22,394 research outputs found

    A Compound model for the origin of Earth's water

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    One of the most important subjects of debate in the formation of the solar system is the origin of Earth's water. Comets have long been considered as the most likely source of the delivery of water to Earth. However, elemental and isotopic arguments suggest a very small contribution from these objects. Other sources have also been proposed, among which, local adsorption of water vapor onto dust grains in the primordial nebula and delivery through planetesimals and planetary embryos have become more prominent. However, no sole source of water provides a satisfactory explanation for Earth's water as a whole. In view of that, using numerical simulations, we have developed a compound model incorporating both the principal endogenous and exogenous theories, and investigating their implications for terrestrial planet formation and water-delivery. Comets are also considered in the final analysis, as it is likely that at least some of Earth's water has cometary origin. We analyze our results comparing two different water distribution models, and complement our study using D/H ratio, finding possible relative contributions from each source, focusing on planets formed in the habitable zone. We find that the compound model play an important role by showing more advantage in the amount and time of water-delivery in Earth-like planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Contemporary splinting practice in the UK for adults with neurological dysfunction: A cross-sectional survey

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Aim: To explore the contemporary splinting practice of UK occupational therapists and physiotherapists for adults with neurological dysfunction. Method: Cross-sectional online survey of members of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology and College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section Neurological Practice. Results: Four hundred and twenty therapists completed the survey. Contracture management is the most common rationale for therapists splinting adults with neurological dysfunction. Other shared therapeutic goals of splinting include maintaining muscle and joint alignment, spasticity management, function, pain management and control of oedema. Considerable clinical uncertainty was uncovered in practice particularly around wearing regimens of splints. Most therapists have access to locally-derived splinting guidelines, which may contribute to this diversity of practice. Conclusions: This study provides a unique insight into aspects of contemporary splinting practice among UK therapists, who belong to a specialist neurological professional network and work in a number of different health-care settings with adults who have a neurological condition. Study findings show a wide variation in splinting practice, thereby indicating a potential need for national guidance to assist therapists in this area of clinical uncertainty. Further research is required to establish best practice parameters for splinting in neurological rehabilitation

    Systemic Bone Mass Alterations and Ligature-Induced Periodontitis in Wistar Rats

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    Chronic inflammatory conditions have been associated with pathological outcomes, resulting in events responsible for abbreviation of life or decreasing life quality in elders. Periodontal diseases have been associated with systemic disorders, but there is a lack of evidence concerning the relationship between periodontal inflammation and systemic bone conditions. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between ligature-induced periodontitis and generalized bone mass alterations in Wistar rats. Periodontal disease was induced by the placement of silk ligatures around the maxillary left second molar of each animal of the test group (n=14). The control group did not receive ligatures. Systemic bone mass was determined by bone densitometry (double energy X-ray). After 30 and 60 days of ligature placement, bone densitometry analysis did not reveal statistically significant differences between test and control groups both for bone mineral density and bone mineral content (BMC), but at 60 days BMC was slightly lower in the test group. Total bone area was, at 30 days, higher in the test group than in controls. However at 60 days this relationship was inverted, with a higher bone area in the control group. The control group exhibited progressive bone growth, as shown by comparison of BMC between 30 and 60 days; this bone growth was significantly higher than in the test group

    Constraining non-minimally coupled tachyon fields by Noether symmetry

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    A model for a spatially flat homogeneous and isotropic Universe whose gravitational sources are a pressureless matter field and a tachyon field non-minimally coupled to the gravitational field is analyzed. Noether symmetry is used to find the expressions for the potential density and for the coupling function, and it is shown that both must be exponential functions of the tachyon field. Two cosmological solutions are investigated: (i) for the early Universe whose only source of the gravitational field is a non-minimally coupled tachyon field which behaves as an inflaton and leads to an exponential accelerated expansion and (ii) for the late Universe whose gravitational sources are a pressureless matter field and a non-minimally coupled tachyon field which plays the role of dark energy and is the responsible of the decelerated-accelerated transition period.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Monitoramento do vetor da Huanglongbing (HLB) nos hortos e viveiros produtores de citros e murta na Bahia.

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    O psilídeo Diaphorina citri, inseto sugador de seiva do floema, é vetor transmissor da bactéria Candidatus Liberibacter que causa a ameaçadora doença dos citros: o Huanglongbing (HLB, ex-greening). A Bahia, o segundo produtor de laranja do país, apresenta o status de área livre desta doença. Além do citros, o D. citri também utilizam como hospedeiro a Murraya paniculata, uma planta ornamental também conhecida como murta.PDF. 154_11

    Análise comportamental de um acesso de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) em relação a dois tipos de meio de cultura e doses de um fertilizante solúvel comercial.

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    A mandioca é uma cultura de grande importância nos trópicos, porque é um alimento de base prontamente disponível e com alto teor protéico (NASSAR et al., 2009). Como a mandioca convencionalmente é propagada de forma vegetativa ou assexuada, mediante segmentos do caule denominados de manivas-sementes ou apenas manivas, torna-se imprescindível que o material de plantio sofra uma rigorosa seleção, de forma que possa refletir na obtenção de plantas sadias, mais vigorosas e produtivas. No entanto, a multiplicação via manivas pode acumular pragas e patógenos, que associados a fatores ambientais, como clima e solo, podem afetar características como vigor, altura, teor de amido e produção de raízes, entre outras. Diante disso a produção de manivas sadias, partindo de materiais gerados pela micropropagação, constitui um importante procedimento na produção de materiais de plantio de qualidade. Mediante a micropropagação procura-se maximização da multiplicação de gemas, o que está estreitamente relacionado com o meio de cultura e a manipulação de seus componentes. A escolha do meio de cultura adequado é um fator relevante para a micropropagação devido ao importante papel que os componentes minerais desempenham no processo de regeneração. Além disso, visando melhorar o desenvolvimento vegetativo e radicular das plantas in vitro, diversos produtos tem sido estudados na micropropagação vegetal, sejam de natureza orgânica, como polpa de banana e água de coco ou mineral. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as diferentes concentrações de um fertilizante solúvel comercial, adicionado a dois tipos de meio de cultura, em relação a diversas variáveis e ao desenvolvimento das plantas de um acesso do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma in vitro de mandioca, o BGM 1660 (Aipim Brasil)

    Influência do número de explante e do volume do meio de cultura na micropropagação da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz).

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    A mandioca (Manihot esculenta) é uma planta com alto teor de carboidratos e apresenta relevante capacidade de produção e adaptação às condições climáticas. A cultura proporciona inúmeras alternativas de aproveitamento, tanto dentro da propriedade rural quanto na indústria, para obtenção de vários produtos (NASSAR; ORTIZ, 2007), sendo a maior parte de sua produção utilizada para consumo humano. Sua propagação é feita vegetativamente, a partir de estacas. No campo, esta propagação se dá de forma muito lenta e, várias doenças, principalmente as sistêmicas, podem ser transmitidas por meio de sucessivas gerações (OLIVEIRA et al., 2000). O cultivo in vitro e subsequente micropropagação é uma técnica atualmente bem estabelecida para diversas espécies e visa a propagação clonal, eliminação de vírus, conservação de germoplasma, entre outros (GRATTAPAGLIA; MACHADO, 1998). A mandioca pode ser multiplicada por micropropagação. Entretanto, algumas cultivares não respondem de modo satisfatório, apresentando taxas de multiplicação mais baixas, trazendo dessa forma, sérios problemas em trabalhos que necessitam de plantas para propagação no campo (CABRAL et al., 2000). Nesse sentido, esse trabalho teve como objetivo determinar condições adequadas para micropropagação de mandioca a partir da avaliação do volume do meio de cultura e do número de explantes que propiciem um melhor desenvolvimento das plantas in vitro