7 research outputs found

    The influence of root rot incidence on cassava genotype on consumers’ acceptability of the gari produced from it

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    In Nigeria cassava root rot causes serious yield losses in cassava tuber production every year. However, the influence of root rot incidence on cassava genotype at harvest on consumers’ acceptability of the gari produced from it has not been studied. A sensory evaluation was conducted on gari processed from the tuberous root yield of rot susceptible TME-1 and improved TMS 30572, harvested at 12 months after planting at Sabongidda-Ora (humid forest eco-zone) of Nigeria during the2003 and 2004 cropping seasons. A 5-point hedonic scale ranging from like extremely, through neither like nor dislike, to dislike extremely was designed to measure the degree of liking for the gari processedfrom both genotypes. 28 panelists were asked to indicate their degree of preference for the colour, odour and taste of each gari sample by choosing the appropriate category in the hedonic scale. The results were compared with the tuberous root rot incidence and severity of genotypes in the field. All experiments were repeated and the data collected were statistically analysed using the general linear model statistical procedures with the SAS system for windows. Comparisons among treatment means was done with the least significant square, with the Duncan multiple range test (P = 0.05). Variety TME-1 with the highest root rot incidence and severity of 53 and 21% respectively was less preferred for gari colour, texture and odour compared to TMS 30572 which had 15 and 6% rot incidence and severityrespectively. In the second year trial where TME-1 still possessed the highest rot incidence and severity, panellists still showed more preference for the colour, taste and odour in TMS 30572 gari than TME-1 gari. All the differences observed and reported above between TMS 30572 and TME-1 were significantly different at probability 0.05%. The results of this experiment clearly show that high root rot incidence of a cassava genotype in the field can reduce consumer’s acceptability of the gari producedfrom it

    Depleting forest resources of Nigeria and its impact on climate

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    Nigeria is well endowed with forest resources but the excessive exploitation of these forest resources is a source of concern and threat to the economic, social and environmental importance. The forest, apart from providing a large proportion of the global supply of timber and fuel, also provide a wide range of non – wood products and environmental functions. These products include bush meat, medicine, watershed protection, stabilisation of the hydrological regime and carbon sequestration. Forests regulate global climate and act as a major agents of carbon exchange in atmosphere. The rate of destruction of forest resources has now become a global issue. In Nigeria, natural forests have reduced drastically and its impacts on climate change are increasing. Measures for minimizing deforestation and managing climate change need to be developed urgently. This paper examined the deteriorating forest resources of Nigeria and its impact on climate change.Key words: Forest Resources, Deforestation, Forest Status, Climate Chang

    Markovian Study of Maintenance Practice in a Production Firm – A Case Study

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    There are several reasons why maintenance managers need to ascertain, from time to time, the reliability profile of their production machines that are subject to constant use. This study furnishes the justifications by analyzing a 12-year maintenance data classified under machine time, downtime, idle time, running time, among others. Markov chain model as well as some reliability models – availability, mean time to failure, mean time between failures, hazard rate (λ) – were used to analyze the bulky data obtained from a soft drink bottling company based in Lagos, Nigeria. Our results suggest that the long run maintenance practice of the organization has caused between 87-94% of the machines/equipment to be in idle state while between 6-13% to be due for retirement. It is our candid opinion that if urgent action is not taken to whittle down the lingering trend the company will get to the brink of collapse.Keywords: Transition matrix, Absorbing state, Catastrophic Failure, Matrix Utilization FactorsNigerian Journal of Technological Researc

    Biomass yield and modeling of logging residues of Terminalia superba in Southwestern Nigeria

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    An important aspect of sustainable forest management is periodical inventory, which coupled with the need for conservation of forest resources, formed the basis for the estimation of logging residues of Terminalia superba in the South-western part of Nigeria. A total of thirty one (31) trees were clear-felled in natural forests by plotless sampling techniques. Replicate wood discs and samples were taken fresh from the stem, branch and foliage residues left on the forest floors after the useful logs have been evacuated. The samples were dried to a constant weight in the laboratory and thereafter, the fresh/dry weight ratio of the samples was used to estimate the biomass of the residues of the felled trees. The mean biomass of the residues of Terminalia superba were 125.99kg, 135.42kg and 18.91kg for stem, branches and foliage respectively. Residues generated were found to be highest in the tree branches, followed by the stem and the foliage. The contribution of the various biomass components in relation to the total residue biomasses were 45.84% stem, 47.85% branch and 6.29% foliage. The use of Dbh as an independent variable in the prediction of models for estimating the biomass residues of the tree species was adjudged best because it performed well. The validation results showed that the selected models satisfied the assumptions of regression analysis. The practical implication of the models is that they could be readily used in the estimation of biomass residues of Terminalia superba.Keywords: Modelling, logging residue, biomass yield, Terminalia ivorensi

    Application of Georeferencing in the management of environmental pollution in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria

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    The Niger Delta region of Nigeria that bears the bulk of the nation’s oil wealth has long been faced with environmental degradation and pollution. This being the direct result of oil spillage, gas flaring and other anthropogenic impacts that have for long characterized the activities of oil industries operating in the region. These have consistently endangered plant and animal life as well as the lives of humans in the area. The widerange of important ecosystem goods and services provided by the Niger Delta region are under serious threat due to mainly the erratic and haphazard physical developments, as well as externalities from users (e.g. agriculture, oil and gas industries) therefore recognizing the continuous degradation of the region becomes imperative, as we do not even know the extent and magnitude of environmental pollution owing to dearth of information. It is therefore necessary to archive the pollution data in a georeferenced system for ease of retrieval and access, for the purpose of environmental management. One of the key technical issues that were considered towards environmental management solution in the Earth Summit of 1992 is the use and development of geotechnology to bridge the data gap that forms the basis for environmental policy decision and implementation. Georeferencing offers opportunities in the accurate monitoring and assessment of environmental changes and effects taking place in the area. It also helps to identify the driving forces of the environmental changes. GIS mapping will assist in assessing the spatial distribution and ecological change of the environment, identifying the baseline data of the region such as vegetation types and densities; the land use types and pollution “hot spots”. The paper examined  appropriately, the application of Georeferencing for environmental resource assessment, monitoring and analysis; modeling and environmental information updating essential for environmental pollution archiving in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.Keywords:Environmental pollution, Georeferencing, Geo-technology, Niger Delta Region, Environmental Sustainable Management

    Haemorheological Changes in African Breast Cancer Patients

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    Several Studies have indicated the existence of thrombo-embolic complications in cancer patients and that this could be associated with changes in heamorheological parameters. Packed cell volume (PCV), heamoglobin (Hb), relative plasma viscosity (RPV) and plasma Fibrinogen concentration (PFC) were measured in 50 healthy control women, 50 age-matched women with breast cancer, and 10 women with histophathologically proven benign breast tumour. There were significant differences between the controls and breast cancer patients in all the parameters measured (