368 research outputs found

    Senior Recital: Margaret A. Griffin, Soprano; Skip Buss, Piano; April 24, 1977

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    Hayden AuditoriumSunday AfternoonApril 24, 19774:00 p.m

    Structure and Mechanism of Dimer-Monomer Transition of a Plant Poly(A)-Binding Protein upon RNA Interaction: Insights into Its Poly(A) Tail Assembly

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    Poly(A)-binding proteins (PABPs) play crucial roles in mRNA biogenesis, stability, transport and translational control in most eukaryotic cells. Although animal PABPs are well-studied proteins, the biological role, three-dimensional structure and RNA-binding mode of plant PABPs remain largely uncharacterized. Here, we report the structural features and RNA-binding mode of a Citrus sinensis PABP (CsPABPN1). CsPABPN1 has a domain architecture of nuclear PABPs (PABPNs) with a single RNA recognition motif (RRM) flanked by an acidic N-terminus and a GRPF-rich C-terminus. The RRM domain of CsPABPN1 displays virtually the same three-dimensional structure and poly(A)-binding mode of animal PABPNs. However, while the CsPABPN1 RRM domain specifically binds poly(A), the full-length protein also binds poly(U). CsPABPN1 localizes to the nucleus of plant cells and undergoes a dimer–monomer transition upon poly(A) interaction. We show that poly(A) binding by CsPABPN1 begins with the recognition of the RNA-binding sites RNP1 and RNP2, followed by interactions with residues of the β2 strands, which stabilize the dimer, thus leading to dimer dissociation. Like human PABPN1, CsPABPN1 also seems to form filaments in the presence of poly(A). Based on these data, we propose a structural model in which contiguous CsPABPN1 RRM monomers wrap around the RNA molecule creating a superhelical structure that could not only shield the poly(A) tail but also serve as a scaffold for the assembly of additional mRNA processing factors

    Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) in Pediatrics: Factors That Impact Symptom Severity and Referral to Treatment.

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    The post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) is a complex condition. While there are emerging studies on its effects in adults, there is scarce research regarding the long-term effects of COVID-19 infection among youth. Several researchers have likened long-haul COVID-19 to chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). In adults, the prognosis for these diagnoses is less promising than that in youth; however, there is currently very little information available on the presentation of youth with PASC. A better understanding of the specific symptom presentation for youth diagnosed with PASC is necessary. Retrospective chart reviews were conducted collecting demographic data, COVID-19 symptoms and disease progression, and vaccination status. Additional data on referrals to a PASC treatment program and appointments attended were collected. Overall, data suggested that youth present with less severe PASC symptoms than adults, and the role of vaccination is unclear. These youth are often not referred to treatment programs. More exploration is necessary to continue to build an understanding of how best to aid youth diagnosed with PASC

    Thermodynamics for spatially inhomogeneous magnetization and Young-Gibbs measures

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    We derive thermodynamic functionals for spatially inhomogeneous magnetization on a torus in the context of an Ising spin lattice model. We calculate the corresponding free energy and pressure (by applying an appropriate external field using a quadratic Kac potential) and show that they are related via a modified Legendre transform. The local properties of the infinite volume Gibbs measure, related to whether a macroscopic configuration is realized as a homogeneous state or as a mixture of pure states, are also studied by constructing the corresponding Young-Gibbs measures

    Application of a Key Events Dose-Response Analysis to Nutrients: A Case Study with Vitamin A (Retinol)

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    The methodology used to establish tolerable upper intake levels (UL) for nutrients borrows heavily from risk assessment methods used by toxicologists. Empirical data are used to identify intake levels associated with adverse effects, and Uncertainty Factors (UF) are applied to establish ULs, which in turn inform public health decisions and standards. Use of UFs reflects lack of knowledge regarding the biological events that underlie response to the intake of a given nutrient, and also regarding the sources of variability in that response. In this paper, the Key Events Dose-Response Framework (KEDRF) is used to systematically consider the major biological steps that lead from the intake of the preformed vitamin A to excess systemic levels, and subsequently to increased risk of adverse effects. Each step is examined with regard to factors that influence whether there is progression toward the adverse effect of concern. The role of homeostatic mechanisms is discussed, along with the types of research needed to improve understanding of dose-response for vitamin A. This initial analysis illustrates the potential of the KEDRF as a useful analytical tool for integrating current knowledge regarding dose-response, generating questions that will focus future research efforts, and clarifying how improved knowledge and data could be used to reduce reliance on UFs

    Novel retinoic acid metabolism blocking agents have potent inhibitory activities on human breast cancer cells and tumour growth

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    Antitumour effects of retinoids are attributed to their influence on cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis. In our effort to develop useful agents for breast cancer therapy, we evaluated the effects of four representative retinoic acid metabolism blocking agents (RAMBAs, VN/14-1, VN/50-1, VN/66-1 and VN/69-1) on growth inhibition of oestrogen receptor positive (ER +ve, MCF-7 and T-47D) and oestrogen receptor negative (ER −ve, MDA-MB-231) human breast cancer cells. Additionally, we investigated the biological effects/molecular mechanism(s) underlying their growth inhibitory properties as well as their antitumour efficacies against MCF-7 and MCF-7Ca tumour xenografts in nude mice. We also assessed the effect of combining VN/14-1 and all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) on MCF-7 tumuor xenografts. The ER +ve cell lines were more sensitive (IC50 values between 3.0 and 609 nM) to the RAMBAs than the ER −ve MDA-MB-231 cell line (IC50=5.6–24.0 μM). Retinoic acid metabolism blocking agents induced cell differentiation as determined by increased expression of cytokeratin 8/18 and oestrogen receptor-α (ER-α). Similar to ATRA, they also induced apoptosis via activation of caspase 9. Cell cycle analysis indicated that RAMBAs arrested cells in the G1 and G2/M phases and caused significant downregulation (>80%) of cyclin D1 protein. In vivo, the growth of MCF-7 mammary tumours was dose-dependently and significantly inhibited (92.6%, P<0.0005) by VN/14-1. The combination of VN/14-1 and ATRA also inhibited MCF-7 breast tumour growth in vivo (up to 120%) as compared with single agents (P<0.025). VN/14-1 was also very effective in preventing the formation of MCF-7Ca tumours and it significantly inhibited the growth of established MCF-7Ca tumours, being as effective as the clinically used aromatase inhibitors, anastrozole and letrozole. Decrease in cyclin D1 and upregulation of cytokeratins, Bad and Bax with VN/14-1 may be responsible for the efficacy of this compound in inhibiting breast cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Our results suggest that our RAMBAs, especially VN/14-1 may be useful novel therapy for breast cancer

    Human pluripotent embryonal carcinoma NTERA2 cl.D1 cells maintain their typical morphology in an angiomyogenic medium

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    BACKGROUND: Pluripotent embryonal carcinomas are good potential models, to study, "in vitro," the mechanisms that control differentiation during embryogenesis. The NTERA2cl.D1 (NT2/D1) cell line is a well known system of ectodermal differentiation. Retinoic acid (RA) induces a dorsal pattern of differentiation (essentially neurons) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) or hexamethylenebisacetamide (HMBA) induces a more ventral (epidermal) pattern of differentiation. However, whether these human cells could give rise to mesoderm derivatives as their counterpart in mouse remained elusive. We analyzed the morphological characteristics and transcriptional activation of genes pertinent in cardiac muscle and endothelium differentiation, during the growth of NT2/D1 cells in an inductive angiomyogenic medium with or without Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP2). RESULTS: Our experiments showed that NT2/D1 maintains their typical actin organization in angiomyogenic medium. Although the beta myosin heavy chain gene was never detected, all the other 15 genes analyzed maintained their expression throughout the time course of the experiment. Among them were early and late cardiac, endothelial, neuronal and teratocarcinoma genes. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that despite the NT2/D1 cells natural tendency to differentiate into neuroectodermal lineages, they can activate genes of mesodermal lineages. Therefore, we believe that these pluripotent cells might still be a good model to study biological development of mesodermal derivatives, provided the right culture conditions are met