26 research outputs found

    Socially Constrained Structural Learning for Groups Detection in Crowd

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    Modern crowd theories agree that collective behavior is the result of the underlying interactions among small groups of individuals. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm for detecting social groups in crowds by means of a Correlation Clustering procedure on people trajectories. The affinity between crowd members is learned through an online formulation of the Structural SVM framework and a set of specifically designed features characterizing both their physical and social identity, inspired by Proxemic theory, Granger causality, DTW and Heat-maps. To adhere to sociological observations, we introduce a loss function (G-MITRE) able to deal with the complexity of evaluating group detection performances. We show our algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results when relying on both ground truth trajectories and tracklets previously extracted by available detector/tracker systems

    Learning to Divide and Conquer for Online Multi-Target Tracking

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    Online Multiple Target Tracking (MTT) is often addressed within the tracking-by-detection paradigm. Detections are previously extracted independently in each frame and then objects trajectories are built by maximizing specifically designed coherence functions. Nevertheless, ambiguities arise in presence of occlusions or detection errors. In this paper we claim that the ambiguities in tracking could be solved by a selective use of the features, by working with more reliable features if possible and exploiting a deeper representation of the target only if necessary. To this end, we propose an online divide and conquer tracker for static camera scenes, which partitions the assignment problem in local subproblems and solves them by selectively choosing and combining the best features. The complete framework is cast as a structural learning task that unifies these phases and learns tracker parameters from examples. Experiments on two different datasets highlights a significant improvement of tracking performances (MOTA +10%) over the state of the art

    From Groups to Leaders and Back. Exploring Mutual Predictability Between Social Groups and Their Leaders

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    Recently, social theories and empirical observations identified small groups and leaders as the basic elements which shape a crowd. This leads to an intermediate level of abstraction that is placed between the crowd as a flow of people, and the crowd as a collection of individuals. Consequently, automatic analysis of crowds in computer vision is also experiencing a shift in focus from individuals to groups and from small groups to their leaders. In this chapter, we present state-of-the-art solutions to the groups and leaders detection problem, which are able to account for physical factors as well as for sociological evidence observed over short time windows. The presented algorithms are framed as structured learning problems over the set of individual trajectories. However, the way trajectories are exploited to predict the structure of the crowd is not fixed but rather learned from recorded and annotated data, enabling the method to adapt these concepts to different scenarios, densities, cultures, and other unobservable complexities. Additionally, we investigate the relation between leaders and their groups and propose the first attempt to exploit leadership as prior knowledge for group detection

    DR(eye)VE: a Dataset for Attention-Based Tasks with Applications to Autonomous and Assisted Driving

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    Autonomous and assisted driving are undoubtedly hot topics in computer vision. However, the driving task is extremely complex and a deep understanding of drivers' behavior is still lacking. Several researchers are now investigating the attention mechanism in order to define computational models for detecting salient and interesting objects in the scene. Nevertheless, most of these models only refer to bottom up visual saliency and are focused on still images. Instead, during the driving experience the temporal nature and peculiarity of the task influence the attention mechanisms, leading to the conclusion that real life driving data is mandatory. In this paper we propose a novel and publicly available dataset acquired during actual driving. Our dataset, composed by more than 500,000 frames, contains drivers' gaze fixations and their temporal integration providing task-specific saliency maps. Geo-referenced locations, driving speed and course complete the set of released data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publicly available dataset of this kind and can foster new discussions on better understanding, exploiting and reproducing the driver's attention process in the autonomous and assisted cars of future generations

    Predictive model for bacterial co-infection in patients hospitalized for COVID-19: a multicenter observational cohort study

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    Objective: The aim of our study was to build a predictive model able to stratify the risk of bacterial co-infection at hospitalization in patients with COVID-19. Methods: Multicenter observational study of adult patients hospitalized from February to December 2020 with confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Endpoint was microbiologically documented bacterial co-infection diagnosed within 72 h from hospitalization. The cohort was randomly split into derivation and validation cohort. To investigate risk factors for co-infection univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Predictive risk score was obtained assigning a point value corresponding to β-coefficients to the variables in the multivariable model. ROC analysis in the validation cohort was used to estimate prediction accuracy. Results: Overall, 1733 patients were analyzed: 61.4% males, median age 69 years (IQR 57-80), median Charlson 3 (IQR 2-6). Co-infection was diagnosed in 110 (6.3%) patients. Empirical antibiotics were started in 64.2 and 59.5% of patients with and without co-infection (p = 0.35). At multivariable analysis in the derivation cohort: WBC ≥ 7.7/mm3, PCT ≥ 0.2 ng/mL, and Charlson index ≥ 5 were risk factors for bacterial co-infection. A point was assigned to each variable obtaining a predictive score ranging from 0 to 5. In the validation cohort, ROC analysis showed AUC of 0.83 (95%CI 0.75-0.90). The optimal cut-point was ≥2 with sensitivity 70.0%, specificity 75.9%, positive predictive value 16.0% and negative predictive value 97.5%. According to individual risk score, patients were classified at low (point 0), intermediate (point 1), and high risk (point ≥ 2). CURB-65 ≥ 2 was further proposed to identify patients at intermediate risk who would benefit from early antibiotic coverage. Conclusions: Our score may be useful in stratifying bacterial co-infection risk in COVID-19 hospitalized patients, optimizing diagnostic testing and antibiotic use

    Social Groups Detection in Crowd through Shape-Augmented Structured LearningImage Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2013

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    Most of the behaviors people exhibit while being part of a crowd are social processes that tend to emerge among groups and as a consequence, detecting groups in crowds is becoming an important issue in modern behavior analysis. We propose a supervised correlation clustering technique that employs Structural SVM and a proxemic based feature to learn how to partition people trajectories in groups, by injecting in the model socially plausible shape configurations. By taking into account social groups patterns, the system is able to outperform state of the art methods on two publicly available benchmark sets of videos

    Towards the evaluation of reproducible robustness in tracking-by-detection

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    Conventional experiments on MTT are built upon the belief that fixing the detections to different trackers is sufficient to obtain a fair comparison. In this work we argue how the true behavior of a tracker is exposed when evaluated by varying the input detections rather than by fixing them. We propose a systematic and reproducible protocol and a MATLAB toolbox for generating synthetic data starting from ground truth detections, a proper set of metrics to understand and compare trackers peculiarities and respective visualization solutions

    Learning to identify leaders in crowd

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    Leader identification is a crucial task in social analysis, crowd management and emergency planning. In this paper, we investigate a computational model for the individuation of leaders in crowded scenes. We deal with the lack of a formal definition of leadership by learning, in a supervised fashion, a metric space based exclusively on people spatiotemporal information. Based on Tarde's work on crowd psychology, individuals are modeled as nodes of a directed graph and leaders inherits their relevance thanks to other members references. We note this is analogous to the way websites are ranked by the PageRank algorithm. During experiments, we observed different feature weights depending on the specific type of crowd, highlighting the impossibility to provide a unique interpretation of leadership. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to study leader identification as a metric learning proble