15 research outputs found

    213Bi-PAI2 conjugate selectively induces apoptosis in PC3 metastatic prostate cancer cell line and shows anti-cancer activity in a xenograft animal model

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    A novel α-particle emitting (213Bi) plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 construct, which targets the membrane-bound urokinase plasminogen activator on prostate cancer cells, was prepared and evaluated in vitro and in a xenograft animal model. The PC3 prostate cancer cell line expresses urokinase plasminogen activator which binds to its receptor on the cell membrane; plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 is bound to urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor to form stable complexes. In vitro, the cytotoxicity of 213Bi-plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 against prostate cancer cells was tested using the MTS assay and apoptosis was documented using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridinetriphosphate nick end-labelling (TUNEL) assay. In vivo, antiproliferative effects for tumours and prostate cancer lymph node metastasis were carried out in an athymic nude mouse model with a subcutaneous xenograft of PC3 cells. 213Bi-plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 was specifically cytotoxic to PC3 cells in a concentration-dependent fashion, causing the cells to undergo apoptosis. A single local or i.p. injection of 213Bi-plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 was able to completely regress the growth of tumours and lymph node metastases 2 days post subcutaneous inoculation, and obvious tumour regression was achieved in the therapy groups compared with control groups with 213Bi-plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 when the tumours measured 30–40 mm3 and 85–100 mm3. All control animals and one of five (20%) mice treated with 3 mCi kg−1 213Bi-plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 developed metastases in the lymph nodes while no lymphatic spread of cancer was found in the 6 mCi kg−1 treated groups at 2 days and 2 weeks post-cell inoculation. These results demonstrate that this novel 213Bi-plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 conjugate selectively targets prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo, and could be considered for further development for the therapy of prostate cancer, especially for the control of micro-metastases or in minimal residual disease

    The 2 micron plasmid: a selfish genetic element with an optimized survival strategy within Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Since its discovery in the early 70s, the 2 micron plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae continues to intrigue researchers with its high protein-coding capacity and a selfish nature yet high stability, earning it the title of a 'miniaturized selfish genetic element'. It codes for four proteins (Rep1, Rep2, Raf1, and Flp) vital for its own survival and recruits several host factors (RSC2, Cohesin, Cse4, Kip1, Bik1, Bim1, and microtubules) for its faithful segregation during cell division. The plasmid maintains a high-copy number with the help of Flp-mediated recombination. The plasmids organize in the form of clusters that hitch-hike the host chromosomes presumably with the help of the plasmid-encoded Rep proteins and host factors such as microtubules, Kip1 motor, and microtubule-associated proteins Bik1 and Bim1. Although there is no known yeast cell phenotype associated with the 2 micron plasmid, excessive copies of the plasmid are lethal for the cells, warranting a tight control over the plasmid copy number. This control is achieved through a combination of feedback loops involving the 2 micron encoded proteins. Thus, faithful segregation and a concomitant tightly controlled plasmid copy number ensure an optimized benign parasitism of the 2 micron plasmid within budding yeast

    Microtubule-associated proteins, Bik1 and Bim1, are required for faithful partitioning of the endogenous 2 micron plasmids in budding yeast

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    The 2 plasmid of budding yeast shows high mitotic stability similar to that of chromosomes by using its self-encoded systems, namely partitioning and amplification. The partitioning system consists of the plasmid-borne proteins Rep1, Rep2 and a cis-acting locus STB that, along with several host factors, ensures efficient segregation of the plasmid. The plasmids show high stability as they presumably co-segregate with chromosomes through utilization of various host factors. To acquire these host factors, the plasmids are thought to localize to a certain sub-nuclear locale probably assisted by the motor protein, Kip1 andmicrotubules. Here, we show that the microtubule-associated proteins Bik1 and Bim1 are also important host factors in this process, perhaps by acting as an adapter between the plasmid and the motor and thus helping to anchor the plasmid to microtubules. Abrogation of Kip1 recruitment at STB in the absence of Bik1 argues for its function at STB upstream of Kip1. Consistent with this, both Bik1 and Bim1 associate with plasmids without any assistance from the Rep proteins. As observed earlier with other host factors, lack of Bik1 or Bim1 also causes a cohesion defect between sister plasmids leading to plasmid missegregation

    A comparative evaluation of Ac225 vs Bi213 as therapeutic radioisotopes for targeted alpha therapy for cancer

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    The Ac225:Bi213 generator is the mainstay for preclinical and clinical studies of targeted alpha therapy for cancer. Both Ac225 (four alpha decays) and Bi213 (one alpha decay) are being used to label targeting vectors to form the alpha immunoconjugate for cancer therapy. This paper considers the radiobiological and economic aspects of Ac225 vs Bi213 as the preferred radioisotope for preclinical and clinical TAT. The in vitro and in vivo evidence and the role of DNA repair processes is examined. The maximum tolerance dose and therapeutic gain are endpoints for comparison. Ac225 has the higher therapeutic gain, when normalised to equal alpha production. However, the slow repair of double strand breaks reduces this advantage. Comparisons are made for the specific energy deposition in targeted and non-targeted cells, for endothelial cells by direct or indirect targeting, the need for sparing agents to save critical organs and cost considerations for preclinical and clinical trials and clinical use. Overall, Ac225 is found to have the better or equal performance to Bi213 at a much lower cost

    Addressing Social Justice and Cultural Identity in Pakistani Education : a Qualitative Content Analysis of Curriculum Policy

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    Pakistan was set up as a relatively egalitarian and democratic state. However, the trend has been for successive governments to create a more theocratic/Islamic, less inclusive, and less democratic state especially during the Zia regime. This led to the dominance of a relatively narrow and exclusionary conception of Pakistani national identity—based on the aspirations of the dominant Sunni Punjabi ethnic group. This increased the difficulties of the remaining ethnic and religious groups, whose cultural diversity was less clearly recognised either politically, socially, or educationally—and indeed there was a distinct prejudice practised against them. In the early twenty first century, the Musharraf regime tried to make changes to this approach through policies based on enlightened moderation—a variant of liberal democracy. Against this background, this chapter presents the findings from a qualitative content analysis of some of the key education policy and secondary school curriculum documents produced during the Musharraf regime. The aim of this analysis was to understand how these policy documents addressed social justice and cultural diversity issues in Pakistan