tratamento (média PCR = 3,09 mg/dL; P = 0,04). Não foram observadas infecções, alterações urinárias e/ou quadro hematológico importante durante todo o tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta amostra de pacientes, o tratamento com a CFM foi eficaz e pode ser considerado como terapia alternativa para pacientes com ES e envolvimento cutâneo grave.<br>INTRODUCTION: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rheumatologic disease characterized by autoimmune inflammation, vasculopathy and tissue fibrosis of skin and various organs. There are few effective treatments available for a severe cutaneous involvement of diffuse SSc. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy of cyclophosphamide in the treatment of severe diffuse SSc. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nine diffuse SSc (American College of Rheumatology [ACR] criteria) patients with a modified Rodnan skin score (MRSS) > 30 (0-51) were submitted to treatment with cyclophosphamide (CPM), at a monthly dose of 0.5 to 1.0 g/m² IV for 18 months. MRSS was performed every six months during 18 months. Laboratory evidence of inflammatory activity and adverse events were also retrospectively assessed. Patients with severe pulmonary and cardiac involvement were excluded. RESULTS: Most patients were female (77%) with mean age of 41.7 years and duration of disease of 2.2 years. There was a significant reduction in the MRSS from 37.7 ± 4.08 to 29.1 ± 8.13 after 12 months of treatment (P = 0.009). Seven patients completed 18 months of CPM and had persistent reduction of the MRSS (mean MRSS = 26.4. P = 0.01). There was also a reduction of C-reactive protein (CRP) (initial mean CRP = 8.9 mg/dL) compared with values after 18 months of treatment (mean CRP = 3.09 mg/dL, P = 0.04). There were no infections, urinary disorders and/or important hematological problems throughout the treatment. CONCLUSION: The treatment with cyclophosphamide was effective and should be considered an alternative for the treatment of severe cutaneous involvement of SSc

    Altered adhesion molecules expression on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with systemic sclerosis and clinical correlations

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the expressions of adhesion molecules (AM) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) from systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients. Thirty-one SSc patients (ACR) and 20 normal subjects were selected for the study. PBMNC were analyzed for LFA-1 alpha, LFA-1 beta, ICAM-3, ICAM-1, and l-selectin expressions. ICAM-3 expression was decreased while ICAM-1 was increased on SSc PBMNC, compared to controls (p = 0.04 and 0.003, respectively). A positive association was found between LFA-1 alpha (r = 0.37, p = 0.03), LFA-1 beta (r = 0.38, p = 0.002), ICAM-3 (r = 0.42, p = 0.01), and l-selectin (r = 0.38, p = 0.03) expressions and greater number of immunosuppressive drugs taken by SSc patients. Also, anti-centromeric positive SSc patients had lower expressions of LFA-1 alpha, LFA-1 beta, ICAM-3, and l-selectin. Lower expression of ICAM-3 and higher expression of ICAM-1 suggest that AMs may be involved in the pathogenesis of scleroderma

    Pentoxyphylline in association with vitamin E reduces cutaneous fibrosis in systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a disorder characterized by skin thickness and vasculopathy. The objective of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of the association of pentoxyphylline and vitamin E in SSc patients. Twelve SSc patients (American College of Rheumatology criteria) enrolled this 24-week open-label study. Patients received daily 800 mg of pentoxyphylline and 800 UI of vitamin E and were evaluated at 4-week interval. The primary efficacy endpoint was the change in Modified Rodnan Skin Score (MRSS) at week 24. Nine diffuse SSc patients treated 6 months with cyclophosphamide were used as a historical control group. The mean age of the treated group was 43.6 years, and ten of 12 (84%) patients were women. Their mean MRSS reduced from 25.7 to 18.7 (p = 0.03) at 16th week and remained significantly reduced throughout the study. In contrast, only a trend of MRSS reduction was observed in the historical control group (p = 0.06). Two patients started the study with active ischemic ulcers and ended with a complete healing of them. No serious side effects were reported. Pentoxyphylline and vitamin E might be an alternative therapeutic approach in SSc patients