8,265 research outputs found

    The Penna model for biological ageing on a lattice: spatial consequences of child-care

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    We introduce a square lattice into the Penna bit-string model for biological ageing and study the evolution of the spatial distribution of the population considering different strategies of child-care. Two of the strategies are related to the movements of a whole family on the lattice: in one case the mother cannot move if she has any child younger than a given age, and in the other case if she moves, she brings these young children with her. A stronger condition has also been added to the second case, considering that young children die with a higher probability if their mothers die, this probability decreasing with age. We show that a highly non uniform occupation can be obtained when child-care is considered, even for an uniform initial occupation per site. We also compare the standard survival rate of the model with that obtained when the spacial lattice is considered (without any kind of child-care).Comment: 8 pages, 6 Postscript figure

    Applications and Sexual Version of a Simple Model for Biological Ageing

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    We use a simple model for biological ageing to study the mortality of the population, obtaining a good agreement with the Gompertz law. We also simulate the same model on a square lattice, considering different strategies of parental care. The results are in agreement with those obtained earlier with the more complicated Penna model for biological ageing. Finally, we present the sexual version of this simple model.Comment: For Int.J.Mod.Phys.C Dec. 2001; 11 pages including 6 fig

    Optimisation of Low-Thrust and Hybrid Earth-Moon Transfers

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    This paper presents an optimization procedure to generate fast and low-∆v Earth-Moon transfer trajectories, by exploiting the multi-body dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Ideal (first-guess) trajectories are generated at first, using two coupled planar circular restricted three-body problems, one representing the Earth-Moon system, and one representing the Sun-Earth. The trajectories consist of a first ballistic arc in the Sun-Earth system, and a second ballistic arc in the Earth-Moon system. The two are connected at a patching point at one end (with an instantaneous ∆v), and they are bounded at Earth and Moon respectively at the other end. Families of these trajectories are found by means of an evolutionary optimization method. Subsequently, they are used as first-guess for solving an optimal control problem, in which the full three-dimensional 4-body problem is introduced and the patching point is set free. The objective of the optimisation is to reduce the total ∆v, and the time of flight, together with introducing the constraints on the transfer boundary conditions and of the considered propulsion technology. Sets of different optimal trajectories are presented, which represents trade-off options between ∆v and time of flight. These optimal transfers include conventional solar-electric low-thrust and hybrid chemical/solar-electric high/low-thrust, envisaging future spacecraft that can carry both systems. A final comparison is made between the optimal transfers found and only chemical high-thrust optimal solutions retrieved from literature

    A Heuristic Strategy to Compute Ensemble of Trajectories for 3D Low Cost Earth-Moon Transfers

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    The problem of finding optimal trajectories is essential for modern space mission design. When considering multibody gravitational dynamics and exploiting both low-thrust and high-thrust and alternative forms of propulsion such as solar sailing, sets of good initial guesses are fundamental for the convergence to local or global optimal solutions, using both direct or indirect methods available to solve the optimal control problem. This paper deals with obtaining preliminary trajectories that are designed to be good initial guesses as input to search optimal low-energy short-time Earth-Moon transfers with ballistic capture. A more realistic modelling is introduced, in which the restricted four-body system Sun-Earth-Moon-Spacecraft is decoupled in two patched planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problems, taking into account the inclination of the orbital plane of the Moon with respect to the ecliptic. We present a heuristic strategy based on the hyperbolic invariant manifolds of the Lyapunov orbits around the Lagrangian points of the Earth- Moon system to obtain ballistic capture orbits around the Moon that fulfill specific mission requirements. Moreover, quasi-periodic orbits of the Sun-Earth system are exploited using a genetic algorithm to find optimal solutions with respect to total Dv, time of flight and altitude at departure. Finally, the procedure is illustrated and the full transfer trajectories assessed in view of relevant properties. The proposed methodology provides sets of low-cost and shorttime initial guesses to serve as inputs to compute fully optimized three-dimensional solutions considering different propulsion technologies, such as low, high, and hybrid thrust, and/or using more realistic models

    Interplay between chiral and axial symmetries in a SU(2) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with the Polyakov loop

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    We consider a two flavor Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model where the Lagrangian includes an interaction term that explicitly breaks the UA(1)_A(1) anomaly. At finite temperature, the restoration of chiral and axial symmetries, signaled by the behavior of several observables, is investigated. We compare the effects of two regularizations at finite temperature, one of them, that allows high momentum quarks states, leading to the full recovery of chiral symmetry. From the analysis of the behavior of the topological susceptibility and of the mesonic masses of the axial partners, it is found in the SU(2) model that, unlike the SU(3) results, the recovery of the axial symmetry is not a consequence of the full recovery of the chiral symmetry. Thus, one needs to use an additional idea, by means of a temperature dependence of the anomaly coefficient, that simulates instanton suppression effects.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; PRD versio

    Some properties of two Nambu--Jona-Lasinio -type models with inputs from lattice QCD

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the so-called Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential. The calculations are performed in the light and strange quark sectors (uu, dd, ss), which includes the 't Hooft instanton induced interaction term that breaks the axial symmetry, and the quarks are coupled to the (spatially constant) temporal background gauge field. On one hand, a special attention is payed to the critical end point (CEP). The strength of the flavor-mixing interaction alters the CEP location, since when it becomes weaker the CEP moves to low temperatures and can even disappear. On the other hand, we also explore the connection between QCD, a nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type model and the Landau gauge gluon propagator. Possible links between the quenched gluon propagator and low energy hadronic phenomenology are investigated.Comment: Contribution to the International Meeting "Excited QCD", Peniche, Portugal, 06 - 12 May 201

    (Re)connect social and environmental responsibility to learners’ living environments: Curriculum challenges and possible solutions for teaching-learning in Life Orientation

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    An analysis of the National Curriculum Statement indicates a strong focus on the promotion of knowledge in local context, whilst being sensitive to global imperatives. This implies that learning experiences must reflect local realities first; a call which compels teachers to adapt their teaching with the purpose to make learning relevant and meaningful for the learner. It is therefore an appropriate time to ask the key question: Do Life Orientation teachers (re)connect their teaching-learning on social and environmental responsibility with learners’ living environments to adhere to curriculum requirements of relevance and meaningfulness? The qualitative data obtained from 13 structured classroom observations, with specific reference to the topic social and environmental responsibility, revealed that Life Orientation teachers experienced challenges. Based on these qualitative findings the researchers propose place-based education as an appropriate teaching-learning strategy to (re)connect social and environmental responsibility with the learner’s living environment

    Chaos and Synchronized Chaos in an Earthquake Model

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    We show that chaos is present in the symmetric two-block Burridge-Knopoff model for earthquakes. This is in contrast with previous numerical studies, but in agreement with experimental results. In this system, we have found a rich dynamical behavior with an unusual route to chaos. In the three-block system, we see the appearance of synchronized chaos, showing that this concept can have potential applications in the field of seismology.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letters (13 pages, 6 figures
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