5,933 research outputs found

    Kaon Phase Space Density in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The first measurement of kaon phase space densities are presented as a function of transverse mass, center of mass energy and the number of participants. The kaon phase space density increases with the number of participants from e+e- to Pb+Pb collisions. However the ratio of the kaon and pion phase space densities at low transverse momentum is independent of the number of participants for sqrt{s}=17GeV/nucleon This paper is dedicated to Francis Riccardelli, engineer for the Port Authority, who died on September 11th 2001 while evacuating others.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, proceedings of Strange Quarks in Matter, Frankfurt 2001, submitted to J. Phys. G In response to referees comments I derived an expresion for the ratio of kaon and pion phase space densites and made several clarifications in the tex

    Threats of economic safety of the Russian construction industry during the economic crisis

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    This article analyzes potential threats to economic safety, the construction industry in Russia. Identified external and internal factors affecting the economic safety of the Russian construction industry. Defined task of overcoming the economic crisis and thus prevent economic security threat to Russia's construction industry


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     A lot of test equipment is being currently developed and operated, including machines for testing materials in tension and compression, bending, shear, torsion, wear, impact, devices for determining hardness and elastic constants of materials, facilities for technological tests of materials, climatic factors studies. The development of facilities for conducting the research on wearability of components and individual elements takes priority for different machines and mechanisms operating in severe conditions

    Bose-Einstein correlations at the Z0Z^{0} peak

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    Presented here is an overview of studies of the manifestations of the Bose-Einstein correlations in the hadronic decays of Z/sup 0/ boson, performed by the LEP experiments. The scope of the overview is confined to studies of two and three particle correlation functions for charged pions, with emphasis on analyses of transverse mass m/sub T/ and directional dependence of the two particle correlation function parameters. (17 refs)

    An Overview of a Grid Architecture for Scientific Computing

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    This document gives an overview of a Grid testbed architecture proposal for the NorduGrid project. The aim of the project is to establish an inter-Nordic testbed facility for implementation of wide area computing and data handling. The architecture is supposed to define a Grid system suitable for solving data intensive problems at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. We present the various architecture components needed for such a system. After that we go on to give a description of the dynamics by showing the task flow

    Shadow economy as threat of economic security system construction business in russian

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    В статье анализируются явления и процессы, которые оказывают деструктивное влияние на систему социально-экономических отношений строительного бизнеса России. В рыночной экономике их привыкли называть «теневая экономика», «серая экономика», или «скрытая экономическая деятельность». Выявлены виды строительного бизнеса, которые относятся к таковым. Предложены инструменты снижения масштабов теневого сектора строительного бизнеса России.The article analyzes events and processes that have a destructive effect on the system of socio-economic relations of the construction business in Russia. In a market economy, they used to call «shadow economy», «grey economy», or «hidden economic activities». Types of building business which concern to those are revealed. Tools of decrease in scales of shadow sector of building business of Russia are offered

    Efficiency of activities for career guidance and UrFU promotional programs among potential students

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    The purpose of this article is the analysis of measures for career guidance of Ural Federal University entrants. A survey among first-year students with continuous sampling was used as data collection method. Results of the analysis of first-year students' opinions about their attitudes to career guidance activities in URFU in 2014 are interesting to educational institutions, to senior high school students and to all other stakeholders in the market of educational services. Conclusions about efficiency of measures for career guidance are relative and can be extrapolated in terms of large cities (more than one million inhabitants) and in terms of large regional and federal universities.Целью статьи выступает анализ мероприятий по профессиональной ориентации абитуриентов при поступлении в Уральский Федеральный университет. При сборе информации применялся метод анкетирования первокурсников, выборка сплошная. Результаты анализа мнений первокурсников об их отношении к профориентационным мероприятиям УрФУ в 2014 году представляют интерес для учреждений образования, старшеклассников и всех иных заинтересованных субъектов на рынке образовательных услуг. Выводы об эффективности мероприятий по профессиональной ориентации носят относительный характер и могут быть экстраполированы в условиях крупных городов (не менее миллиона жителей) и крупных ВУЗов регионального или федерального масштаба

    Threats of economic safety of the Russian construction industry during the economic crisis

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    The article analyzes the potential economic threats to security, the Russian construction industry. Identified external and internal factors influencing an economic security of building branch of Russia are revealed. Defined task of overcoming the economic crisis and thus prevent economic security threat to Russia's construction industry.В статье анализируются потенциальные угрозы экономической безопасности, строительной отрасли России. Выявлены внешние и внутренние факторы, влияющие на экономическую безопасность строительной отрасли России. Определены задачи преодоленияэкономического кризиса и тем самым предотвращения угрозы экономической безопасности строительной отрасли России