3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mendongeng terhadap Kemampuan Adaptif Anak Keterbelakangan Mental

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    Kemampuan adaptif sangat diperlukan untuk membantu individu berinteraksi di lingkungannya, hanya saja pada anak dengan keterbelakangan mental kemampuan adaptif ini berkembang jauh di bawah usianya. Salah satu kemampuan adaptif adalah kemampuan berbahasa yang merupakan kemampuan berbahasa dalam artian sosial. Berbahasa dapat berkembang melalui beragam metode dan pendekatan dan salah satunya adalah mendongeng. Masih sangat sedikit penelitian yang mendalami dongeng sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui peran darinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mendongeng terhadap kemampuan adaptif yakni pada perkembangan berbahasa anak keterbelakangan mental. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan psikologi perkembangan, klinis, dan pendidikan serta bagi para orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan keterbelakangan mental juga bagi para guru dan professional yang membantu memberikan penanganan pada anak keterbelakangan mental. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan teknik Repeated Measures Design. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah metode Friedman repeated measurement. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 3 orang anak usia 9-12 tahun dengan taraf kecerdasan MR Ringan. Pengukuran kemampuan adaptif pada subyek penelitian adalah dengan skala perilaku adaptif dari AAMD yang dilakukan berulang sebanyak tiga kali setelah sesi mendongeng dilaksanakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memberikan penanganan dengan dongeng secara rutin sebanyak sembilan kali berturut-turut selama tiga minggu berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan adaptif yaitu perkembangan bahasa anak dengan keterbelakangan mental

    Penerapan Solution-Focused Brief Therapy dalam Meningkatkan Self-Esteem pada Remaja Perempuan Penderita Leukemia

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    The diagnosis of cancer have an impact on physical and psychological development of adolescent. Psychological impact is felt with the emergence of some emotional reactions, such as fear, anxiety, sadness, despair, anger, guilt, and shame. Adolescents who experience physical and psychological impact of the treatment of the cancer will experience problems in self-esteem and body image, that have an impact on the development of adolescent self until early adulthood. The establishment of self-esteem need to occur in adolescence. In adolescence, the individual will develop a positive sense of self so that adolescence is an important period for individuals to establish self-esteem, because at this time many changes occur both physically and emotionally. This study was conducted to help improve self-esteem in young woman with leukimia with solution-focused brief therapy. The participant of this study was two participants adolescent female with early-stage leukimia ALL types for two years. This therapy was conducted in three weeks by researcher herself. Researcher used questionnaries measuring selfesteem and graphics tests before and after the intervention to measure the role of therapy programs. Solution-focused brief therapy used in this study shows no role to improve the self-esteem of adolescent female patients with leukimia. This is because the PA subjects only increased by 2 points and subjects SS increased scores by 10 point

    The Role of Resilience Towards Altruism: Be Strong for Yourself Before Anyone Else

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    Professional psychologists provide services for clients to heal. Thus, it is important for professional psychology graduate students to have altruism, or a trait in which individuals are consistently more generous, helpful, and kind than the average people. To have altruism, students must have resilience, namely the ability to rise in the face of stressful situations with the following dimensions: (a) personal competence; (b) tolerance to adverse effects; (c) acceptance of changes; (d) control; and (e) spiritual beliefs. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of resilience to altruism. The research took data from 104 students, and data processing was done by linear regression. It was found that overall resilience played a role in altruism. If viewed per dimension, the only dimensions significantly impacting altruism were tolerance to adverse effects and control. Further research can explore the relationship between resilience and altruism in other service-providing professionals