269 research outputs found

    Advanced Diagnostics of Position Sensors for the Actuation Systems of High-Speed Tilting Trains

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    Trains tilting permits a train to travel at a high speed while maintaining an acceptable passenger ride quality with respect to the lateral acceleration, and the consequent lateral force, received by the passengers when the train travels on a curved track at a speed in excess of the balance speed built into the curve geometry. The tilting of a train carbody is performed by a control and actuation system which operates as a closed servoloop accepting the commands from the train control system, generating the torque necessary to tilt the carbody with respect to the bogie and measuring the tilt angle to close the control loop. Measurement of the tilt angle of each train vehicle is performed by two sensors located in the front and rear part of the vehicle. Since a correct tilt angle measurement is vital for the system operation and for ensuring a safe ride, in case of discrepancy between the signals of the two tilt angle sensors of any vehicle, the tilting operation is disabled and the train speed is reduced. An innovative tilt angle sensors health management system is herein presented that makes intelligent use of all available information to allow detection of malfunctioning of an individual tilt angle sensor, thereby enabling a continued operation of the tilting system and a high speed travel after a sensor failure occurs

    High torque, low velocity pneumatic rotary servomotor

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    The work deals about the design of a pneumatic rotating servomotor intended for low speed, high torque operation. The servosystem is based on a pneumatic orbital motor working in the 0 – 80 rpm range with a maximum torque of 28 Nm, and hence it can be applied in heavy duty application. The paper analyses the kinematic layout of the motor, shows the results of characterisation tests and finally it discusses the layout and the components to implement closed loop velocity control. The effectiveness of control layout based on the use of pressure proportional and flow proportional valves is compared by experimental tests. The results show the capabilityof the servosystem to keep the set velocity and to react to external disturbance

    Design of a PHM system for electro-mechanical flight controls: a roadmap from preliminary analyses to iron-bird validation

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    Literature on PHM is focused on research dedicated to the definition of new algorithms to achieve better failures prognosis or earlier and more accurate fault diagnosis, but lacks of examples on the design of novel PHM frameworks and the practical issues related with their implementation. This paper describes a roadmap for the design of a novel Prognostics and Health Management system while making reference to a real-case scenario applied to electro-mechanical actuators for flight control systems

    Preliminary study towards the definition of a PHM framework for the hydraulic system of a fly-by-wire helicopter

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    On-board hydraulic systems are tasked to provide a number of critical functions to ensure the in-flight operability of rotary-wings vehicles; the hydraulic system is needed to supply power to the flight control actuators and a number of other utilities, as well as to condition the hydraulic fluid, under a wide range of possible in-service conditions. Being a flight-critical system, the definition of a Prognostics and Health Management framework would provide significant advantages to the users, such as better risk mitigation and improved availability. Moreover, a significant reduction in the occurrences of unpredicted failures, one of the more known downsides of helicopters, is expected. A preliminary analysis on the effects of the inception and progression of several degradation types is the first step assess the feasibility of a PHM system for new platforms, and which failure modes are more likely to be observed. Further, since several key components are frequently provided by different suppliers to the airframer, this preliminary analysis would allow to better assess if an Integrated Vehicle Health Management approach, integrating signals coming from different components, could be beneficial. To pursue this study, a complete model of the hydraulic system for a flyby-wire helicopter has been prepared. Then, an in-depth simulation campaign was pursued with the aim of studying the interactions between different failure modes, the effects that the propagating degradations have on the system performances and which signals can be used to define a robust set of features. The paper introduces the case-study under analysis, a general configuration for fly-by-wire helicopters, presenting the most prominent peculiarities of the system and the effect of such peculiarities on the definition of health monitoring schemes. The model is then used to describe the behavior of the system under nominal and degraded conditions is introduced. Between the possible failure modes, the interaction between wear in several mechanical components and the clogging of the hydraulic lines filters was chosen as the subject of this study; motivations are provided and the degradation model described in detail. Hence, results of a wide-ranging simulation campaign are presented, where the time-domain response of the system is used to guide in the definition of a proper set of features able to characterize the selected fault cases. Selected features are presented, chosen according to significant metrics such as correlation with the simulated degradations, signal-to-noise ratio and accuracy. Two different approaches with a varying degree of integration between system signals are proposed and compared. Prognostics is then pursued through well-known particle filter algorithms. The analysis provides promising results on the capability of successfully detecting, isolating and identifying the selected fault mode; laying the foundations for further and more comprehensive studies on the subject

    A Preliminary Experimental Study on the Effects of Wear on the Torsional Stiffness of Strain Wave Gears

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    Strain wave gears, also known as harmonic drives, are employed in a wide range of fields such as robotics and aerospace, where light weights, precision, and reliability are essential to the correct execution of the tasks. For this reason, their understanding and optimization are of high interest for both academia and industry. Previous studies have been mainly focused on investigating and modeling the working principle of strain wave gears in nominal operating conditions. On the contrary, the present paper describes the results of an experimental campaign aimed to introduce wear in gears of two different suppliers and its impact on the gear torsional stiffness. Results show how the change in the gear performance strongly depends both on the gear manufacturer and the location of wear. For the analyzed components, a damaged wave generator–flexspline interface reduces the gear stiffness up to one-fourth of its nominal value, while the non-nominal shape of the teeth jeopardizes the gearbox performance, leading up to just 4% of the nominal stiffness values, and resulting in backlash. Such data can be used to properly model the presence of wear in strain wave gears and to train data-driven diagnostics and prognostics routines to effectively detect such a fault

    A Robust Adaptive Hydraulic Power Generation System for Jet Engines

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    The paper presents an innovative hydraulic power generation system able to enhance performance, reliability and survivability of hydraulic systems used in military jet engines, as well as to allow a valuable power saving. This is obtained by a hydraulic power generation system architecture that uses variable pressure, smart control, emergency power source and suitable health management procedures. A key issue is to obtain all these functions while reducing to a minimum the number of additional components with respect to the conventional hydraulic power generation systems. The paper firstly presents the state-of-art of these systems and their critical issues, outlines the alternative solutions, and then describes architecture, characteristics and performance of the hydraulic power generation system that was eventually defined as a result of a research activity aimed at moving beyond the present state-of-art in this fiel

    Preliminary analysis on an IVHM approach for prognosis of high-pressure filters for hydraulic Power Control Modules of helicopters

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    The process of filtration is critical to ensure long operative life to on-board hydraulic equipment, especially in rotating-wing application where the severe vibratory environment lead to accelerated wear of the mechanical components and hence an increased production of debris. Filtration is obtained by mechanically separating the physical contaminants from the hydraulic fluid by means of filters, which hence tend to clog under prolonged usage. Filter replacement has been so far pursued through scheduled maintenance strategy, which however have proven to be rather cost-ineffective. To transition to a Condition-Based Maintenance, new Prognostics and Health Monitoring frameworks need to be developed. The paper deals with the feasibility analysis of such a system based on a high-fidelity simulation environment, rigorous description of the operating conditions and state-of-the-art algorithms

    Integrated Health Monitoring for the actuation system of high-speed tilting trains

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    Tilting trains are designed to reach high speed on pre-existing railroads without the need of adjusting the tracks geometry or building dedicated lines; the tilting of the carbody keeps an acceptable level of comfort by limiting the lateral acceleration felt by passengers when the train runs along curved tracks with speed higher than the balance speed built into the curve geometry. As such, they are often used to reduce travel times on routes with several curves. Tilting is performed through a position-controlled actuation system which operates according to the commands received from the train control system: in the studied configuration, the torque needed to tilt the car body with respect to the bogie is provided by a series of hydraulic actuators, while the position information used to close the control loop comes from two capacitive sensors located in the front and rear part of each vehicle. Tilt angle measurement is vital for the system operation and for ensuring a safe ride; the traditional solution in case of discrepancy between the signals of the two tilt angle sensors of any vehicle is to disable the tilting function while limiting the train speed to avoid issues during changes of direction. In a similar fashion, the failure in one (or more) of the tilting actuators would result in the loss of the tilting capability and the return to a fixed configuration operating at reduced speed. It should be noticed that the negative impact of the loss of the tilting system is not limited to the faulty train, since it might affect the entire traffic schedule on the interested lines. The paper presents an integrated Health Monitoring framework that makes intelligent use of all available information thus enhancing the system availability, allowing its operation even in presence of faulty sensors and detecting the onset of failures in the actuation system. At the same time its use can facilitate maintenance organization, simplify the spare parts logistics and provide help to the traffic management. The proposed framework has been developed taking advantage of a high-fidelity model of the physical system validated through comparison with experimental mission profiles on the Lichtenfels - Saalfeld and Battipaglia - Reggio Calabria routes, which have been used by the train manufacturer to assess the performance of their tilting trains

    In-depth Feature Selection for PHM System’s Feasibility Study for Helicopters’ Main and Tail Rotor Actuators

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    As deeply complex machines subjected to heavy vibratory environment, helicopters require relative low mean time between overhaul and suffer from high maintenance cost and availability issues. So far, PHM for helicopters has been aimed at detecting the presence of structural defects in the most critical parts of the mechanical transmission conveying power from the engine to the rotor blades, but very little has been presented on other flight-critical components, such as the main and tail rotor actuators. The proposed paper is focused on preliminary diagnostics and prognostics considerations for a traditional configuration of hydraulic solution, where a tandem actuator is aided by a Stability and Command Augmentation System (SCAS) during operations. At first, the case-study is introduced and the simulation model employed for the analysis is described. Hence, two different failure modes affecting the SCAS are investigated and the physical models used to describe their progression are presented. In-depth data mining is then applied to achieve an accurate feature selection from raw data and an original way to visualize features’ performances through an accuracysensitivity plane is proposed. Lastly, a particle filtering approach is adopted for failure prognosis and its output evaluated through traditional PHM metrics to assess the algorithm effectiveness. The present research provides encouraging results regarding the opportunity of realising a PHM system for helicopters’ flight control actuators without the need of additional sensors, which could make solutions based upon the presented work feasible for both in-service and future platform
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