14 research outputs found

    Interplay of Dirac fermions and heavy quasiparticles in solids

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    Many-body interactions in crystalline solids can be conveniently described in terms of quasiparticles with strongly renormalized masses as compared with those of non-interacting particles. Examples of extreme mass renormalization are on the one hand graphene, where the charge carriers obey the linear dispersion relation of massless Dirac fermions, and on the other hand heavy-fermion materials where the effective electron mass approaches the mass of a proton. Here we show that both extremes, Dirac fermions, like they are found in graphene and extremely heavy quasiparticles characteristic for Kondo materials, may not only coexist in a solid but can also undergo strong mutual interactions. Using the example of EuRh₂Si₂, we explicitly demonstrate that these interactions can take place at the surface and in the bulk. The presence of the linear dispersion is imposed solely by the crystal symmetry, whereas the existence of heavy quasiparticles is caused by the localized nature of the 4f states

    Advanced Materials Treatment by Shock Waves

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