15,426 research outputs found

    Self-organizing social hierarchies on scale-free networks

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    In this work we extend the model of Bonabeau et al. in the case of scale-free networks. A sharp transition is observed from an egalitarian to an hierarchical society, with a very low population density threshold. The exact threshold value also depends on the network size. We find that in an hierarchical society the number of individuals with strong winning attitude is much lower than the number of the community members that have a low winning probability

    Reshuffling spins with short range interactions: When sociophysics produces physical results

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    Galam reshuffling introduced in opinion dynamics models is investigated under the nearest neighbor Ising model on a square lattice using Monte Carlo simulations. While the corresponding Galam analytical critical temperature T_C \approx 3.09 [J/k_B] is recovered almost exactly, it is proved to be different from both values, not reshuffled (T_C=2/arcsinh(1) \approx 2.27 [J/k_B]) and mean-field (T_C=4 [J/k_B]). On this basis, gradual reshuffling is studied as function of 0 \leq p \leq 1 where p measures the probability of spin reshuffling after each Monte Carlo step. The variation of T_C as function of p is obtained and exhibits a non-linear behavior. The simplest Solomon network realization is noted to reproduce Galam p=1 result. Similarly to the critical temperature, critical exponents are found to differ from both, the classical Ising case and the mean-field values.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures in 6 eps files, to appear in IJMP

    CVD of CrO2: towards a lower temperature deposition process

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    We report on the synthesis of highly oriented a-axis CrO2 films onto (0001) sapphire by atmospheric pressure CVD from CrO3 precursor, at growth temperatures down to 330 degree Celsius, i.e. close to 70 degrees lower than in published data for the same chemical system. The films keep the high quality magnetic behaviour as those deposited at higher temperature, which can be looked as a promising result in view of their use with thermally sensitive materials, e.g. narrow band gap semiconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Modelling formation and evolution of transverse dune fields

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    We model formation and evolution of transverse dune fields. In the model, only the cross section of the dune is simulated. The only physical variable of relevance is the dune height, from which the dune width and velocity are determined, as well as phenomenological rules for interaction between two dunes of different heights. We find that dune fields with no sand on the ground between dunes are unstable, i.e. small dunes leave the higher ones behind. We then introduce a saturation length to simulate transverse dunes on a sand bed and show that this leads to stable dune fields with regular spacing and dune heights. Finally, we show that our model can be used to simulate coastal dune fields if a constant sand influx is considered, where the dune height increases with the distance from the beach, reaching a constant value.Comment: 18 pages including 9 figure

    Electrical activation and electron spin coherence of ultra low dose antimony implants in silicon

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    We implanted ultra low doses (2x10^11 cm-2) of 121Sb ions into isotopically enriched 28Si and find high degrees of electrical activation and low levels of dopant diffusion after rapid thermal annealing. Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance shows that spin echo decay is sensitive to the dopant depths, and the interface quality. At 5.2 K, a spin decoherence time, T2, of 0.3 ms is found for profiles peaking 50 nm below a Si/SiO2 interface, increasing to 0.75 ms when the surface is passivated with hydrogen. These measurements provide benchmark data for the development of devices in which quantum information is encoded in donor electron spins

    High fidelity one-qubit operations under random telegraph noise

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    We address the problem of implementing high fidelity one-qubit operations subject to time dependent noise in the qubit energy splitting. We show with explicit numerical results that high fidelity bit flips and one-qubit NOT gates may be generated by imposing bounded control fields. For noise correlation times shorter than the time for a pi-pulse, the time optimal pi-pulse yields the highest fidelity. For very long correlation times, fidelity loss is approximately due to systematic error, which is efficiently tackled by compensation for off-resonance with a pulse sequence (CORPSE). For intermediate ranges of the noise correlation time we find that short CORPSE, which is less accurate than CORPSE in correcting systematic errors, yields higher fidelities. Numerical optimization of the pulse sequences using gradient ascent pulse engineering results in noticeable improvement of the fidelities for the bit flip and marginal improvement for the NOT gate.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Avaliação genômica de Piper yellow mottle virus da pimenteira do reino (Piper nigrum L.).

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    Edição dos resumos do 44º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 2011, Bento Gonçalves. Resumo 776

    Pseudoscalars Mesons in Hot, Dense Matter

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    Phase transitions in hot and dense matter and the in--medium behavior of pseudoscalar mesons (π±,π0,K±,K0,Kˉ0,ηandη\pi^{\pm}, \pi^0, K^{\pm}, K^0 ,\bar K^0,\eta {and} \eta' ) are investigated, in the framework of the three flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, including the 't Hooft interaction, which breaks the UA(1)U_A(1) symmetry. Three different scenarios are considered: zero density and finite temperature, zero temperature and finite density in quark matter with different degrees of strangeness, and finite temperature and density. At T=0, the role of strange valence quarks in the medium is discussed, in connection with the phase transition and the mesonic behavior. It is found that the appearance of strange quarks, above certain densities, leads to meaningful changes in different observables, especially in matter with \betaequilibrium.Thebehaviorofmesonsinthe --equilibrium. The behavior of mesons in the T-\rho$ plane is analyzed in connection with possible signatures of restoration of symmetries.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, PRC versio